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Pancreatic pain wake you up?

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Hi All,

Has anyone on here ever been awaken with spasms from their pancreas? I'm

finding laying down really makes it mad..I'm sleeping with my head up on

pillows but of course my body finds it way to lay flat and then I'm

hurting and awake. I was up more last night than asleep...Hugs,

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Yes, I am awaken at night with spasms but not in my pancreases. Only in the

biliary area and my back. I have to lay on my left side or flat on my back

kathyusa@... wrote:Hi All,

Has anyone on here ever been awaken with spasms from their pancreas? I'm

finding laying down really makes it mad..I'm sleeping with my head up on

pillows but of course my body finds it way to lay flat and then I'm

hurting and awake. I was up more last night than asleep...Hugs,

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I found that being awakened in the middle of a sound sleep to

be one of my first major beefs with this disease. I tried to hold on

to my job as long as possible and the fatigue was one of the

determining factors that lead to my resignation. As my condition

progressed the back pain got to the point that I could not even stand

fully erect. I always had excellent posture from years of strict

etiquette training I had as a child (you wouldn't believe what we had

to do...LOL). I slept with a heating pad and it did help a lot but

for years I would stay awake or would lay on the recliner in the

living room. There was just no comfortble position.

All my life I had a bad back. From early childhood to just a few

years before I was diagnosed with cp. I went to many an ER and was

told everything from juvenile arthritis, kidney stones and muscles

spasm to poor body mechanics. Its kind of funny but after I had the

total pancreatectomy my back felt so light and for the first time in

I cant say how long I wasn't stiff and sore. It was right where

Heidi had described it. Where my bra line is from under my sternum

around my right rib cage under my arm pit and through my back to the

spine and up my right shoulder.

Oh and about Dr. Cotton, he doesn't see as many patients as he used

to but Dr. Hawes, his partner does. Hawes has been with

Cotton for close to 20 years and they do confer on patients. If you

can not get an appt with Cotton within a reasonalbe amount of time

(ie 6 weeks) then ask about Hawes. I would take my children to him

if need be that is how much I respect the man. He is an excellent

physcian and very very nice man.

I hope you feel better and your new GI doc treats you well. Let us

know how it goes.


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It has gotten me up a few times. When it does, it is usually severe pain.


> Hi All,


> Has anyone on here ever been awaken with spasms from their pancreas?


> finding laying down really makes it mad..I'm sleeping with my head

up on

> pillows but of course my body finds it way to lay flat and then I'm

> hurting and awake. I was up more last night than asleep...Hugs,

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Yes...pain wakes me up in the night alot! I also find it hard to lay

down to go to sleep at times, but the worse pain is when I wake up with

it. I have gotten to a point that I take an Ambien about 20 mintues

before and read in bed (this is key(reading in bed), because at times

that Ambien kicks in quickly and makes me loopey) Of course the Ambien

won't let me sleep thru a really bad attack, but I would like to think

it helps me sleep thru some pain. Still, I feel like a zombie during

the day at times!

I hope you find something that works for you.


Suzi B.


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kathyusa@... wrote:Hi All,

Has anyone on here ever been awaken with spasms from their pancreas? I'm

finding laying down really makes it mad..I'm sleeping with my head up on

pillows but of course my body finds it way to lay flat and then I'm

hurting and awake. I was up more last night than asleep...Hugs,

Hi ,

My daughter would wake up and have to crawl to my bedroom because she was woke

up in the worst pain ever and she couldn't walk(many times) and we couldn't hear

her yell for us. (She has a very soft voice.)We are so glad that all that is

behind us now.But we feel for the people who still suffer.Hope you have a better

night tonight. ......DeeDee

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