Guest guest Posted July 7, 2005 Report Share Posted July 7, 2005 To all of you who use this brand of Duragesic: Since being on the duragesic patch, I was on the & brand for the first 8 or 9 months. I will have been on the MYLAN patch now for about 2.5 months or so. Here is my experience-- 1. After being on the MYLAN patch for less than a month, I underwent severe reaction to the regular dose (a reaction not encountered as much when my prescription was raised from 15 to 50 and then 50 to 75) which must have been a terrible INCREASE in medication with the 75 patch. All I could do was to sleep, only taking enough time to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. I was so affected mentally that I could not even read a single sentence in a book without having to read it several times only to fall asleep and to forget what I had read. This went on for the entire 3-day duration of the patch itself. 2. In my 6th or 7th week I experienced a severe DECREASE in dosage. I had the heebie geebies really bad. My legs were cramped and sore. My breathing was labored. I could not sllep for naught because of the pain and discomfort overall from the lack of this medication. I guess it was my first experience in detoxification cold turkey! I got permission from my doctor to change the patch whenever this occurs as long as I let him know of the circumstance. 3. Just this last week (Sat.-Tues.) I experienced another INCREASE in dosage and had the same symptoms as I had in #1 above. Today, I called my doctor and complained about this medication. He referred me to the pharmacist with my HMO (Kaiser Permanente). The pharmacist agreed that the MYLAN patch was not working for me and recommended that I contact my doctor with the information that it would be permissible for him to write me a new prescription in which he would write that no generics were to be used. Now I am faced with a financial burden greater than I had before but, it seems that it all evens out. Here is my MYLAN expense list for 100 days: 3 scripts for MYLAN Duragesic $15 1 Carton of 100 bioclusive patches from & $86 Total = $101 The costs for the and product are: 3 scripts for J & J Duragesic $45 1 Carton of 100 bioclusive patches from & $00 Total = $ 45 What am I going to do with the extra money? LOL Seriously, should you EVER suffer any of the above symptoms, it may well be a sign that you should go back to the J & J product. I would not wish such suffering as I have had on anyone. Anyse Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 10, 2005 Report Share Posted July 10, 2005 Anyse, Thanks for your warning. I've been using only the Janssen brand, ( & ), of Duragesic patches for the last two and a half years. Duragesic is actually a trademarked name, licensed for use by & , of which Janssen Pharmaceticals is a subsidiary, so they are the only labs that can use the name Duragesic legally. Mylan is just a generic substitution, and in my opinion, a poor substitute at that!! After what has happened with the Mylan patches these past two weeks, I think I'd even welcome that unexpected " increase " in medication, because these things haven't done anything at all to relieve my pain. I'd written in an earlier post that my PM doctor advised against the use of Mylan generic substitutes, claiming that there were reports that the generics were substandard and had problems with leakage and dosing irregularity. I finally found out what he was talking about!! Unfortunately, when my refills were due at the end of last month, my PM doctor was on vacation. So when I went down to pick up my script, his partner had written out the script, checking the box allowing for generic substitutions. Foolishly, I failed to look at the script before dropping it off at my pharmacy, and the pharmacist who is my friend and owns the pharmacy, was on his day off when the script was filled. If he'd been there, this never would have happened, but the substitute pharmacist processed the script for the Mylan generic, instead of the Duragesic patches. Naturally, my insurance company was more than happy to okay that refill, and now I'm stuck, NO pun intended, with them. After two weeks of use of the Mylan fentanyl patches, all I can say is that they don't work as effectively as the Duragesic. I'm still in the same pain that I was before I " thought " I was getting better again. Also, these patches won't stay on at all....just another negative complaint. Fortunately I had enough of the Bioclusives to put over them, otherwise they were falling off on the second day. But I truly don't feel that I'm getting the pain relief that the Duragesic patches give me, even though these are the same dosage. I'm ticked because I'm stuck with a month's supply of the Mylan patches and I'm not getting enough pain relief, so will consequently run out of my BT meds, (oxycodone), at least a week or more ahead of time. I know that this is going to cause me BIG problems come renewal time, so I plan to call my PM doctor tomorrow and ask for an appointment. I need to get either an increase in the fentanyl patches, or more oxycodone. I don't really want to have to do either one. After dropping my dosage from 75 to 50 I'd like to stay there. And I also don't want to have to start using more oxy just to make up the difference! I've learned an important lesson, and that is to read that script at the doctor's office, have it translated to me if I can't read it...and MAKE SURE IT'S CORRECT before I ever leave the doctor's office. It's been a very painful lesson, and I hope to never have to use Mylan patches again. With love, hope and prayers, Heidi Heidi H. Griffeth Bluffton, SC SC State & SE Regional Representative Pancreatitis Association, International Note: Comments or advice are based on my personal experiences or opinions only, and should not be substituted for professional medical consultation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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