Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 Karolina, What a pretty name! I love the spelling. I read your story and you have been down a rough road. I have pancreas divisum also. I had problems on and off for years and finally go the official diagnosis this year. I had surgery to open up the scarred ducts a month ago. I understand what you are going through. It is a rough road! I am 38 and have 2 kids 9 and 12. I am a kindergarten aide. My work has suffered this year due to the pancreas problems. That really upsets me but I am not ready to quit yet. I am hoping that after this surgery and things get settled down I will be alot better and better able to work. Welcome to the group. You are in a group with some really great people They have helped me so much. It is so great to not feel alone in this anymore isn't it!! Take care and if I can help in anyway please don't hesitate to ask. Angie in SC " The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything that comes along their way. " Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 Im a " newbie " here. I joined about a week ago or so (i know it wasnt that long ago). I have been reading up on posts and trying to get to know the people in here. It sure sounds like i found myself a rather good support group here. Its nice to truely know that im not the only one in the whole world that has Chronic Pancreatitis. Here is a little about me (the way i write i can fore warn you it might be long LOL)...... Im a 22 year old female and i have been dealing with abdominal pain for years now (5 plus years). I live in Florida. I recently moved here with my parents because they thought maybe warmer weather would make me healthier. If only that could be true, i would be cured lol. Lord knows here in Florida there is more then enough sun and YES humidity. I am struggling with college. Im in my undergraduate studies and i can say its horribly difficult to juggle that with being sick all the time. Im a premed major in the hopes of starting a double major in Psychology and Premed and a minor in Chemistry. BLAH, too much schooling....... but bring it on. Ever since i was little i wanted to become a doctor. I suppose i should start from the beginning. My Junior year in high school (in 1999-2000) i started to get sick with reaccurent abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fevers, etc. It became much more pronounced my Senior year in high school (in 2000-2001). I graduated from high school in May of 2001 with honors and i continued to become sick. I saw my PCP (primary care physician) whom referred me to a GYNO and it was concluded that i could possibly have Endometriosis. The difficult thing that with Endometriosis, it can be readily missed by modern day scans such as ultrasounds. So i was scheduled for a Diagnostic Laparoscopy to be done on December 2001. I had freshly started college at a wonderful university and i was able to finish that semester off. I had a huge class loud with about 16 credits. Which is roughly 5 classes. I had also just started working as a Phelebotomist at a local hospital. When i was in high school i took career technical training course in Health Careers for two years (durning my junior and senior year) and im elegible to obtain my EKG Tech license, Phelebotomy license, and CNA license. So i went into the surgery on December 2001 and the Dx Lap. was done and it was found that i DONT have Endometriosis. Rather, they found a LARGE right ovarian cyst. The cyst had to be surgicaly removed because it was too large to simply drain. The cyst was the size of a GRAPEFRUIT!!! I had several ultrasounds done and none of them showed the cyst at all. Anyway, i thought all of my worries were gone....... little did i know that would never come true. I continued to become sick and sicker. I had multiple trips to the ER with NO help or relief of any kind. My abdominal pain and so did the vomiting and nausea as well as the fevers kept getting worse. I finally had a HIDA Scan done in March 2002. Then on my birthday March 2002 i had to have a upper endoscopy done because the report from the HIDA Scan hadnt come back and my PCP wanted to slowly rule things out. The PCP told me it was all psychological and that i was lossing it. YES he said that and my parents literally had to hold me down so i wouldnt deck him. Anyway, right after my upper endoscopy (i was in the recovery room) the GI doc comes in and says he just got a message from my PCP and he said that i have to see a surgeon right away because i have Gallbladder disease. I thought oh great so i just had all this testing done for nothing. So my surgery was scheduled (the Laparoscopy to remove the Gallbladder......Lap Chole.) for April 18, 2002. I was in complete missery once April 1 came around the corner. Then my best friend (whom i had to stay at his house for the day after i had my Dx Laparoscopy done in December 2001) died in a car accident on April 16, 2002. I was very close to him and his family. He was like my little brother. I had to have the surgery done on April 18, 2002 because i was very sick. I had complications immideatly after surgery. I was in such horrific pain and in horrible nausea. I made it ubundently clear that i was to be released out of the hospital for my best friends funeral. I was unable to make it to the visitation because i was still in the hospital. His funeral was on April 20, 2002. I was released from the hospital at midnight on the 20th. I remember going back to my best friends house and i fell asleep with his mom holding me. It was late and the funeral was going to be soon so my parents woke me up and we drove to my house and i got a few hours of sleep. The funeral went by on that saturday and i spent the entire day at his parents house. My parents and many other heartfelt and wonderful people helped with the funeral arrangements. I spent most of the time sleeping in bed at their house. Then sunday came by and i was very sick at home. I called the doctor and he said to drink a half bottle of milk of magnessia. I had to call my dad and he brought over a bottle for me. I drank half the bottle and still no bowel movement..... not even a rumbble in there. So i called the doctor back and he said that i had to go to the ER ASAP. So my parents drove me to the ER and i was in horrific pain by then. I was crying sitting in a wheelchair. YES waiting to be seen. I was waiting for nearly 4 hours.... what seemed to me for 6 hours. I was without my pain meds (i left them at home) and i was screaming in pain. I was begging my parents to bring me back home. They were insistant and said no, i have to be seen by the doctor. Thank goodness for my parents. I was finally seen and they started an IV. They gave me some Dilaudid, but it didnt even touch my pain. I was screaming and well the staff in the ER wasnt really up to getting me some relief. Plus, they have this silly thing were they dont like to control your pain until they know exactly whats wrong because yes pain medication can do harm and can interact with general anesthesia if you need emergency surgery. To be honest who in their right mind gives a hoot when your in horrible pain. So my parents got ticked off and finally got the doctor to listen. I was begging the doctor to let me go home and i was crying all at the same time. He said no i cant go because i have a bowel obstruction and then told the nurse to come into the room and instructed her to give me more Dilaudid...every 15 mins. until the pain was under control. I was devistated to say the least. The thought of being hospitalized was NOT what i wanted to hear. Mind you that was the same ER that my dead best friend was taken to. So i was thinking the worst...... great im gonna die here too. My poor parents they really put up with a lot. I was admitted into the hospital. They finally got the pain under control and the last thing i remember is someone saying they are there to bring me up to my hospital room. I dont remember anything after that lol. I had VERY VERY high liver enzymes and they honestly had no idea what was causing it. They said oh, well its from the Lap. Chole. I had a partial bowel obstruction, with ileius and high liver enzymes. My liver enzymes were NEVER tested prior to my Lap Chole. It wasnt tested because i was too young. I ended up being hospitalized for a little over 2 weeks. I had to have a PICC Line placed in and boy it was the best thing ever!!!!! It was double lumen so i was able to get my IV and TPO nutrients and medications in one " tube " and blood was able to be drawn from the other " tube " . Gosh getting that sucker placed in was horrid. The doctor that placed it in said that his chemotherapy patients arent as difficult as i am. My veins he meant lol. It took 5 tries and on the 5th try he got the sucker in. He said if i ever need another one in..... i will have a nice scar to show were they did actually get it in. The suture scars give it away lol. That was a the start of MANY MANY hospitalizations. I went to U of M (University of Michigan) clinic and the GI doc there said that i had to quit my job (which i wasnt about to do, i was a Phelebotomist and all the walking wasnt good for me) and that it was all stress related and that i had IBS..... yes he said that the high liver enzymes were from the IBS. Never knew that IBS could do that. WELL IT CANT !!!!!!!!!!! I was finally referred to a great doctor at IU medical center in Indiana. It was concluded that i CANT have any simple procedures done under concious sedation. EVERYTHING has to be done under general anesthesia because concious sedation doesnt work on me at all. I had my ERCP done there and my first offical Acute Pancreatic attack was documented in 2003. OMG it was horrific and i honestly never thought it would become Chronic. I have undergone multiple (i honestly lost count after 5 ERCP's) ERCPs with Spincterotomies and stent placement and the list goes on at IU Medical Center and at Mayo Clinic (my last ones were done at Mayo Clinic). Since the first day of my surgery of the Lap Chole in 2002.... i have been hospitalized about 8 times. I honestly lost count after five. I have a thing were if the hospitalizations and procedures exceed the amount of fingers on one hand then i tend to stop counting because it gets overwhelming. Plus i only have a certain amount of fingers and toes lol. I have had multiple ERCP's done and it was concluded at Mayo Clinic that i have a anomalous biliary tree at the left and right hepatic duct bifurcation with biliary sludge and biliary stasis secondary to stenosis and spasm of the biliary sphincter and that i have Pancreatic Divisum. Infact, the lower part of the pancreas doesnt work. I was born 3 months early and the docs believe i was born with pancreatic and liver problems. Obviously the Pancreatic Divisum is a birth defect. I continued to have horrific abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting and fevers. I was seen at Mayo Clinic August 2004 and they said that i had to have a EUS done (endoscopic ultrasound). So i had one done and in September 2004 the doctor found that i have scar tissue all over and inside the pancreas. It was confirmed by the EUS that i do have Chronic Pancreatitis. I was placed back on the pancreatic enzymes. The specialist that did the EUS said that an ERCP can and does miss scar tissue inside and around the pancreas. He said because the ERCP doesnt get a full view of the pancreas. He said the EUS is one of the best ways to diagnosis Chronic Pancreatitis because its able to look at the pancreas in views that an ERCP cant seem to get at. So im only 22 years old and i deal with Chronic Pancreatitis. I dont have insurance that covers prescriptions costs so im lucky when i can get my scripts filled. I take pain meds, but i havent been able to take them for over a month now because they are way too expensive. Im fighting to get SSI. I had to take a voluntary leave of absence (a nice way of saying i was fired, but it doesnt look bad on my record if i ever do want to get a job again) in December 2003 after being hospitalized again. I miss my job sooooooo much. I miss being able to handle 5 classes to a semester. Now i can only handle about 1 class a semester. If its a good semester im able to handle 2 classes. Its so difficult dealing with CP and all the different surgeries i have had dont make things better. Its very umpredictable and when you dont have much of insurance your screwed. The worst thing is that no insurance carrier will take you because of the pre-existing condition. I pray to the good Lord that i get SSI because i have no prayer in the world of returning back to work for a long time. I do plan on eventually graduating with my medical degree..... when that time will come...... who knows. All i know is right now im blessed that my parents having taken me under their wing and have moved literally across the country just to see if warmer and sunnier weather would make me better. God bless them for trying, but i LOVE it here in Florida. Even if the hurricanes come lol. All day and night been dealing with the right side of the hurricane. OMG i just realized how long of a post i wrote. Forgive me for writing a long post, but i figured i give you all a little bit of info on me. Oh and sorry if i made some grammer errors lol. Its almost 8am here in Florida and i havent gone to bed yet. Yesterday i was helping my mom move everything from outside to inside the house and all of a sudden i felt something literally pop inside my abdomen and the pain went straight through to the back. I fell to the ground screaming, thats how bad it hurt. My mom asked me if i was ok, etc. And the pain did subside and then about 15 mins. later it happened again and now its just been constant. One of the worst parts is the chest pain that the pancreatitis gives. OMG im glad that i was about two days old when i had heart surgery because im glad i dont remember that at least lol. I did almost fall into the pool when the first pop inside my abdomen came about yesterday. That was rather funny i have to say. My mom and i laughed about it later because well it would have SUCKED to have fallen into the pool with my clothes on. Im sure the chlorine would have killed my favorite jean shorts. Im sure i wont be able to sleep at all. Lots of times i get horrible insomnia just before a pancreatic attack and during a pancreatic attack. I just hope i can ride this one out. Its been a while since i have been in the ER and i DONT intend on going any time soon. If the chest pain gets worse and the abdominal pain gets worse then i will go to the ER, but i highly doubt i will go because i HATE THE HOSPITAL AND I HATE THE ER. Someone got a baseball bat? Im sure that will be sufficient lol. Well, im glad to be a part of this group. I hope i get a chance to meet you all. Sorry again for writing such a horribly long post. God bless you all greatly. You ALL are amazing people. Much love, Karolina (Florida). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 Karolina, Your story sounds very similar to mine. I am twenty-four now and free of chronic pancreatitis. When I was a child I would have acute attacks of pancreatitis. When I was ten they removed my gallbladder blaming it for the problems. When I was fourteen they did a sphincterotomy claiming that it was causing my acute attacks of pancreatitis. My freshman year of college I became extremely ill with elevated pancreas enzymes. My enzymes stayed elevated for nearly one year, but then they stopped elevating. Only my liver enzymes would elevate. I was sent to the Mayo clinic in 2000, where they perfomed an EUS and I was diagnosed with CP. I was sick a lot during the next few years, always in the hospital. I was a pre-med student, but after so much hospital stays I changed to PE. I don't really want to be a docotor anymore. I am thinking about applying for the PA program. My GPA is 8.83, and I have all of the prerequisites. I think that I should get in. I don't know if that is really what I want to do though. Like you when I first was sick with CP docotors tried to blame it on stress. In 2003 I went to University of Minnesota, Fairview Medical Center, where Dr. Sutherland did a total pancreatectomy with auto islet cell transplant. Since that time I have been healthy. I have not been in the hospital since. I have been in the ER a couple of times for kidney stones, but other than that I have been great. I am back running on scholarship for my university like I was before I became very ill with CP my freshman year. I also have a full-time job working in Adapted PE, which I will get my pay doubled in December when I graduate from the university. Perhaps you can look into the TP/ICT like I did and have a real life. A life without pain meds, nausea, pain, ect. Crystal Galloway > Im a " newbie " here. I joined about a week ago or so (i know it > wasnt that long ago). I have been reading up on posts and trying to > get to know the people in here. It sure sounds like i found myself > a rather good support group here. Its nice to truely know that im > not the only one in the whole world that has Chronic Pancreatitis. > Here is a little about me (the way i write i can fore warn you it > might be long LOL)...... > Im a 22 year old female and i have been dealing with abdominal pain > for years now (5 plus years). I live in Florida. I recently moved > here with my parents because they thought maybe warmer weather would > make me healthier. If only that could be true, i would be cured > lol. Lord knows here in Florida there is more then enough sun and > YES humidity. I am struggling with college. Im in my undergraduate > studies and i can say its horribly difficult to juggle that with > being sick all the time. Im a premed major in the hopes of starting > a double major in Psychology and Premed and a minor in Chemistry. > BLAH, too much schooling....... but bring it on. Ever since i was > little i wanted to become a doctor. > > I suppose i should start from the beginning. My Junior year in high > school (in 1999-2000) i started to get sick with reaccurent > abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fevers, etc. It became much more > pronounced my Senior year in high school (in 2000-2001). I > graduated from high school in May of 2001 with honors and i > continued to become sick. I saw my PCP (primary care physician) > whom referred me to a GYNO and it was concluded that i could > possibly have Endometriosis. > The difficult thing that with Endometriosis, it can be readily > missed by modern day scans such as ultrasounds. So i was scheduled > for a Diagnostic Laparoscopy to be done on December 2001. I had > freshly started college at a wonderful university and i was able to > finish that semester off. I had a huge class loud with about 16 > credits. Which is roughly 5 classes. I had also just started > working as a Phelebotomist at a local hospital. When i was in high > school i took career technical training course in Health Careers for > two years (durning my junior and senior year) and im elegible to > obtain my EKG Tech license, Phelebotomy license, and CNA license. > So i went into the surgery on December 2001 and the Dx Lap. was done > and it was found that i DONT have Endometriosis. Rather, they found > a LARGE right ovarian cyst. The cyst had to be surgicaly removed > because it was too large to simply drain. The cyst was the size of > a GRAPEFRUIT!!! I had several ultrasounds done and none of them > showed the cyst at all. Anyway, i thought all of my worries were > gone....... little did i know that would never come true. > > > I continued to become sick and sicker. I had multiple trips to the > ER > with NO help or relief of any kind. My abdominal pain and so did > the vomiting and nausea as well as the fevers kept getting worse. I > finally had a HIDA Scan done in March 2002. Then on my birthday > March 2002 i had to have a upper endoscopy done because the report > from the HIDA Scan hadnt come back and my PCP wanted to slowly rule > things out. The PCP told me it was all psychological and that i was > lossing it. YES he said that and my parents literally had to hold > me down so i wouldnt deck him. Anyway, right after my upper > endoscopy (i was in the recovery room) the GI doc comes in and says > he just got a message from my PCP and he said that i have to see a > surgeon right away because i have Gallbladder disease. I thought oh > great so i just had all this testing done for nothing. So my > surgery was scheduled (the Laparoscopy to remove the > Gallbladder......Lap Chole.) for April 18, 2002. I was in complete > missery once April 1 came around the corner. Then my best friend > (whom i had to stay at his house for the day after i had my Dx > Laparoscopy done in December 2001) died in a car accident on April > 16, 2002. I was very close to him and his family. He was like my > little brother. I had to have the surgery done on April 18, 2002 > because i was very sick. I had complications immideatly after > surgery. I was in such horrific pain and in horrible nausea. I > made it ubundently clear that i was to be released out of the > hospital for my best > friends funeral. I was unable to make it to the visitation because > i was still in the hospital. His funeral was on April 20, 2002. I > was released from the hospital at midnight on the 20th. I remember > going back to my best friends house and i fell asleep with his mom > holding me. It was late and the funeral was going to be soon so my > parents woke me up and we drove to my house and i got a few hours of > sleep. The funeral went by on that saturday and i spent the entire > day at his parents house. My parents and many other heartfelt and > wonderful people helped with the funeral arrangements. I spent most > of the time sleeping in bed at their house. Then sunday came by and > i was very sick at home. I called the doctor and he said to drink a > half bottle of milk of magnessia. I had to call my dad and he > brought over a bottle for me. I drank half the bottle and still no > bowel movement..... not even a rumbble in there. So i called the > doctor back and he said that i had to go to the ER ASAP. So my > parents drove me to the ER and i was in horrific pain by then. I > was crying sitting in a wheelchair. YES waiting to be seen. I was > waiting for nearly 4 hours.... what seemed to me for 6 hours. I was > without my pain meds (i left them at home) and i was screaming in > pain. I was begging my parents to bring me back home. They were > insistant and said no, i have to be seen by the doctor. Thank > goodness for my parents. I was finally seen and they started an > IV. They gave me some Dilaudid, but it didnt even touch my pain. I > was screaming and well the staff in the ER wasnt really up to > getting me some relief. Plus, they have this silly thing were they > dont like to control your pain until they know exactly whats wrong > because yes pain medication can do harm and can interact with > general anesthesia if you need emergency surgery. To be honest who > in their right mind gives a hoot when your in horrible pain. So my > parents got ticked off and finally got the doctor to listen. I was > begging the doctor to let me go home and i was crying all at the > same time. He said no i cant go because i have a bowel obstruction > and then told the nurse to come into the room and instructed her to > give me more Dilaudid...every 15 mins. until the pain was under > control. I was devistated to say the least. The thought of being > hospitalized was NOT what i wanted to hear. Mind you that was the > same ER that my dead best friend was taken to. So i was thinking > the worst...... great im gonna die here too. My poor parents they > really put up with a lot. I was admitted into the hospital. They > finally got the pain under control and the last thing i remember is > someone saying they are there to bring me up to my hospital room. I > dont remember anything after that lol. I had VERY VERY high liver > enzymes and they honestly had no idea what was causing it. They > said oh, well its from the Lap. Chole. I had a partial bowel > obstruction, with ileius and high liver enzymes. My liver enzymes > were NEVER tested prior to my Lap Chole. It wasnt tested because i > was too young. I ended up being hospitalized for a little over 2 > weeks. I had to have a PICC Line placed in and boy it was the best > thing ever!!!!! It was double lumen so i was able to get my IV and > TPO nutrients and medications in one " tube " and blood was able to be > drawn from the other " tube " . Gosh getting that sucker placed in was > horrid. The doctor that placed it in said that his chemotherapy > patients arent as difficult as i am. My veins he meant lol. It > took 5 tries and on the 5th try he got the sucker in. He said if i > ever need another one in..... i will have a nice scar to show were > they did actually get it in. The suture scars give it away lol. > That was a the start of MANY MANY hospitalizations. I went to U of > M (University of Michigan) clinic and the GI doc there said that i > had to quit my job (which i wasnt about to do, i was a Phelebotomist > and all the walking wasnt good for me) and that it was all stress > related and that i had IBS..... yes he said that the high liver > enzymes were from the IBS. Never knew that IBS could do that. WELL > IT CANT !!!!!!!!!!! > > I was finally referred to a great doctor at IU medical center in > Indiana. It was concluded that i CANT have any simple procedures > done under concious sedation. EVERYTHING has to be done under > general anesthesia because concious sedation doesnt work on me at > all. I had my ERCP done there and my first offical Acute Pancreatic > attack was documented in 2003. OMG it was horrific and i honestly > never thought it would become Chronic. I have undergone multiple (i > honestly lost count after 5 ERCP's) ERCPs with Spincterotomies and > stent placement and the list goes on at IU Medical Center and at > Mayo Clinic (my last ones were done at Mayo Clinic). Since the > first day of my > surgery of the Lap Chole in 2002.... i have been hospitalized about > 8 times. I honestly lost count after five. I have a thing were if > the hospitalizations and procedures exceed the amount of fingers on > one hand then i tend to stop counting because it gets overwhelming. > Plus i only have a certain amount of fingers and toes lol. I have > had multiple ERCP's done and it was concluded at Mayo Clinic that i > have a anomalous biliary tree at the left and right hepatic duct > bifurcation with biliary sludge and biliary stasis secondary to > stenosis and spasm of the biliary sphincter and that i have > Pancreatic Divisum. Infact, the lower part of the pancreas doesnt > work. I was born 3 months early and the docs believe i was born > with pancreatic and liver problems. Obviously the Pancreatic > Divisum is a birth defect. > > I continued to have horrific abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting > and fevers. I was seen at Mayo Clinic August 2004 and they said > that i had to have a EUS done (endoscopic ultrasound). So i had one > done and in September 2004 the doctor found that i have scar tissue > all over and inside the pancreas. It was confirmed by the EUS that > i do have Chronic Pancreatitis. I was placed back on the pancreatic > enzymes. The specialist that did the EUS said that an ERCP can and > does miss scar tissue inside and around the pancreas. He said > because the ERCP doesnt get a full view of the pancreas. He said > the EUS is one of the best ways to diagnosis Chronic Pancreatitis > because its able to look at the pancreas in views that an ERCP cant > seem to get at. > > So im only 22 years old and i deal with Chronic Pancreatitis. I > dont have insurance that covers prescriptions costs so im lucky when > i can get my scripts filled. I take pain meds, but i havent been > able to take them for over a month now because they are way too > expensive. Im fighting to get SSI. I had to take a voluntary leave > of absence (a nice way of saying i was fired, but it doesnt look bad > on my record if i ever do want to get a job again) in December 2003 > after being hospitalized again. I miss my job sooooooo much. I > miss being able to handle 5 classes to a semester. Now i can only > handle about 1 class a semester. If its a good semester im able to > handle 2 classes. Its so difficult dealing with CP and all the > different surgeries i have had dont make things better. Its very > umpredictable and when you dont have much of insurance your > screwed. The worst thing is that no insurance carrier will take you > because of the pre-existing condition. I pray to the good Lord that > i get SSI because i have no prayer in the world of returning back to > work for a long time. I do plan on eventually graduating with my > medical degree..... when that time will come...... who knows. All i > know is right now im blessed that my parents having taken me under > their wing and have moved literally across the country just to see > if warmer and sunnier weather would make me better. God bless them > for trying, but i LOVE it here in Florida. Even if the hurricanes > come lol. All day and night been dealing with the right side of the > hurricane. OMG i just realized how long of a post i wrote. Forgive > me for writing a long post, but i figured i give you all a little > bit of info on me. Oh and sorry if i made some grammer errors lol. > > Its almost 8am here in Florida and i havent gone to bed yet. > Yesterday i was helping my mom move everything from outside to > inside the house and all of a sudden i felt something literally pop > inside my abdomen and the pain went straight through to the back. I > fell to the ground screaming, thats how bad it hurt. My mom asked > me if i was ok, etc. And the pain did subside and then about 15 > mins. later it happened again and now its just been constant. One > of the worst parts is the chest pain that the pancreatitis gives. > OMG im glad that i was about two days old when i had heart surgery > because im glad i dont remember that at least lol. I did almost > fall into the pool when the first pop inside my abdomen came about > yesterday. That was rather funny i have to say. My mom and i > laughed about it later because well it would have SUCKED to have > fallen into the pool with my clothes on. Im sure the chlorine would > have killed my favorite jean shorts. Im sure i wont be able to > sleep at all. Lots of times i get horrible insomnia just before a > pancreatic attack and during a pancreatic attack. I just hope i can > ride this one out. Its been a while since i have been in the ER and > i DONT intend on going any time soon. If the chest pain gets worse > and the abdominal pain gets worse then i will go to the ER, but i > highly doubt i will go because i HATE THE HOSPITAL AND I HATE THE > ER. Someone got a baseball bat? Im sure that will be sufficient > lol. Well, im glad to be a part of this group. I hope i get a > chance to meet you all. Sorry again for writing such a horribly > long post. God bless you all greatly. You ALL are amazing people. > Much love, Karolina (Florida). > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 9, 2005 Report Share Posted July 9, 2005 Hello Karolina: Welcome to the group. I'm , I live in Ohio, and I've been a member of this group for years & years, and its great. I first started with the belly problems after I had my twins in 1990. In 93 they did an ERCP [shiver,shiver] at Ohio State & I had a bad, bad pancreatitis attack, so bad I didn't leave the hospital for 6 weeks. It was kinda funny, I went into the hospital in late winter, came home it was early spring! And since 93, I bet I've been hospitalized around 100 times, no exagerations there! I have been to IU many times, and in 93 Doc Lehman is the one who finally convinced my mom that it wasn't " all in my head " and dx with chronic panc. Actually, my mom threatened to take my kids away from me because she said I was mentally ill! The nerve of her! I love her to death, but I have never, and probably never will, fully forgave her for that! But anyways..... I don't visit here a whole lot lately, mostly because I'm a single mom trying to raise 3 teenage daughters. Oh the horror of that! But any-who, I'm glad you have found us. These people are great, and so smart! I just wanted to let you know that you are in a great group! Welcome, and I hope you are feeling better then you were when you wrote this post! Hope your pain is better! Good luck with getting your meds! I have gone through that mess too! Just don't give up! Keep fighting for SSI! Keep on them! I was awarded SSI in 03, and it took over 2 yrs, and I did have to go in front of a judge, and I did it WITHOUT a lawyer! If I didn't get it that last time, I was ready to find a good lawyer, but ended up not needing it! Again, just don't give up! Hang in there kid! If you need anything, I'm sure someone on this board will be able to help you! I was saddened when I read your story, you are way too young for all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of Hugs, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Im a " newbie " here. I joined about a week ago or so (i know it wasnt that long ago). I have been reading up on posts and trying to get to know the people in here. It sure sounds like i found myself a rather good support group here. Its nice to truely know that im not the only one in the whole world that has Chronic Pancreatitis. Here is a little about me (the way i write i can fore warn you it might be long LOL)...... God bless you all greatly. You ALL are amazing people. Much love, Karolina (Florida). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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