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Psych Visit and Nazi Pain Doc

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I wen to see the psychologist shes nice and shes teaching me

relaxation techniques and breathing techniques

Well she aske dme how my partner take sit when I am in pain . I said

yeh but when I went to see the old nazi pain doc he did a lot of

damage with my partner with the in ya head stuff and imprinting etc,

and as I explained my partner came away with the take that morphine

didnt help me yet it does and taht I could use my mind to suck up

the pain, I said I was furious with that pm doc and wlel Christophe

reeves couldnt suck it up and walk could he

I also said taht I rate dteh nazi as -2 out of 10 compared to the

the new and my previous pain doc.

I said I was treated like a guinea pig and not inofmred even what he

had planned a s a test for th eday I arrived and that he may use

placebos etc eg not informed. i also said nowhere else int he worl

ddo they do this as I had researched that and the Americam pain

society and it is against their policies to do these type sof thing.

I said I always came out in far worse pain and he continue when I

was in pain, he wrote inserted epidural needles took 15 minute sin

my notes andall around and I knew it was an hour and 10 as I stated

it at the time.

i said that I have calmed down a little but I fear that the way he

has treated memay be how he is treateing others and that concerns me

I also stated taht the man has no compassion no bedsid emanner an

dshoudl nto be dealign with people in pain at all.As for the

elsctric shock treatment I said has he suggested that to others and

she said yes and they all had same reaction as me apparently wher e

comes form in sweden they do that there.

I also said that I flet teh only thing that would get through to

people such as him who are more worried abotu there ego etc and ntop

teh patient is to lay a formal complaint so they learn a lesson!!!!!

She said a very inetersting comment that he has learnt fromt hsi

experience. I think he has been warned taht he breached ethics and

procedures as my mum stated that in writing to the Hea dof Depts of

2 depts. so that is prolly teh only reason he is worried. I will let

him sweat a little more

But I sai dif I ever see his name as an anesthtist or anything

treating me I will have him removed his tretament of me was

unprofessional and downright nasty and when I had complained he came

back to me when I wa sin a a 9 /10 kicke dme out when I couldnt

hardly walk so he could get rid of the evidence then statign I left

of my own freewill lol and hey if that wa strus why did they then

tell me to got back in the ED via teh duty manager and I was

admistted twice for a total of 2 weeks

I intend when I see the psychiatrist on Monday attached to the pain

clinic to again complain about him. he better hope he doesnt come

across me because I wont hold back... I will call him cruel

unprofessional and uncompassionate

I also said taht he refused to tell me after repeatedly asking and

sayign he would what drugs he injected into me.......

I still dont know fully as the details were removed from the notes.

I may complain about that as well when I see the HOD on Monday of th

epain team



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I would definitely complain to the Head of the Department that the

medications he injected into you were removed from the hospital notes

you received and that you demand the untampered with notes. Also, have

you made a formal written complaint to the Head of the hospital, head of

the departement and to the medical board (if you have one)? This would

then go on his record with the hospital, etc, so that if he does this to

another patient, they'll see he has a history of doing this to patients

and also if he goes to another hospital, they will be made aware of his

behavior towards pain patients. Also, have it written in your medical

records that he is banned from treating you in any capacity. That way,

hopefully no one will assign him to you if you need anesthesia for any





Vallejo, CA


Note: All advice given is personal opinion, not equal to that of a licensed

physician or health care professional.

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