Guest guest Posted August 9, 2005 Report Share Posted August 9, 2005 Hey guys, Just got home from my second home (hospital) this afternoon. After trying to deal with the panc flare off and on for a couple of weeks I just gave up and my pcp admitted me to the local hospital. I was NPO Saturday and Sunday, then clear liquids Monday, and soft diet today. My weight is up 22 lbs since Saturday. Walking down the hall makes me so short of breath you'd think I just went up 3 flights of stairs. I have lasix but it honestly doesn't seem to work that well anymore so I've decided I will just try to ride this out and hope the fluid will go away on its own in a week or so. Also, got some distressing news from my pcp this morning when he came to see me. I'll back up a bit because I realize now I should have seen this coming, but I really didn't. I live in a small town and my current pcp (general practice doc) has been my doctor for over 15 years. There are no GI docs at all in my town. My GI is in Huntsville, about 45 minutes from my home. For about 2 years I had an internal med doc in Huntsville who had taken over as my pcp because things had gotten so complicated with my health issues. I still kept the gp up to speed on what was going on because sometimes it just simplied things for me to be hospitalized close to home and/or to see the gp here in Athens instead of having to go to Hsv. Well, my internal med doc moved to Destin, FL because his wife got offered a major promotion. He left the end of May. Our entire family was very distraught over loosing him but we knew he was doing what was best for his family. The internal med doc was in practice by himself and he made arrangements for another doctor to take over his practice. I saw the new internal med doc once and knew right away he wasn't the right doctor for me. I was going to get my GI to suggest another internal med doc in Hsv but when he and I discussed things, my GI said that it might be best to just go back to having the Athens gp doc as my pcp since he knows my history so well and has no problem consulting with my GI doc when he needs to. I made an appointment so I could talk to the Athens gp doc and be sure he was willing to take back over as my pcp. We discussed the fact that with cp you cannot go by the labs to determine if the patient is having a flare. The gp assured me that he understood and agreed with that theory in regard to cp. Since the gp has admitted me on several occasions in the past when my labs looked perfectly normal, I had no reason to believe he would change my treatment. I had an appt with him on Monday because my back went out MAJOR on Sunday. I told him that I wasn't doing well with my panc pain - having increased pain, nausea, and vomiting, but was trying to ride it out with just clear liquids. I told him I was pretty sick of the whole ordeal and tired of constantly having to cancel plans and disappoint my family. He said he knew it must be frustrating but he didn't have any answers. He then said, " That's the problem with treating someone with chronic pain with narcotics. When they have increases in pain there's nothing more to do for the patient except more narcotics and that isn't really a good solution. " He went on to say " when I was in medical school we were taught that you never treat chronic pain with narcotics, but there's been changes in that school of thought lately. However, if you quit taking the pain medicine your pain might end up getting better or going away totally. " He ended the office visit last Monday telling me to just keep doing what I was doing for my back (ice, muscle relaxers, rest) and to add the back exercises he gave me on the sheet. Then he said, as he always does, " Get feeling better. " I was in so much pain with my back that I didn't even respond to what he said about the pain medicine and to be honest I had totally forgotten about it until today. When I called him on Saturday to tell him that my panc flare was getting worse despite my best efforts to handle it at home, he immediately said he would admit me. For quite some time now, my pain medicine when I'm in the hospital has been IV Demerol 75 mg every 3 hours as needed. This was what any doctor that admitted me would prescribe. Well, when they finally got me admitted on Saturday evening, the nurse told me that the doctor had ordered Demerol 25 mg IV every two hours as needed and Phenergan 25 mg suppository every 6 hours as needed. Keep in mind I have a port-a-cath and have had it for over 2 1/2 years so there is no problem with phenergan setting my veins on fire like you have with a regular IV. Needless to say, 25 mg of Demerol just barely touched the pain but I decided I would deal with until the doc came in on Sunday. I told him that the pain medicine was not even coming close to controlling the pain and that the nurse had told me to ask him to write an order for 75-100 mg of demerol every 3-4 hours as needed. He said 75 mg was way too much demerol to be getting it around the clock but that he would change the pain med. I told him that the last several times he'd admitted me, he had ordered demerol 75 mg and phenergan 25 mg (both IV) every 3 hours and that was also the amount the GI always ordered. He looked at me like he thought I was lying and that is the first time in the over 15 years he has been my doctor that he ever made me feel that way. He changed the pain med to demerol 50 mg IV every 3 hours as needed and phenergan 50 mg IM every six hours. On Monday the charge nurse caught him just as he was leaving and asked him to change the phenergan to IV instead of IM, so he changed it to phenergan 25 mg IV every 3 hours as needed. After several doses of demerol at 50 mg IV instead of 25 mg, my pain was much better under control. This morning (Tuesday) he came in and I told him I thought I was ready to be discharged. I had a soft breakfast and the first few bites seemed to be doing okay. It was after that that he told me he had been doing a lot of 'soul searching' (I think that's the term he used) about giving me narcotics for chronic pain and that was just not the way he was taught so he wasn't going to do it anymore. He said he had wanted to wait til I was over the current flare before he told me, but that he wanted me to know that he wasn't going to go against what he'd been taught from now on. Keep in mind that I do not accept prescriptions for pain med from any doctor other than my pain doctor. I follow his rules totally. My pcp has given me a shot of 100 mg demerol/50 mg phenergan IM about 5 times a year in his office when I have a flare that is during office hours. Doing that has allowed me to remain NPO for several hours, helped get the pain back under control so I could manage it with my home meds and avoid the hospital and/or ER. So, other than about 15 injections over the 3 years since my pancreatitis returned and rapidly got worse, this doctor has only prescribed pain meds to be given to while I am in the hospital. I suppose if I had been more awake or maybe not so shocked, I might have argued, cried, or who knows what. However, I did nothing but simply say, " okay " . I guess it has just now sunk in and I'm fighting tears right now. I haven't even told my husband or my mom yet. On the one hand, I'm afraid to tell them because maybe they'll think that the pcp has decided I'm just a junky and that's why he has changed the rules mid-stream. The logical side of my brain knows that my husband and mom will not think I'm a junky but just knowing that a doctor that I thought was truly on my side has now decided he's no longer willing to be on my side is incredibly upsetting. This also means that I now have no choice but to have my family make the nearly hour long drive to the hospital in Huntsville any time I need to go to the ER and/or be admitted. I know I'm probably just acting like a baby but at this moment, I just feel like giving up. If not for my wonderful family, I probably would just give up. I'm so tired. I'm tired of living like a recluse. I'm tired of being so tired. I'm tired of putting on a brave face, smiling, and acting like all this is no big deal. I don't even know myself anymore. I'm tired of never knowing what's going to set things off with my pancreas. I can eat something one day and all is well only to eat the same the next and be miserable. I'm tired of constantly having to back out on plans because just taking a shower wipes me out for hours. I have an appt with my pain doc on Thursday and my GI told me that he wants me to discuss different options for my pain and also discuss whether my pain doc thinks I would benefit more from having a celiac plexus block done 'from the inside' vs going through the spine like the pain doc does it. I do know that on the one hand depending on narcotic pain medication long term is not the best thing but I also don't think I am strong enough to 'just deal' with the pain unless I could just give up eating or drinking anything at all. Even then I'm not so sure I could make it through more than a day or so without any pain medicine. A great day is when my oral pain meds are able to keep my pain around a level 2-3. Also, the majority of my flares cannot really be related to anything I've eaten. On the days that my panc has decided to act up, even water can send the pain through the roof. Also, I've had attacks hit in the middle of the night when I'm dead asleep and haven't had anything to eat or drink for hours. Well, I need to quit whining and go to bed. Maybe I'll be better able to deal with things after a decent night's sleep. W Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 10, 2005 Report Share Posted August 10, 2005 , I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Hopefully things will start to even out for you. I certainly understand your frustration and feel the same much of the time. This disease absolutely and totally consumes your life. I, too, am tired of it all. I would like to ask you about your edema. I've been suffering with it, and the shortness of breath (unusual for me) in even modest physical activity and debilitating fatigue. Regarding the edema, I have a prescription of HCTZ, however one with CP must be very careful with diuretics because they can cause pancreatitis. Do you have any other remedies for the edema. My feet look like sausages stuff into my shoes...I hate it. Does anyone else have any ideas to help? I hope you are doing better? Thanks, Sam Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 16, 2005 Report Share Posted August 16, 2005 wrote: > My pcp gave me a diuretic called Amiloride and I really think it causes my pain to get worse even though he swore up and down that this is one of the diuretics that don't cause problems with the panc. < , Sadly, the drug library disagrees with what your doctor told you. If you go to the prescription drug library at: and type in Amiloride, under the Warnings and Precautions section for this diuretic, Pancreatitis is listed as one of the primary gastrointestinal side effects for this medication. I've been so sensitive to any medications that cause pancreatitis that I always check rxlist first, no matter what a doctor tells me. Just based on past experience, there have been several occasions where a doctor gave me the wrong information. While I don't think their denial of any pancreatitis side effects is intentional, I do think that sometimes they are so convinced that the medication in question will help, that they don't research it as thoroughly as I can, and do. Because they have seen a particular drug work successfully on so many other patients, they temporarily forget the fact that we have CP and what helped all those other people may be harmful for our sensitive gastrointestinal systems. Although I've seem to sucessfully isolated one culprit that I know contributes to my edema, (shellfish), I'm still curious to know what causes it in the first place. I have noticed with mine that each episode seems to be worse than the last one was, and each successive episode lasts for a longer duration. This is not good news. Has your doctor given you any reasons for why you've been plagued with your edema? Other than my association with diabetes, mine has no explanation for mine, and as you and Sam don't have diabetes, yet we all have CP, I'm just wondering if there is any correlation with this or not. Sorry for all of your discomfort, . I do know how it feels, and although mine has not been as extreme as yours and Sam's, to the point where there is involvement with the respiratory system, it's horribly uncomfortable just the same. With love, hope and prayers, Heidi Heidi H. Griffeth Bluffton, SC SC State & SE Regional Representative Pancreatitis Association, International Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or opinion only, and should not be substituted for professional medical consultation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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