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Re : Odd Question

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Hi Chrissy!

Long time no communicate! Sorry about that. You know that we have

had Jim's health issues and then we've also been away in France.

I've just caught up with some of the posts. I'm so sorry about the

unpleasant experience with the bloke who interviewed you. I can

understand your disgust and anger. Thank God you moved out of that


Like everyone else, I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with

telling the truth, briefly, about your absence from work. I would

just put a sentence or two in your letter of application or CV to

explain the absence. How many people have to have time off for

surgery? Countless. I interview frequently for school and one would

certainly wonder about a significant gap in a CV. One would expect a

candidate to make some reference to it in their application and, if

they didn't, I think one would ask, although, as Heidi points out,

prying into detail would never be acceptable. One is allowed to be

ill! As has been said, the thing to do is to be positive about

wanting to work again and the necesity of the surgery to make that

possible. Could you perhaps have references from people for whom you

worked before your illness who can vouch for your good attendance

record then? Obviously, a letter from your doctor to say you are now

fit again for work would be a brilliant idea.

Maybe the situation in the UK is a bit different because you have to

be signed OFF work by a doctor for a period of time, which is

extended as the doctor sees fit and necessary. (This is the only way

you access any sickness benefits in the meantime, for a specified

period of time.) Once you are no longer signed OFF, the assumption

is that you are fit again to work. An employer should then assume

you can work. Of course, that wouldn't stop someone having some

private reservations, although they would have to be very careful

about acting on them. (That's why the sort of letter you talk about

would be such a good idea.) There could be serious repercussions if

it could be shown clearly that someone had been discriminated

against in a job application because they had had time off for

illness/surgery or whatever. People have the right to go back to

work when well again! In fact, your experience would give you

incredible advantages when working in the medical sphere!

It would be wonderful if you could get a job back at your old

workplace where they know you well! I'm delighted that you are

feeling well enough to contemplate work now, even if you feel it

needs to be something lighter than you did before.

I do wish you every success in looking for work. You are brilliant

at your job and you deserve the right work for you. You will be an

asset. Don't forget that!

I'll let you know how we get on next week. Jim is feeling very well

but may need follow-up radiotherapy. We find out on Tuesday.

Take care and God bless.

With love,


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