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Re: Eileen

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Oh Eileen,

I didn't mean to scare you, just prepare you. It isn't as frightening as I made

you think with my post. Thats the problems with emails. No one can tell how

something is written.

I told you what my specialist told me about the dye being used and danged if he

wasn't right. On subsesquent times of ERCP without dye being used, my post

operative attacks weren't nearly as bad.

When I say pain I mean to say that if it is so extreme that you feel you cant

take itt anymore and you need to go to the ER, then go! Having your GB out

leaves you sore and in some pain yes.....but not to the extreme where you can

barey move, breathe, talk or think. After having you GB out you should feel

sore and brused and tired and achy but not for weeks afterward. It took months

before someone listened to me about my pain. Had someone listened to me when I

was complaining or had someone told me what to expect bfore hand maybe I

wouldn't be chronic now.

If you have pancreatitis, better to have the ERCP and know for sure. They will

be able to actually see your pancreas with their eyes and definatly tell you if

you have any damage, any changes. The risk of an ERCP induced pancreatic attack

is worth it to tell you for sure what is going on with your body and help you to

hopefully keep any damage at minimum.

They can also look at your Oddi Sphincter and do a test on that to see if that

is giving you problems. That would be an ERCP with monometry. That is also a

painfull condition. Not the surgery, the illness. I am having a SOD attack right

now. It isn't fun and it took me a year to be able to tell the difference

between a SOD attack and a Pancreas attack since I had always felt them and GB

pain at the same time. Now I know the diference and can treat accordingly.

I apologise for scaring you. I did not mean too. Please forgive me. This really

is a good thing you are doing. I would just plan to be in the hospital a few

extra days and if you end up NOT staying, then YAHOO!!!! :-)

Sorry again that I frightened you.

Sandy in CA

-------------- Original message --------------

Dear Sandy,

When you say " if something feels WRONG " , may I ask what you mean by

that? I have not had acute pancreatitis as many of you have. Just a

nagging, throbbing, dull pain, so I'm not sure what kind of pan to

expect and now am a bit scared.

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Dear Sandy, No problem! :-) I'm glad to get the heads up, I'm just a

natural worrier and also a big baby.

And I'm sorry to hear your in a flare right now!


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