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Partial Disability and pre-employment drug screening questions

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I know that we have been discussing full disability in the recent

weeks, but with my precarious employment situation I have been

pondering the possibility of partial disability.

What brought this to mind was a comment one of our nurses

made that because of an injury (back, neck?) she receives a

percentage of her salary as partial disability (she is concerned

with the buy-out that she will lose it, I am not sure how or why but

that is how it came up in converstation last Friday).

Does anyone know what this is? and how you go about finding if

I would qualify? My husband's dad, also had this for the last few

years of his work......he had rotator cuff problems and received

compensation for this. Is this only with on-the-job related


The reason I am thinking about this is because I realize that if I

am forced to get a " real " job - as opposed to the one I have now -

I would have difficulties keeping it. I have problems being able to

drive in the morning because of my medication and on the days

that I need to increase my pain meds, I am not the most

sharpest pencil in the holder.....and I am lucky enough to make

my job duties for the day, conform to how I am feeling. If I need to

lay my head down for an hour or so, I can and do.....However I

know that if I look for another job - even one within my current

employer - that I will lose this ability to make my job fit my health

status. Would this qualify for partial disability?

Also I am wondering about my drug use and its relationship with

employability...I know that technically, an employer cannot

discriminate because of health problems and medication

needs...but in reality, have people who are job hunting find that

the mention of narcotic use (because of the disclosure on the

pre-employment drug test) is a big turn-off? And if so, isn't that

reason alone for qualifying for disability??????

All things that went through my mind this weekend.........


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-Ican reply to the on the job injury.. The way worker's compensation

works is if you are unable to work full-time or to your full

capacity the insurance carrier is required to pay you up to the

percentage of your disability. I am 60% disabled due to a work

related injury so I receive 60% of the worker's compensation income

(66% of your pay at the time of the injury) . The bad thing with

worker;s compensation is that it is always based on your income at

the time of your injury..you never get a cost of living increase.

If I earn more than 60% of the 66% then they pay me nothing.

I think with SSDI if you qualify for total disability and recover

some, they sometimes supplement your income even if you are working

part time.

It is also illegal for an employer to ask about your health or

personal situations. The only question I know they can ask legally

is if you have been convicted of a felony. But it is your

responsiblity to make sure that whatever job you apply for suits

your physical abilities. I have neck,back and shoulder problems

which prohibit me from lifting, therefore I don't apply for jobs

that require lifting and i ask about lifting to any job I apply

for. If you have concerns about driving and your medications, don't

apply for a job that requires driving. I am in the boat of looking

for a new job (laid off last week)so I know how difficult it can be

to apply and know what to say and what not to. I never tell anyone

about my worker's compensation disability. I apply for part time

and say because it is my choice (which technically it is, i could

not work too)

As far as the pre-employment physical, you disclose to the doctor or

tester any medications you have a prescription for and are taking

and they are supposed to be excluded from the test. (YOu may have to

show proof of prescription).

Hope some of this eases your mind.


-- In pancreatitis , " goutbuster " <goutbuster@y...>


> I know that we have been discussing full disability in the recent

> weeks,


> laurie

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Laurie, Do you have disability insurance through your job? My

husband was on partial disability prior to full disability. It was

through a policy he had through work. You will need your doctor to

be behind you 100%.

When my husband's doctor suggested he go on full disability, we

notified disability insurance co. They sent forms to the doctor to

fill out and they paid full benefits. The policy required we apply

for SSDI which we did and when that started, they cut amount they

paid us so between the two he get's 66% of his wages.

Good Luck to you


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