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Clooney surgeon - christine

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Everytime you say that I chuckle and think.... " why wasn't I that

lucky? " then I remember that my surgeon looks like a TV / movie

star too....and has his exact personality. And that is that guy from

Saturday night live (the old ones) and the one that played the

scout in the " league of their own: Jon Lovitz, Levitz (?) I think. Not

the swooning-over Clooney look, but a " famous "

connection just the same!

And he too acted fast. For both of my surgeries with him, the

urgent one and the elective one, he moved within days. Even the

gallbladder removal. I saw him on a Monday and by Friday I was

under the gas again. In my case, that is the way I like it, less

time to fret, and once I make up my mind to do something I want

it done NOW. I may take a few years to decide (like going to the

eye doctor for example - I am three years past due) but when I

get the nerve to go through I need to do it right away.

I am also trying not to be a big baby about things here too. I know

that it is natural to be self absorbed at first - during the shock

stage, but in the whole scheme of things, I have to maintain

perspective. We will survive, maybe not the way I imagined, but

then, who really can predict a future and it is not right to feel

cheated when things alter course. I mean, it is as ridiculous as

companies that claim that they made a net loss in profits, not

because they actually spent more than they made but because

they didn't earn as much as projected. They are still in the black,

but instead of making 10 gabillion dollars they only made 7 so

they whine that they are 3 gabillion in the hole. So I figure that

whining over a future that isn't going to happen is just as crazy.

Who knows what will happen. Maybe this will actually change

things back to what it was before the changes of 1995 took

place. Maybe this is the cosmos pulling the thread back into the


Hopefully I will find out something soon. I am still planning on

taking off next week.......and if I come back to no job, well, I will

just make the best of it. That is life. It could be worse. I am lucky

to have what I have and I can figure out what to do about the

meds too. Maybe it isn't too late to sue the doctors at least for my

medicine costs. And then maybe I will learn that I really don't

need them either, that they are just a crutch. I am trying not to use

the zofran so maybe I can cut back to the 21 a month allotment

that my husbands insurance will pay and if I can get the

maximum strength like you mentioned, maybe I can make that

last for 10 -15 days a month. I guess there is wisdom in the

whole " take one day at a time " .

How is your job hunting going? How are you feeling? Any news

from your CT or surgeon? I am curious and am hoping that all is

well.....that this is just a minor set-back.


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