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FAQ Visceral Manipulation

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Visceral Manipulation

What is it?

Visceral Manipulation involves the release of tension in the ligaments of the

organs in the body. It is a gentle, but relatively deep tissue therapy with the

entire emphasis on making sure that the organs move and glide freely. Frequently

the cause of the lack of motion in the organs is due to severe trauma to the

body (i.e. car accidents, falls, etc.).

Believe it or not, this therapy has actually been around for a number of

centuries, originally developed in China and Tibet .

Visceral Manipulation was developed further by French Osteopath,

Jean-Pierre Barral. At optimal health, the relationship between the organs

(viscera) and structures of the body (muscles, membranes, fasciae and bones)

remains stable despite the body's endless varieties of motion. But when one

organ can't move in harmony with its surrounding viscera due to abnormal tone,

adhesions or displacement, it works against all the body's organs and

structures. This disharmony creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the

body is forced to move around. That chronic irritation, in turn, paves the way

for disease and dysfunction.

Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a gentle hands-on therapy that works through

the body's visceral system (the heart, liver, intestines and other internal

organs) to locate and alleviate these abnormal points of tension throughout the


VM employs specifically placed manual forces that work to encourage the

normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues.

Trained practitioners use the rhythmic motions of the visceral system to

evaluate how abnormal forces interplay, overlap and affect the normal body

forces at work. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the

functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and

the structural integrity of the entire body.

What can I expect?

The Visceral Manipulation sessions can last anywhere from 20 - 45 minutes. The

therapist will do a lot of " listening " with their hands initially. Then they

will either have you sit up or lying down, and use their hands to locate the

ligaments of an organ that is literally restricted in motion. At this point they

will then gently encourage those ligaments to release their tension and return

the organ to a more balanced position.

What are the reported benefits?

Visceral manipulation is extremely relaxing. Apparently when working with the

organs, the body releases a fair amount of serotonin, a feel-good/relaxing


According to Barral , " In a single day, your internal organs move 30,000 times.

Your liver alone travels 600 meters. " It is thought that any restrictions in

this natural motion, could over time create pain and inflammation within the


Barral has anecdotal evidence that Visceral helps with a variety of problems,

from chronic back and joint pain to indigestion, infection, incontinence,

migraines and even impotence and sterility.

How much does it cost?

Visceral Manipulation sessions can range anywhere from $35 to $100 per session,

depending on amount of training of the practitioner and the location.

What kind of training is required?

Visceral Manipulation is offered through the Upledger Institute. Practitioners

include, massage therapists, Rolfers, physical therapists, respiratory

therapists, medical doctors, chiropractors, and osteopaths.

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