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Pain docs to Cindy

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Cindy your request are not unreasonable in the least. Due to the DEA

and all of their rules alot of docs have gotten to scared to write for

repeated doses of narcs. Big ole chickens if you ask me. Where do you

live? Maybe somebody on here lives in the same area and can recommend

a doc for you. Have you looked into finding a pancreatic physician in

your area? Honey you do not need to suffer nore to you need to be

treated like a junkie. You have a condition that needs to be treated

by a physician who understands it. Please dont give up there are some

good docs out there. If you live in the southeast I know exactly who I

would recommend. Hang in there sug and dont let anybody make you feel

any worse then this disease already has.

All my best


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A Pain Management doctor can write the scripts for any of the

necessary meds that you need. The doctor will usually conduct an exam

and review all your records before he recommends treatment for you

that he feels is most beneficial. Sometimes this involves trying

several different narcotics before you find the one that works best

for you.

You didn't say what medication you're taking 100 pills of each month,

but that amount is not unreasonable for any of the short acting drugs

like Percocet, Lortab, Darvocet, Hydrocodone, etc. My usual allotment

of Oxycodone is 125 pills per month, and I'm on a long term Duragesic

patch all the time, too! Granted, my pain is more severe than yours,

and I've been on full time medication for a long time, but it's not at

all unreasonable for you to need this much medication during a month's


The PM doctor may even be able to recommend a medication for you that

would have you needing less pills, sometimes different types and

dosages can make those type of differences. I'm also taking a

non-opiod, a product called Neurontin, and that medication has helped

me to reduce the amount of narcotic meds that I need.

I'd certainly recommend a good PM doctor for you, other than dealing

with a GI or PCP that doesn't want to prescribe narcotics and instead

makes you feel wrong because you do need them. CP is a condition that

creates pain, often lots of pain, and a person shouldn't be made to

feel that they're wrong because they need relief from the pain to

function. My GI was wonderful about this when my pain needs overcame

what he was comfortable prescribing, he found a PM doctor for me, and

when I did, that doctor determined that I needed more medication than

that which I'd been using. When he put me on higher dosages, my GI

was out of the picture and happy to not have to deal with it. He

knows how much I take, and is not opposed to it.

So try and get an appointment with a PM doctor. You may find that he

or she finds a solution for you that will change your world.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth



SC State & SE Regional Representative

Pancreatitis Association, International

Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or

opinion only, and should not be substituted for professional medical


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