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Dizzy, fainting, cramps

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Hello all of you out there! I have just come back to the mail after some

awesome weeks. I just want to check if any of you recognize the symptoms

I go through. My doctors changing my diagnos after 2.5 years of probable

CP to functionell dyspepsia and IBS even if symptoms dont fit it propely

with these diagnoses either. They kindly told me that they will relieve

me from the CP diagnosis and this alcoholrelated illness. They demand me

to to a manometri and xylostest, I refuse as it will give me an attack

and it is only me to take the pain and weeks of suffering. Manometri is

measuring intestinemovements by having tubes from the nose down to the

intestines for 24 hours and provocing me with food to see the reaction,

they suggest fried potatoes with fried meat and onions, home for the

evening and night with the meter on my tommy and then full breakfast in

hospital in the morning. I refuse and they say that it is up to me, I am

not cooperative and probably doesnt feel bad or ill enough to be

motivated. I have been through all the tests you know what, all through


My last weeks experiences:

Dizzy, zoombielike, cant coordinate speech and movements, cant look at

the telly or computer makes me nauseatic, nausea with the world turning

around me, numm tongue, cramp in my feet, like icewater and small

icecubes running through my veins in my feet. Icecold hands. Low

bloodpressure 90/60, pulse 55-57. Backpain along my spine, certain spots

one near the waist and one higher upp in between the lungs. Some days

and nights without relief other days worse in the afternoons. Can hardly


100 yards, loosing breath, cramping feet and laps, heavy feeling right

in the BRA line,

Hard to tolerate food, not extreme pain as before but a dull inner cramp

like a gurdle, especially on left side. Pale-green, slow in my mind,

like carbonated water in my veins, cant lie down everything turns around

if not totally still, sitting up also like on a roundabout and worst


walking, just some yards and if I shut my eyes I fall, cramping inside

my abdomen and fall slowly to the ground as if loosing consiousness.


What shall I tell the doctors, are there any doctors you know of that I

could refer to? My doctors say they have never ever heard of CP without

anything that show on MRCP and other tests, amylase bloodtest performed

in Sweden, lipase or faeces test are not performed.

gastroscopi and rectoscopi done. Elevetade liverenzymes when sever

attacks, they cant explain it. Ultrasound showed twice thickend

ventricel wall and lungpoint, those ultrasounds where taken when

severeattacks, later ultrasounds and MR show nothing. I have asked they

cant explain why.

I have told about my diet, low fat, low protein etc they dont beleive in

it wants me to stop it, I have gained 20 pounds since I started and also

excluded gluten. I need 2-4 Pancreon F 25.000 with each meal, the

doctors say that they cant explain that either but if it works for me

just take it and it can be of help for people with IBS and dyspepsi,

some kind of nerveinflammation in the intestines. I asked for a cure for

that desease, were told there is none!

Sorry for this long question but I am desperate and alone, no one

beleives me and I am so ill. When I am pale white the doctors say YES we

can see you must be ill but the answer might not be delivered until 5-10

years from know. Then I want to have passed away long ago, I am already

ready. Hell exists only on this earth, people like you and me knows!

Love from Stockholm and Sonja

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Do you also get headaches a lot? My sister had the similar symptoms to you.

You could see that she was sick, but all tests were okay. Once in a while

her liver functions would be slightly elevated. One thing that you didn't

mention that my sister has is headaches. Turns out that there is a condition

known as cyclic vomitting syndrome. This is what my sister has. Many people

with this syndrome are first misdiagnosed with IBS or other conditions, they

frequently have unnecassary surgeries before they receive the diagnosis.

There is a good chance that your problem is not cyclic vomitting syndrome,

but maybe it is something that you can look into.

Crystal Galloway

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Re: Dizzy, fainting, cramps

Thanks for you answer. I do have headaches but I do not vomit. Many of

my other symptoms are very much CP related, topping with what I

described. How was your sister cured and did she have CP och more of CP

symptoms like pain in the abdomen and back, not tolerating fat and

protein? All the best Sonja

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