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Enzymes blood sugars and having babies to Darren

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Congrats on the pregnancy!!! that is some of the best news I have

heard in a long while. How does your son feel about it. Well he is

all big now and in school full time. No doubt he will be the man of

the house before you know it. How fantastic. I am really and truly

very happy for you and your wife.

Do you have a digital camera? I would love to see some pics of your

family. I have a girl 19 a son 15 (who if I had the strength I would

kill) and my baby girl is 10. full house! But they were my

inspiration to get my life back in order and still inspire me to go

back to work. Mainly just to get out of the house...LOL but

seriously having a family is a gift even when they are 15.

Oddly enough my blood sugars have been wnl's since I started back on

the dilaudid last week. The doc did say that pain will elevate those

sugars, I knew that too but it just doesn't always sink in if you

know what I mean. Maybe its just normal to have an upset stomach

sometimes. Everybody else has them, why not us. I think I may be a

little too hypervigilent. The doc thinks my adhesions will soften up

with time. Good I hope so.

But I do think that sometimes because I have been so sick for so long

that every little thing is a problem. I need to chill, everybody

gets gassy sometimes right. People get constipated and nauseas and

they just go to the drugstore and get some exlax or something and

dont fret and worry. I think I just fret and worry too much. In a

way I suppose its kind of natural considering all that we have

endured. I just need to let go and just ride the storm out. (that

song has been in my head all evening as we have this little hurricane

outside, the little ones are a piece of cake).

Congrats again on the new baby. This a beautiful time in ya'lls

lives, enjoy it Darren you certainly do deserve it.

All the best,


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I think I am like you, I fret and worry over every little thing. I think

that I am beginning to get a little better about not fretting. My first clue

that I am finally beginning to get better about not running to the doctor

over every little thing is that when I finally went for my " cold " that I've

had for nearly one month yesterday I found out that I have pneumonia. Back

when the cold started I was ready to go to the doctor, but my husband

finally talked me out of it commenting how I worry too much.


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