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The worst day of my life.

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I had my MRCP test ordered for today I waited almost 3 weeks to get

it done, and they pre-registered me on the phone Thursday and told

after I asked 3 times if I should be NPO ( nothing by mouth) the

person told me this is one of the few MRI tests that can be done not

NPO, so I drank a small amount of orange juice this morning, and

they were not going to do this test. It was not pretty I demanded to

see someone from management over this, the lady kept demanding I

tell her when I last ate, I told her I had it written down and that

it was 2:17 yesterday I had a piece of toast and that was it. They

ended up doing the test, prior to this I had went and had my pump

shut off by the pain Dr. the test took from 11:40 until after 1:00 I

have had this done before and it took 5 minutes, the tech I know and

she asked me on the way out, what is wrong with you and I told her

what I know the Drs. had said and she said to me I saw nothing in

there that looked like anything I have ever seen before. We then

went back to the pain clinic to have my pump turned back on and

refilled and the Dr. was leaving to do 3 epidurals which he makes

about $5,000 a piece for. I had an appointment with my family Dr. at

1:40 because of some concerns I had with frequencies written on

medications and such. I knew what was going to happen when we went

back to the pain Dr. I just knew it I could feel it was going to be

bad, so I asked my Primary Dr. to refer me to someone eles, and told

him about the other pain med take away. I told him I would not

accept an Rx of this med until I saw how the other Dr. was going to

do, but if he acted like I thought he would then I would discharge

him and come back and pick up an RX as I had a contract with the

pain Dr. and would not violate it while I was still his patient.

When we went over there, I knew things weren't going to go well, and

I tried to make small talk, my husband asked if he was changing the

med in the pump as he said he would and he said " no not this time "

my husband tried to tell him that I was having a rough time and he

got so angry, keep in mind my husband must work with this man. He

proceeded to tell me that he never thought there was anything wrong

with my pancreas to being with and that people with " gut " problem

end up with worse problem being on chronic opiod therapy. This is

not the truth, I have been to IU MED where these things were

diagnosed. He said didn't you go to the Mayo Clinic and I said " yes

they tried to do an endo on me and could not accomplish it, because

the scope would not go down any further so they had to stop. He said

they medical records do not reflect that I have a pancreas problem

and he would not do anything eles, and he also said that he talked

with the original surgeon who found the one defect and he told

him " yes " I did have this problem and that I should have NO problems

from it, that's funny when I saw him and he referred me to IU he

said it would and that is why, I had an ERCP at IU Med in 1996 and

got acute pancreatitis then and have been this way since. He accused

me of lying, and I told him that the same radiologist that did that

ERCP at that time worked at IU and documented these things and that

I had a cat scan a few years later and this radiologist now works at

this hospital and it read a normal c-t scan, I can't help it if they

don't know how to be Dr. I have lost 10 this past week since being

taken off the med, because I can't eat, he said it was the liquid

morphine takes the appetite away, I have an appetite but I know if I

eat anything how I will feel and won't do it, because it hurts too

bad. He started talking about constipation and things that I had

never said at all, and wants me to see a friend of his in another

town that is a pain Dr. I don't belive that this man if he is a

friend of this Dr. would ever say that he did something wrong. Drs.

protect one another and especially a friend would never say that

another Dr. was wrong. He started yelling at me and I just said I am

not going to argue with you, you win, if there is someone to win. As

we were walking out my husband had a melt down, he just lost it, he

has tried so hard to help and be there for me, and he likes this Dr.

on a friendly basis and this has killed it and I feel bad. I was

suppose to let the family Dr. know something, but I didn't now what

else to do but go to the church, I drove my husband in a hospital

gown to our church and had the Pastor come and talk with him. I

called my family Dr.office and spoke with the phone nurse and told

her to tell the Dr. briefly what had had happened but my primary

concern at that time was to take care of my husband and I would get

back with them tomorrow. I pre signed the consent to obtain the

dictation for this test before it was ever done, so as soon as it is

typed I will get a copy of it and try to get into see the ordering

Dr. in Indianapolis. I haven't eatten anything since yesterday and

probably won't I did drink some orange juice. I can assure you all

that I am not pretending to be sick, this is just crazy why would

anyone want to go through all of this. I tried to explain that I

have been running a temp since June and he won't listen, I can't

help it that they aren't finding it. The family Dr. believes its my

pancreas and thinks that is where the temp is coming from. I said I

would let you guys know what was going on so I did. I feel so bad

for my poor husband, he takes it so hard, he is a GOOD man.

Thanks for being here. Atwell

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Dear ,

I'm so very sorry that you had so much trauma at the hospital. It

sounds as though the ordeal was very frustrating for both you and

your husband, and that in the end, nothing beneficial was accomplished.

There were some parts of your story that I couldn't understand,

although I can see that you were very upset by the denials from the

doctor. What will you do now?

Remember that you will be in my thoughts and prayers, and that this

entire situation will be resolved.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth


SC and SE Regional Rep

Pancreatitis Association, Intl.

Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or

opinions only, and should not be substituted for consultation with

your medical professional.

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