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TO: Atwell

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I have been reading some " back-posts " as I was in the hospital and am

catching up.

What is the big problem with the Actiq anyway? All it is in

fentanyl. The same thing in Duragesic patches!

: For any pharmacist to yell at you and tell you that you are

selling this stuff is absolutely criminal as far as I am concerned. I

know where you stand about your hubby though as my hubby works at the

hospital where I go and had he not been working there, I would have

done alot more along time ago. But, they probably would fire him.

They do what they want to here.

you are in my prayers I promise.

Kaye NC

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I have about had all of this hospital I can stand. When I worked for

them I reported them to my state representative, and they way it is

going I may do it again and the attorney general of the state of

Indiana. It is ALL about the cost of the actiq. For which I don't

care!!!!! To bad. My husband is starting school this fall for his

Bachelors in nursing and in 18 months we are out of here. For good,

we will then move to Cincinnati OH, where he can train for his nurse

ansthesia program and then it is on to New Mexico. He lived there in

the airforce and loved it, it is either there or Santa Fe, either or

I don't care. There is nothing left here, dried out old town with

nothing, all they want is for this to be a retirement town, where

snow birds flock to when it gets to hot in Florida in summer. There

is no work in this town, the taxes just keep going up as there in

nothing here to support it, only fast food and restaurants ( which

we don't eat at anyway) minimum wage jobs and minimum wage

mentality. I understand that there is no Sin in an honest days work

and some people if that is what they want that if fine, but we want

more out of life than that. If minimum wage is want they want I am

not knocking it I just know that it takes MORE than that to live. I

had signed up for voc rehab through SSD and it was approved but

without my Actiq it won't happen, so I will just sit at home and do

nothing. It makes more sense to me, to pay for the stuff and have me

working as a tax payer, but what ever. I can't do it without it. I

was to finish my associates for which I am so close, change from

nursing to general studies ( lifting restrictions can't take care of

patients because of intrathecal pump) and then get my bachelors in

health care adminstration, but it won't happen now. I was going to

be my husbands office manager in New Mexico, because there nurse

ansthesists can own their pratices like a Dr. I have health care

back ground, and could have sat in a class room and used a push type

cart for my books. Oh, well after this is done, he will make enough

money I won't have to work anyway. He said we would just pay out

write for the stupid actiq and then use it as a tax deduction after

he finishes.

This hospital does this to everyone, they won't even give me my

retirement. I started this summer trying to move into something that

would make a little interest and they keep telling me I haven't

signed the write papers, and sent me stuff in the mail to sign and

there is nothing in there to sign. This $8,000 and it is mine. I

left there 5 years ago and the day I terminated it quit making me

interest but it is making them interest. This is my burial money and

I want it, I can't get life insurance and what little bit I had I

lost with my job, I don't want anyone to go into debit to bury me, I

was just trying to think ahead. I knew when I started this it would

be this way, I think that is what started it all to begin with. I

will take it up with my state representative and attorney general,

what they are doing is illegal and immoral God help them is all I

can say. I should have done something prior but I just kept thinking

it would make life on husband, but God doesn't expect his people to

be door mats to those who live in the world, we are still more than

conquerors no matter what the world says.

Atwell LPN

> I have been reading some " back-posts " as I was in the hospital and


> catching up.


> What is the big problem with the Actiq anyway? All it is in

> fentanyl. The same thing in Duragesic patches!


> : For any pharmacist to yell at you and tell you that you are

> selling this stuff is absolutely criminal as far as I am

concerned. I

> know where you stand about your hubby though as my hubby works at


> hospital where I go and had he not been working there, I would


> done alot more along time ago. But, they probably would fire


> They do what they want to here.


> you are in my prayers I promise.


> Kaye NC

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Hi ,

FYI, I left Indiana 38 years ago and have lived in some fine places. San

Francisco Bay area, Miami FL area, and the Atlanta area. In all places I found

both good and bad, happy people and sad and for all sorts of different reasons.


think one must make their own cool and calculated decisions and then calmly

evaluate the results to further direct their own responsible actions, that with

a little bit of luck will see you well. In all places there are people who

will bite your as* and others that you will be able to treasure them forever.

The problem is in just sorting those different folks out, that takes wisdom.

Remember there are some folks living 15 miles outside of Auburn IN that truly

believe they are on the doorstep of heaven, somewhere there is someone

getting excited because it's getting close to ice fishing season and they are


getting their cold weather gear together. And there is someone in Santa Fe

wishing that if they only had bus fare to Oolitic all would be well.

Anyway, Good luck to you and yours. While I don't think Indiana is that bad,

I don't think I will begin to plan to move back there tomorrow: but, you never

know about the day after tomorrow.

(And so this guy says I'd be happy if I only had some " yours " , and someone

else asked " What's yours? " and the guy said, " I'll think I'll have a Pabst Blue

Ribbon " . . . .you can tell from the brand I'm an " oldie " )

Best Wishes, Poncho - GA

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This is something we had planned from the beginning, the school not

the move, but I knew that what he wanted to go to school for is not

offered around here, so it made since to me when we married that we

would probably move around. I don't care, there really is nothing

left here. Nothing. It is a small community with less than 50,000

people and most are on public assistance because there is no place

to work here, they don't want too but they have too. Even if they

both work making minimum wage they are still on public assistance

because they don't make enough to support themselves and their

children it is sad. People want to work there is just nothing around

here that pays them a living wage. Everyone here is in school, to

leave. It is sad, this town was the first place to record jazz

really and has alot of industrial history but it is gone now. I know

where ever we go that God will go with us, and it is him that I

trust, who knows maybe we will end up on some missions field I don't

care, only God knows the plans he has made for us.

Atwell LPN

> Hi ,

> FYI, I left Indiana 38 years ago and have lived in some fine

places. San

> Francisco Bay area, Miami FL area, and the Atlanta area. In all

places I found

> both good and bad, happy people and sad and for all sorts of

different reasons. I

> think one must make their own cool and calculated decisions and

then calmly

> evaluate the results to further direct their own responsible

actions, that with

> a little bit of luck will see you well. In all places there are

people who

> will bite your as* and others that you will be able to treasure

them forever.

> The problem is in just sorting those different folks out, that

takes wisdom.

> Remember there are some folks living 15 miles outside of Auburn IN

that truly

> believe they are on the doorstep of heaven, somewhere there is


> getting excited because it's getting close to ice fishing season

and they are busy

> getting their cold weather gear together. And there is someone in

Santa Fe

> wishing that if they only had bus fare to Oolitic all would be


> Anyway, Good luck to you and yours. While I don't think Indiana is

that bad,

> I don't think I will begin to plan to move back there tomorrow:

but, you never

> know about the day after tomorrow.


> (And so this guy says I'd be happy if I only had some " yours " , and


> else asked " What's yours? " and the guy said, " I'll think I'll have

a Pabst Blue

> Ribbon " . . . .you can tell from the brand I'm an " oldie " )


> Best Wishes, Poncho - GA




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