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Hi everyone,

I discovered at my hospital appointment that I have actual

osteoporosis now and will require intravenous pamidriate, soon to be

Badrimate. Spellling could be all wrong! I just wrote it down as he

said it and haven't read the actual info yet. I was so shocked that

I can't remember whether he said i'd be having monthly injections

or every three months.

I'm not yet diabetic but getting closer. There is some difference of

opinion between the gastro and the panc people on the usefulness of

the EUS as a procedure, given the very abnormal state of my pancreas

which could making seeing a tumour very difficult.

As to the pancreatic juice extraction with mutational analysis, the

gastro seemed surprised to hear that this was intended. He thought

the research study involved only one baseline ERCP with juice

extraction and mutational analysis. Since he is the one who would

carry out the procedures, all this was disconcerting, to say the

least! I'll have to discuss it all again with the pancreatic team

when I next see them. I'm having a lot of pain and weakness at the

moment anyway. Horrible illness!

Meanwhile, I have an appointment at the ENT clinic at the end of the

month to sort out my ears/nasal passages problems.

Please avoid growing older, if you can!

Lots of good wishes,


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Dear Sweet Fliss; this has certainly been so far a medically

challengeing year for ya'll. Well Jim has come through all his

difficulties and so will you. Will the injections be in your vein,

will you need a port of some kind of other access. Or are the

injections in the muscle. The ones that I am familair with, and that

is not many, have always been intramuscular. Its a lot easier then

having to have access placed for intraveinous injections.

thank you for the warm wishes about the job opportunity. I hope I am

not jynxing myself by even bringing it up as I have not even so much

have been granted an interview. I just hope the manager of the unit

will like my resume/CV to grant one. It would be a wonderful

oportunity to learn more about the treatments provided to patients

with digestive diseases. As I was telling in my earlier post,

my long term goal is to become a nurse educator but as of yet I do

not have the knowledge base to do that appropriately.

You have been toying with the idea of retiring for some time. Maybe

your body is trying to tell you its time. Oh and you are by no means

old and it beats the heck out of the alternative...L. Have they

given any more thought to perfomring the total on you? I feel so

much better since. Granted it is not an easy surgery to recover

from. Its been 10 months since mine and I still have some more

healing to do but in all honesty I feel so much better after having

that horrible organ out of my body. I would do it all over again in

a heart beat.

My blood sugars are still up and down, but it is a small price to pay

to be able to stand up straight and sleep soundly and just feel human

again. There were so many things I couldn't do and missed. Just

pushing a grocery cart full of food is now a pleasure, no more

crippling pain. I eat whatever I want and have even had a glass of

wine from time to time. And yes, chocolates and cheese too!

To put it point blank, I feel productive again, that I can actually

offer something somewhere. For the first times in years I feel

positive about where my life may be heading. Sure hope its that job

in the Endoscopy unit at MUSC. If I got it I may be able to work

with Dr. Cotton again, that would be incredible!!!!!

Well I do hope you feel better soon. Maybe that trip to the Roman

ruins was a bit too much for you at the moment. You have had a very

stressful year insofar. Lets pray that all that stress is in the

past and you will have a positive outlook on your life now as well.

Retirement may be just the ticket. Of course they would probably

have to hire 3 new people to do your job!!

All my love and give my best to Jim.



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