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Re: Special wishes -- Heidi

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Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. If I can just get

an interview, then I will be happy. Its a female so I dont think I

have to worry about her hitting on me...LOL. It would be a fantastic

place to work. Hard job but I could learn so much and just think

about all the stuff I could share with all of ya'll.

I had decided to take a proactive approac instead of just applying

and waiting by the phone. I got a touch with the nurse recruiter at

MUSC and emailed a few people I knew that might be able to slip my

name to the nurse manager. Iam hoping the more she hears my name

mentioned (positively I hope) the better the chances are of my

getting an interview. It wouldn;t be an easy job and I hope that I

am ready. Trying to have faith and keep that faith that my career is

not over and when I am ready the right job will come along. Oh Lord

have mercy I feel so ready mentally, the phsycal part, well we will

just have to see.

Have you heard from Arron since he has been deployed or will that

take more time. How are you holding up with that? How is Austin

doing? My heart breakes for you and I think I can understand how you

feel. I know I can never fully as I have never been placed in that

type of situation and in all honesty I hope I never do. But each

time I think about one of my children going it makes me cry. I know

you must be torn between being frightened for your little boy but oh

so proud of your young man. I have been thinking about ya'll a lot

and every time I have seen one of those yellow ribbons I have thought

of ya'll again. If you ever need to talk just call me, when ever. I

have no bad time or good time but am here for you anytime.

With love,


PS I would adore to have lunch and if it is a celebration all the

better. I have way too much free time now that all the children are

back in school. Talk soon I hope.

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