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TO: Jerry

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Hey Jerry:

I have been reading posts and yours intrigued me. Sometimes we forget

what causes everybody's pancreatitis, there is so much!

When you say your sphincter of Oddi was fused closed.........what did

they do about it? Mine was almost closed last year and I almost died

with a case of pancreatitis from it. I have had that thing opened and

stented and treated so many times it is ridiculous. I know someday

there is going to have to be a permanent solution because they cannot

keep going in there and opening it. It causes too much scar tissue.

Who is your doc? Is that at Bowman Gray in Winston Salem?

I go along for long periods of time and thing it is pretty much over

and then it slams me in the face! Arghhhhhhhh!

Kaye............Asheville, NC

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Hi Kaye,

Thanks for writing. I am having a helluva bad day today, so if I seem

disjointed, that is why.

They did an ERCP and cut it open. It is now non-functional because of that.

I was in the hospital for a week after that ERCP. They also tried to stent,

but the pressure in the pancreas sucked the stent inside and it got stuck. I

went back about six weeks later for a three hour ERCP. They finally lassoed

it with a wire loop and got it out. I was in the hospital ten days after

that one.

I will PEM you with my doc's name. I don't like to throw his name around on

an open board on the internet.




> Hey Jerry:


> I have been reading posts and yours intrigued me. Sometimes we forget

> what causes everybody's pancreatitis, there is so much!


> When you say your sphincter of Oddi was fused closed.........what did

> they do about it? Mine was almost closed last year and I almost died

> with a case of pancreatitis from it. I have had that thing opened and

> stented and treated so many times it is ridiculous. I know someday

> there is going to have to be a permanent solution because they cannot

> keep going in there and opening it. It causes too much scar tissue.


> Who is your doc? Is that at Bowman Gray in Winston Salem?


> I go along for long periods of time and thing it is pretty much over

> and then it slams me in the face! Arghhhhhhhh!


> Kaye............Asheville, NC









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Geeze JErry it makes me hurt to read this! If it is nonfunctioning

now, how does it keep the pressures down or are they down? How do

you keep from keeping acute pancreatitis ALL THE TIME? When you are

feeling better, fill me in.


In pancreatitis , Jerry Pople <jmpople@g...> wrote:

> Hi Kaye,


> Thanks for writing. I am having a helluva bad day today, so if I


> disjointed, that is why.


> They did an ERCP and cut it open. It is now non-functional because

of that.

> I was in the hospital for a week after that ERCP. They also tried

to stent,

> but the pressure in the pancreas sucked the stent inside and it

got stuck. I

> went back about six weeks later for a three hour ERCP. They

finally lassoed

> it with a wire loop and got it out. I was in the hospital ten days


> that one.


> I will PEM you with my doc's name. I don't like to throw his name

around on

> an open board on the internet.


> Jerry/NC

> *****************************************




> >

> > Hey Jerry:

> >

> > I have been reading posts and yours intrigued me. Sometimes we


> > what causes everybody's pancreatitis, there is so much!

> >

> > When you say your sphincter of Oddi was fused

closed.........what did

> > they do about it? Mine was almost closed last year and I almost


> > with a case of pancreatitis from it. I have had that thing

opened and

> > stented and treated so many times it is ridiculous. I know


> > there is going to have to be a permanent solution because they


> > keep going in there and opening it. It causes too much scar


> >

> > Who is your doc? Is that at Bowman Gray in Winston Salem?

> >

> > I go along for long periods of time and thing it is pretty much


> > and then it slams me in the face! Arghhhhhhhh!

> >

> > Kaye............Asheville, NC

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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