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Re: Jobs to

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Hi ,

I was thinking of you on the way to work today....about your

application to the MUSC ERCP clinic. I hope you get a good

response to your inquiry and that they hire you. I figure that if you

do get a job there, that I will count on having my next ERCP down

by you. With you as my nurse, I am sure that I will get through it

with flying colors and that they doctor will actually talk to me!!! If

not him, then I know I can count on you to fill me in on what

happened and what to do next. I am not sure if this is a

threat....that is " Oh my gosh, I don't want the job now with that

hanging over my head " (LOL) or a promise! But seriously, I sure

hope this comes through for you.

Are you feeling better? With that RUQ pain, pale stools, etc

(which sure sounds like biliary problems to me.....) I hope so.

Our vacation was wonderful...for some reason summer is just

hanging around here. Was and still is, in the 80s and 90s. Which

is almost unheard of here for Sept. Usually we are in the 40s

and 50s with the occasional 70s. Still no rain though which is

not a problem for me anymore as it is too late even if it would

rain. We didn't go anywhere but stayed home to do fun things

around the garden. We put up a split rail fence, a grape arbor,

made a small deck for the driveway, planted a perennial mound,

put up birdhouses, planted a few trees and I even baked a cake

and 5 batches of cookies for my husband's birthday. And still

managed to find time to just sit a read a book and watch the

flowers grow and the kitties sleep. It was a very, very good

vacation. This was the first time since I got sick five years ago

that I felt almost normal - as far as living a life (not the pain....that

is always there). So there is hope, if I am any indicator.

No specific news on the lay-offs for me. All of our nurses

accepted the job offers from the new employer - with loss of

benefits, working conditions and seniority. Most of them said that

it is just a temporary thing for them. One for sure is actively

looking for a new job and just accepted this one to get a

paycheck until she can leave (being such short notice, most

people don't have much choice). The other three said that they

will try it and see how it goes but that they will keep their eyes

open. The two check-in / check-out women took the new offers I

think. The NP is safe for now as well as our research nurse. I

am the only one up in the air. The last I heard, the lawyers for the

college are looking into the situation to see if they can find a

loophole in the exclusivity contract or to get the hospital to not be

so rigid in enforcing it. My division chief is optimistic about it but I

am not as we have never won a contract dispute with the

hospital in the past. But maybe things are different now that we

are suppose to be " one big happy family " (which is a delusion).

The other indicator that I am out the door is that the hospital is

now staffing our phlebotomy room...which is not good news for

me. But I am hoping that I can stay on in some other capacity

(personal assistant maybe?) because my position is budgeted

for through June 2006. But whatever happens, we will make-it. It

could be lots worse. I at least have my husband to bring home

money and I am stockpiling medicine so I think I have enough to

last me for a year after I get laid off (if that happens) and after that

- who knows?

The other news is that a web site that a friend of mine designed

and I offer help as his silent partner...well it was mentioned in a

wall street journal article and we have been busy with all the

traffic and interest that this has generated (as well as the

controversy) so that is also taking up some of my time.

So that is my update........

I really hope that you hear from the ERCP clinic and that it ends

up being your new " perfect job " !!!!


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