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To Jerry: Re: Scary New Symptoms Has Anyone Ever Had This Happen?

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Hi Jerry: Thanks for writing back so quickly. I'm so sorry to hear

you're still in such pain and yes, I know exactly what you mean.

I'm having a day like that myself. Woke up this morning in

absolutely excruciating pain so bad that as I said, I couldn't even

get my son off to school. Just had to take the pain meds and not

move..I sometimes find that if I can just stay in bed and in one

position that that is about the ONLY thing that brings relief.

When you say " Weird " do you mean because of this " battery acid " type

of pain? If so, that is EXACTLY what has been going with me for the

past month or so now. It is a totally new symptom for me. And

where before that my heating pad was my best friend and I mean on my

belly almost constantly....now there is so much burning going on in

there that I actually can feel heat emanating from my stomach. I

keep telling my husband that he could probably fry an egg on it it

is so hot!! So, I've now bought one of those old fashioned water

bottles and keep it in the freezer and then roll it in a towel and

hold that to my burning stomach. Did I mention how much I HATE

this illness? And should I be concerned about this new symptom?

What could it possibly be although I know you mentioned possible

nerve damage.

I have yet to mention this burning thing to a doctor although I

mentioned it to my pain doc when I got the block done. He didn't

really seem like he was that concerned....but I'm wondering if I

should tell my PCP and see what he thinks. I should probably at

least run it by him tomorrow anyway. Although I know he'll just say

I need to tell my GI and he doesn't know that I've basically fired

the last one I had due to his comments and deferrence to the " God

like " doctor in Boston that proclaimed it wasn't my pancreas and yet

didn't base his opinion on any evidence at all...no tests, nada!!

What has happened to compassion in the medical community? ISn't

that why they go to med school in the first place? To help their

fellow man? Or is it just that the " smarties " know they can go and

end up making the big bucks? Probably a little of both I'm afraid.

Sure blew a hole in my faith in this particular PCP I have and the

medical community at large. I used to want to be a nurse....but I'm


At any rate, do you think when you feel well that you could start by

asking your doctor if he knows of a good GI in Rhode Island and not

here then in nearby Massachusetts? That would sure be a good

start...even Connecticut if need be. Then if that doesn't pan out

maybe we could proceed with an appointment with him. You must have

alot of faith if you're willing to see if he'd see someone all the

way from RI!! Wow, that is impressive!! BTW, my son has since

moved from Charlotte to Gastonia, NC. Whereabouts is that from


Thanks and I sure hope you feel better soon

> >

> > Hi Jerry: Now I feel badly about not getting back to you and here

> > you are writing me and apologizing when you're in pain. I'm sooo

> > sorry and hope that now you are feeling better than when you


> > to me.

> >

> > I had a celiac block done on....geez, I tell you these meds sure

> > make my short term memory fuzzy and can you believe I can't even

> > remember if it was last week or the week before?? Wow....didn't

> > think I was this bad!!

> >

> > Anyway, this is the third one I have had. The first one sort

> > of " tood " right away, the second I was sick for three weeks

> > afterwards and this the third seems to be doing the same as the

> > second did or I should say that I'm reacting to it like the


> > one unfortunately. I've been awfully sick for the past couple of

> > weeks and today was the first since last Fall that I actually

> > couldn't get up out of bed until just awhile ago enough to even


> > our 9 yr old off to the school bus. My husband had already gone


> > work and they're having personnel issues, lots of layoffs, etc.,


> > they are so short handed that the poor guy can't leave to come


> > help me out so our 9 yr old ended up staying home from school

> > today. We're going to have to work some kind of system out for

> > times like this but then again, our son worries about me so much

> > when I get bad enough to go to bed that he actually WANTS to stay

> > and help me out.

> >

> > This needs to be addressed as well though because we certainly


> > want it to interfere with his education and so far it hasn't...a


> > days here and there and that's all we can possibly allow for.

> > Unfortunately, we both have no family here (all on the West Coast

> > with a few down in Virginia Beach, VA) except for our oldest

> > daughter who it will suffice to say here has basically stated


> > my illness is all in my head since I've been to AND I QUOTE " so


> > doctors that have FULL medical educations and only a couple of


> > think it's your pancreas Mom....I'm beginning to think it's all


> > your head. " Nice,huh? Needless to say we haven't spoken for a few

> > weeks as I just can't get past that statement...and I'll need


> > to think about the best way to talk with her when the time

> > comes...ok probably more than you wanted to know, sorry!! LOL!!

> >

> > Anyway, you'll learn that I have unusually " long winded emails

> > sometimes!! " Don't intend to and then I just keep typing and

> > typing. As I said, I hope you're better now and I hope that I can

> > get on the upswing myself. I have been really sick every single


> > for over a month now straight....in some form of


> > which is leading me to believe that there is something else


> > going on besides pancreatic pain....it involves the bowels so


> > and particularly when the food has left the stomach and into the

> > first part of the bowels I get excruciating pain and then as it

> > moves along the intestinal route as it were the pain doesn't go


> > but it subsides...

> >

> > That's why I've asked for other's opinions on whether or not


> > illnesses are this way or if this sounds different....Anyway,


> > you're better today.

> >

> >

> >




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Gastonia is just outside of Charlotte. So there's not much difference in

travel time or distance.

People come from all over the US to my doc. So he's used to having

out-of-state patients. I'll send him an email and see if he can refer you to

someone in your neck of the woods. I know that when I used to travel a lot

on business, he would give me the name of a pancreatitis doc wherever I was

going in the US. I did a long stint in DC, and he gave me the name of a doc

there, too. Then when the Attorney General (I think it was him, but I maybe

wrong) of the US had an attack of gallstone pancreatitis, he was cared for

by the doctor in DC that my doc in NC had recommended for me. I thought that

was pretty slick.

BTW, Where are you located? City and state. I'll need to tell him that


You should ask around about that burning type of pain. You may get a

response no one else has heard around here and we may all learn something.

Of course, I'm not sure of that with this bull-headed crew!

Best Regards,




> Hi Jerry: Thanks for writing back so quickly. I'm so sorry to hear

> you're still in such pain and yes, I know exactly what you mean.

> I'm having a day like that myself. Woke up this morning in

> absolutely excruciating pain so bad that as I said, I couldn't even

> get my son off to school. Just had to take the pain meds and not

> move..I sometimes find that if I can just stay in bed and in one

> position that that is about the ONLY thing that brings relief.


> When you say " Weird " do you mean because of this " battery acid " type

> of pain? If so, that is EXACTLY what has been going with me for the

> past month or so now. It is a totally new symptom for me. And

> where before that my heating pad was my best friend and I mean on my

> belly almost constantly....now there is so much burning going on in

> there that I actually can feel heat emanating from my stomach. I

> keep telling my husband that he could probably fry an egg on it it

> is so hot!! So, I've now bought one of those old fashioned water

> bottles and keep it in the freezer and then roll it in a towel and

> hold that to my burning stomach. Did I mention how much I HATE

> this illness? And should I be concerned about this new symptom?

> What could it possibly be although I know you mentioned possible

> nerve damage.


> I have yet to mention this burning thing to a doctor although I

> mentioned it to my pain doc when I got the block done. He didn't

> really seem like he was that concerned....but I'm wondering if I

> should tell my PCP and see what he thinks. I should probably at

> least run it by him tomorrow anyway. Although I know he'll just say

> I need to tell my GI and he doesn't know that I've basically fired

> the last one I had due to his comments and deferrence to the " God

> like " doctor in Boston that proclaimed it wasn't my pancreas and yet

> didn't base his opinion on any evidence at all...no tests, nada!!


> What has happened to compassion in the medical community? ISn't

> that why they go to med school in the first place? To help their

> fellow man? Or is it just that the " smarties " know they can go and

> end up making the big bucks? Probably a little of both I'm afraid.

> Sure blew a hole in my faith in this particular PCP I have and the

> medical community at large. I used to want to be a nurse....but I'm

> digressing.


> At any rate, do you think when you feel well that you could start by

> asking your doctor if he knows of a good GI in Rhode Island and not

> here then in nearby Massachusetts? That would sure be a good

> start...even Connecticut if need be. Then if that doesn't pan out

> maybe we could proceed with an appointment with him. You must have

> alot of faith if you're willing to see if he'd see someone all the

> way from RI!! Wow, that is impressive!! BTW, my son has since

> moved from Charlotte to Gastonia, NC. Whereabouts is that from

> Raleigh?


> Thanks and I sure hope you feel better soon



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