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To Jerry: Re: Scary New Symptoms Has Anyone Ever Had This Happen?

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Jerry: Thanks!! I just caught this as I'm about ready to sign off

for the night as if I sit here too long good old Mr. Pancreas

doesn't like it and starts getting angry.....gawd!!

I'm in Portsmouth, Rhode Island which is about a five minute drive

from Newport, Rhode Island (that may be more familiar to some as it

is a huge tourist trap, er I meant attraction!) and about 30 mins

outside of the capital Providence, Rhode Island. Although you can

literally drive the length or width of this state in under an hour

it's so small!! Also, about an hour and a half outside of Boston,


Thanks Jerry and yes, it was our Attorney General - Ashcroft.

I hated hearing about it at the time but I also remember thinking

that that's probably about what it would take to raise the bar on

any kind of research for this illness. Not to be I guess........

Thanks again Jerry I sure do appreciate it. I may blast off another

quick email just to see if anyone who may not have seen my first one

on this burning thing can lend any more info on it. Sure hope

tomorrow is a better for you than today was.

> >

> > Hi Jerry: Thanks for writing back so quickly. I'm so sorry to


> > you're still in such pain and yes, I know exactly what you mean.

> > I'm having a day like that myself. Woke up this morning in

> > absolutely excruciating pain so bad that as I said, I couldn't


> > get my son off to school. Just had to take the pain meds and not

> > move..I sometimes find that if I can just stay in bed and in one

> > position that that is about the ONLY thing that brings relief.

> >

> > When you say " Weird " do you mean because of this " battery acid "


> > of pain? If so, that is EXACTLY what has been going with me for


> > past month or so now. It is a totally new symptom for me. And

> > where before that my heating pad was my best friend and I mean

on my

> > belly almost constantly....now there is so much burning going on


> > there that I actually can feel heat emanating from my stomach. I

> > keep telling my husband that he could probably fry an egg on it


> > is so hot!! So, I've now bought one of those old fashioned water

> > bottles and keep it in the freezer and then roll it in a towel


> > hold that to my burning stomach. Did I mention how much I HATE

> > this illness? And should I be concerned about this new symptom?

> > What could it possibly be although I know you mentioned possible

> > nerve damage.

> >

> > I have yet to mention this burning thing to a doctor although I

> > mentioned it to my pain doc when I got the block done. He didn't

> > really seem like he was that concerned....but I'm wondering if I

> > should tell my PCP and see what he thinks. I should probably at

> > least run it by him tomorrow anyway. Although I know he'll just


> > I need to tell my GI and he doesn't know that I've basically


> > the last one I had due to his comments and deferrence to the " God

> > like " doctor in Boston that proclaimed it wasn't my pancreas and


> > didn't base his opinion on any evidence at all...no tests, nada!!

> >

> > What has happened to compassion in the medical community? ISn't

> > that why they go to med school in the first place? To help their

> > fellow man? Or is it just that the " smarties " know they can go


> > end up making the big bucks? Probably a little of both I'm


> > Sure blew a hole in my faith in this particular PCP I have and


> > medical community at large. I used to want to be a nurse....but


> > digressing.

> >

> > At any rate, do you think when you feel well that you could

start by

> > asking your doctor if he knows of a good GI in Rhode Island and


> > here then in nearby Massachusetts? That would sure be a good

> > start...even Connecticut if need be. Then if that doesn't pan out

> > maybe we could proceed with an appointment with him. You must


> > alot of faith if you're willing to see if he'd see someone all


> > way from RI!! Wow, that is impressive!! BTW, my son has since

> > moved from Charlotte to Gastonia, NC. Whereabouts is that from

> > Raleigh?

> >

> > Thanks and I sure hope you feel better soon

> >

> >




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