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loud belly noises

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since coming home from the hospital with an acute attack following my

1st ERCP,my belly has been making some really weird and loud

noises.and i do mean LOUD!!just constantly rumbling,growling and

gurgling.i'm not hungry,not had alot of gas and my bowels are fine.it

feels like it is coming from my stomach/pancreas area.and this last

attack has really worn me out.while the pain,nausea ect..is getting

better,i have NO energy at all.i thought if i got up and about it

would help,but a trip to the grocery store last night drained me,i was

worse afterwards.so does any one know what is causing these weird

noises,and what to do about them?i wish they would stop.quite

embarassing,actually!! and annoying.


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What I have to tell you probably isn't going to be of any help to you,

but I just wanted to share my own experiences with my loud tummy with

you to let you know that you aren't alone.

Ever since I was diagnosed with CP, my abdomen has made these noises!

I call it my " belly belching " . Gurgling, rumbling, growling.....and

so loud that you can hear it if you're sitting ten feet away from me.

It's horrifically embarrassing, people stare at me strangely in

stores, my doctor actually laughed the first time he heard it, and I

can't tell you how many times total strangers have heard me and

said.... " you must be hungry, your tummie's talking " , or similar remarks.

If I place my hand on my belly, between the navel and the base of my

sternum, you can actually feel the heavy vibrations. It is loudest

and most noticeable when I've first had a small amount of food on an

empty stomach. For example, I haven't eaten anything, and then have

half a piece of toast, or a couple bites of a muffin, or something

pretty miniscule like that. I've learned either to eat something more

substancial, or nothing at all, before I go out in public.

I have no idea why it happens, what causes it to happen, or what to do

about it. I've asked my doctor, who witnessed it's loud grumbling one

day, and he hadn't a clue, either. I didn't press it further, for

fear that he'd pescribe yet another test or another pill, and I've

already had, (have), too many of those that I don't want anymore.

I've learned to just live with it, and pretend I can't even hear it

when I'm in the checkout line at the store and find five or six people

staring at me when my belly belches.:-)

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina

SC and SE Regional Rep.


Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or

opinion, and should not be substituted for professional medical


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