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Unreal, isn't it to

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Unfortunately, I know of the doctor that you're referring to in

Boston, and it galls me to no end to hear that he's said this about

you, because I've heard the same exact diagnosis, or lack of

diagnosis, from this doctor with at least four, possibly more, members

of this board over the past four+ years. And as it turned out, every

single one of the people that he said " didn't have any pancreas

problems " most certainly did! They had chronic pancreatitis and other

problems relating to their pancreas, and all needed specialized help!

So I'm with you, gal, and wish you hadn't had this " proclamation " from

this doctor that has now made getting appropriate treatment

impossible. Is there any chance that you can see yet another GI? Do

you have to go to the one who sent you to the idiot in Boston?

If you can't change doctors, you need to get back in touch with the

one who said " he'd see you as needed " , and tell him that there are

some new symptoms going on that are making your life unbearable, and

that, NO, YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH IT!..... Sorry for all the caps, but I

was just trying to make a strong point. If you're in so much pain and

discomfort that you aren't able to get out of bed and function in some

capacity that's needed to live your life, to care for your son and do

other activities - then you need to have medical attention. You need

to get that doctor to address your present disability and if he can't

find out what it is that's going on, then you need to find someone who


I'm very sorry that you have to suffer through this miserable problem

without proper medical assistance. It's unbelievable to me that your

doctor would expect you to " try " to deal with these problems without

wanting to investigate the cause any further. If staying with this

doctor is an insurance issue - then, if it were me, I'd be on the

phone with that insurance company complaining that the doctor hadn't

treated the problems, and that I need to see someone that can. It's

just a sin that you should have to try and deal with this all on your own.

Sorry for my rant, it's just very disturbing for me to see someone

that needs help so badly not be able to get it. Take care of yourself.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina

SC and SE Regional Rep.


Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or

opinion, and should not be substituted for professional medical


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