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Preparing to Leave for Minneasota

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My mother and I are getting the final things ready before we fly out

Tuesday morning October the 4th.

I have Transplant Clinic on Oct 5th at 8 AM.

Then my Total Pancreactonomy and auto Islet Cell Transplant is

scheduled for 5:30 AM on October the 10th.

I will be at the

University of Minneasota/ Fairview Medical Center

500 Harvard St.

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Here is my Caring Bridge Site. My sister Sandy will be updating

this for me while I am in the Hospital and until we get home.



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I wish you all the best with this. Total success and speedy recovery

for you. Please check in and let us know when you can.

And I know exactly what you mean about missing your pets.


> My mother and I are getting the final things ready before we fly


> Tuesday morning October the 4th.


> I have Transplant Clinic on Oct 5th at 8 AM.


> Then my Total Pancreactonomy and auto Islet Cell Transplant is

> scheduled for 5:30 AM on October the 10th.


> I will be at the


> University of Minneasota/ Fairview Medical Center

> 500 Harvard St.

> Minneapolis, MN 55455



> Here is my Caring Bridge Site. My sister Sandy will be updating

> this for me while I am in the Hospital and until we get home.


> www.caringbridge.org/in/lsbaker/



> Leanne

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Good luck Leanne, I will be thinking about you. It has been 10 months

since I had the tp- auto ict and it has been a miracle. Of course I

have had a few bumps in the road to my recovery but I would do it all

again in a heart beat.

You and your family are in my prayers.


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Thanks for furnishing your address and website information. This will

help us keep track of how you're doing, and hearing news about your

progress will encourage us all.

Progress there WILL be, I feel sure of it. You'll be in the best

hands in the country for this procedure, and you couldn't hope for

more than that. Please go with our thoughts, and prayers, for a

speedy recovery and a smooth transition into the " real " world again.

With love, hope and prayers,


Heidi H. Griffeth

South Carolina

SC and SE Regional Rep.


Note: All comments or advice are based on personal experience or

opinion, and should not be substituted for professional medical


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Good luck! I have your surgery written on my calender in my kitchen. When I

changed the page today I was surprised to see it there. I am glad that I

wrote it down so that I can remember you in my prayers that day.

Crystal Galloway

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