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To Heidi: Re: Unreal, isn't it to

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Heidi: Thank you SO much for your wonderfully supportive email to

me. It really raised my spirits just knowing that you know of more

than one person that went to this doctor and yes, I'll say his name

here because I don't want anyone else to be steered towards him.

His name is Dr. Banks and he is supposedly a world renowned GI

that is affiliated with Harvard. And now, unfortunately his bologne

notes are a part of my permanent file. Thank God that I got

approved for the Federal Employee's Disability Retirement...because

I think his notes are going to be very damaging for me and they most

definitely are going to have a HUGE bearing on any future GI I go


No, I haven't yet made an appointment with a good GI and preferrably

a pancreatologist, however, I did see that there is actually a

Pancreas Specialty Clinic at the Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in

Boston, MA so I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and try

and get myself up there if I can get in that is!! In the meantime,

though I'm also going to have to bite the bullet and call this last

GI that I was seeing locally who said he'd see me on an " as needed "

basis. Well, this is " as needed " I believe since this burning,

acidy symptom is something new that has developed in the past couple

of months.

The other thing I need addressed is this swelling in my feet, ankles

and calves. It is just awful!! I can't seem to take the diuretics

but I know that this last one wasn't supposed to have any pancreatic

related side effects but yet, each time I'd take it and by about day

four I was climbing the walls with increased pain. Although to tell

you the truth I've gotten to the point where I don't know what is

helping, hurting, etc. I'm just on so many meds now and that is

probably the culprit in and of itself. I jokingly told my husband

that I now look like Elvis Presley right before he died all bloated

up from the meds, sickly looking, etc. No offense to any Elvis fans

out there but you have to admit that he looked pretty awful right

before his death.

Anyway Heidi...thanks for your email and it sure reminded me of how

great this group truly is.

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