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To Anyse: Re: and battery acid

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Hi Anyse: Thanks for writing and wishing me well. I just want to

clarify myself a bit on this acid burning thing. This isn't

something like stomach acid (although I DO Get that at times as


This new symptom (approx. 4-5 wks now I think) is more like the acid

is trapped right behind my rib cage and it goes all the way around

my ribs and sometimes up into the shoulder blade area. It's like a

huge rubber band that I also get when get the other type of pain I

get which is more of a squeezing pain like a rubber band is

squeezing. But it's not like that either - the only reason I

mention it is that it is about the same width as this giant rubber

band, going all the way around underneath my ribs and then up ito

the shoulder blades but it FEELS like someone is pouring battery

acid in there....boy does it ever burn. My skin is hot to the touch

as well but so far I don't get a fever from it though....

Yowie but boy does it hurt...and I sure wish I knew what to do about

it other than putting cold water (ice) bottles on it.

Take care Anyse...and thanks again

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