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Gaining weight with panc

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Here is a response from Dr Sutherland about gaining weight with panc....hope it


Main thing is getting e'nough enzymes to absorb the food. Many are

under-enzymed, 2-3 per meal doesn't cut it, need 6-10, seems like a lot.

Does he still have pain when he eats (many do after the Fry

procedure, doesn't relieve the pain very well in some), and therefore

can't eat much? Does he have steattorhea (diarrhea with fatty

floating stools--then for sure more enzymes.

If he still has pain, he may need the pancreas out to become pain

free so he can eat enough.

That is my take.



E R Sutherland, MD, PhD

Professor and Head, Division of Transplantation

Director, Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation

Golf Classic " fore " Diabetes Research Chair

Mail Code 280

Department of Surgery

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

email: dsuther@...


At 06:39 PM 10/3/2005, you wrote:

>Hey Dr Sutherland. This is Mark Armstrong from the PAI.....I have a

>question for you...We have had a couple of people recently come in

>and ask questions about how to gain weight with pancreatitis and it

>is a great question, but I have been unable to find any info on this

>topic. I run the www.top5plus5.com website and would love to place

>some info on the site about this topic. Can you please direct me to

>where I might find some info about this? Thank you for your time

>and effort. I hope this finds you and yours well...below is a copy

>of one of the emails I just received. Mark




>I have a question for anyone who can help. Zachary, diagnosed 1/05 and

>having undergone a Frey procedure in February of this year, is having a

>terrible time gaining weight. He just turned 12 and is only 68

>pounds. We have him on Boost (he tries to drink a can a day, but

>complains that it gives him " cotton mouth " ), a lowfat diet, enzymes and

>an acid reducer. And, of yeah, he is ADHD so what he does absorb he

>burns off in about two seconds. Has anyone found any supplements or

>anything that help with weight gain? I am worried that as he goes

>through growth spurts, it will be unhealthy! Any suggestions?


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do i Understand this correctly that if we are not taking enzymes we

may be gaining weight. I am not on them. i thought they would make

you gain weight



-- In pancreatitis , " Mark E. Armstrong "

<casca@b...> wrote:


> Here is a response from Dr Sutherland about gaining weight with

panc....hope it helps




> Main thing is getting e'nough enzymes to absorb the food. Many are

> under-enzymed, 2-3 per meal doesn't cut it, need 6-10, seems like

a lot.

> Does he still have pain when he eats (many do after the Fry

> procedure, doesn't relieve the pain very well in some), and


> can't eat much? Does he have steattorhea (diarrhea with fatty

> floating stools--then for sure more enzymes.

> If he still has pain, he may need the pancreas out to become


> free so he can eat enough.

> That is my take.

> Sincerely,

> ders

> E R Sutherland, MD, PhD

> Professor and Head, Division of Transplantation

> Director, Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation

> Golf Classic " fore " Diabetes Research Chair

> Mail Code 280

> Department of Surgery

> University of Minnesota

> Minneapolis, MN 55455


> email: <mailto:dsuther@u...>dsuther@u...

> www.DiabetesInstitute.org



> At 06:39 PM 10/3/2005, you wrote:



> >Hey Dr Sutherland. This is Mark Armstrong from the PAI.....I

have a

> >question for you...We have had a couple of people recently come


> >and ask questions about how to gain weight with pancreatitis and


> >is a great question, but I have been unable to find any info on


> >topic. I run the www.top5plus5.com website and would love to


> >some info on the site about this topic. Can you please direct me


> >where I might find some info about this? Thank you for your time

> >and effort. I hope this finds you and yours well...below is a


> >of one of the emails I just received. Mark

> >

> >

> >

> >I have a question for anyone who can help. Zachary, diagnosed

1/05 and

> >having undergone a Frey procedure in February of this year, is

having a

> >terrible time gaining weight. He just turned 12 and is only 68

> >pounds. We have him on Boost (he tries to drink a can a day, but

> >complains that it gives him " cotton mouth " ), a lowfat diet,

enzymes and

> >an acid reducer. And, of yeah, he is ADHD so what he does absorb


> >burns off in about two seconds. Has anyone found any supplements


> >anything that help with weight gain? I am worried that as he goes

> >through growth spurts, it will be unhealthy! Any suggestions?

> >blohouse@h...



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Nope...if you take them, it will help you gain weight

Re: Gaining weight with panc

> Mark


> do i Understand this correctly that if we are not taking enzymes we

> may be gaining weight. I am not on them. i thought they would make

> you gain weight

> -


> Debs



> -- In pancreatitis , " Mark E. Armstrong "

> <casca@b...> wrote:


>> Here is a response from Dr Sutherland about gaining weight with

> panc....hope it helps




>> Main thing is getting e'nough enzymes to absorb the food. Many are

>> under-enzymed, 2-3 per meal doesn't cut it, need 6-10, seems like

> a lot.

>> Does he still have pain when he eats (many do after the Fry

>> procedure, doesn't relieve the pain very well in some), and

> therefore

>> can't eat much? Does he have steattorhea (diarrhea with fatty

>> floating stools--then for sure more enzymes.

>> If he still has pain, he may need the pancreas out to become

> pain

>> free so he can eat enough.

>> That is my take.

>> Sincerely,

>> ders

>> E R Sutherland, MD, PhD

>> Professor and Head, Division of Transplantation

>> Director, Diabetes Institute for Immunology and Transplantation

>> Golf Classic " fore " Diabetes Research Chair

>> Mail Code 280

>> Department of Surgery

>> University of Minnesota

>> Minneapolis, MN 55455


>> email: <mailto:dsuther@u...>dsuther@u...

>> www.DiabetesInstitute.org



>> At 06:39 PM 10/3/2005, you wrote:



>> >Hey Dr Sutherland. This is Mark Armstrong from the PAI.....I

> have a

>> >question for you...We have had a couple of people recently come

> in

>> >and ask questions about how to gain weight with pancreatitis and

> it

>> >is a great question, but I have been unable to find any info on

> this

>> >topic. I run the www.top5plus5.com website and would love to

> place

>> >some info on the site about this topic. Can you please direct me

> to

>> >where I might find some info about this? Thank you for your time

>> >and effort. I hope this finds you and yours well...below is a

> copy

>> >of one of the emails I just received. Mark

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >I have a question for anyone who can help. Zachary, diagnosed

> 1/05 and

>> >having undergone a Frey procedure in February of this year, is

> having a

>> >terrible time gaining weight. He just turned 12 and is only 68

>> >pounds. We have him on Boost (he tries to drink a can a day, but

>> >complains that it gives him " cotton mouth " ), a lowfat diet,

> enzymes and

>> >an acid reducer. And, of yeah, he is ADHD so what he does absorb

> he

>> >burns off in about two seconds. Has anyone found any supplements

> or

>> >anything that help with weight gain? I am worried that as he goes

>> >through growth spurts, it will be unhealthy! Any suggestions?

>> >blohouse@h...



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