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Chicken noodle soup to Dick and Alan

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It is kind of funny in retorspect. I ate the same thing every day

for well over a year. At work my daily lunch was chicken noodle soup

and fat free saltines. My co-workers used to tease me about it.

Working with a bunch of women somebody was always bringing in a dish

to share. They would beg and plead for me to try, ohhh go ahead just

taste it. They would get reallyupset if I didn't, I mean really

upset. Well undoubtedly I would take the taste and then quickly

excuse myself to the lady's room to vomit it up. It took a while,

but eventually they noticed it. You would think a bunch of nurses

would be a little more understanding... NOT!

When it got to the point that I could not longer even tolerate the

slimfast that is when things got really bad. But all that is acient

history now. I am doing so much better since having the tp-auto

ict. Well except for these adhesions which are really doing a number

on me. Anyway I do hope this is a temporary situation.

Hope your doing well and Alan's stash in the back up the truck just

sits there and gathers dust.


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