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To Re: Dick's ResponseRe: Remeron

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: Just wanted to say thank you for clarifying that for not

only Dick's edification but also for anyone that might have gotten a

recommendation from their doctor to use it for insomnia but may have

been put off because of the fact that it is also an antidepessant

(not an anti-psychotic although maybe after a few yrs of dealing

with this illness I may be in need of an anti psychotic LOL!)

In my case, however, I would in all likelihood, tend to get

depressed so maybe it's good that there is that component to

Remeron. It was prescribed for me when the Ambien did absolutely

nothing for my insomnia problem. I would take an Ambien and still

not sleep...but the Remeron has really helped in that regard. It

works really quickly though and many times I spend the night on the

sofa because my hubby says he tried to wake me but I just wouldn't


Anyway...thanks and I hope everyone had a good day today and a

better one tomorrow. I am FINALLY coming up for air after the

celiac block 4 weeks ago. The last one I had it took a good 3 wks

before I started feeling better. I'm definitely not at all " cured "

and I still get fairly significant pain from time to time but it

doesn't last as long and I haven't (knock wood!) had to even vaguely

consider going to the ER (which is the level the pain severity and

duration of the pain was getting to prior to the block. So,

although not perfect they do help to keep me out of the ER.

I'm still catching up with messages as I've been offline for a few

days now but I saw this and had to respond right away!!

> >

> > ;

> >

> > Remeron is an anti-psychotic, not an anti-depressant. I hope I

> > didn't blow your doc's cover by tellign you that. Using it for

> > sleep? Hmmm.... I dunno. I know because I took it once and I


> > messed up. Be careful of that stuff.

> >

> >


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