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Return of behaviors

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Hi my name is . My son age 4.5 has been on the SCD diet for 4

weeks now. I stopped giving him supplements to concentrate on the diet

and I am slowly adding his supplements back in. We are concerned that

his inability to sleep through the night has returned and his stimming

behavior of dumping toys has also returned. He is waking up like

clockwork at 2am and falling back to sleep at 6am. Is this still die

off? What supplements does he need at this time ie I will be bringing

back cod liver oil today. Also I was not going to put him back on the

anti-fungals-but as I read some of the other entries-maybe I should

start him back on diflucan. Can we get some advice? Thank you.

in West Covina,Ca.

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What foods did you recently add in? Are you adding

them one at a time? What supplements did you add


It sounds like a food or supplement reaction to me. I

would most definitely NOT add anything new until you

figure this out. Try to figure out when the behavior

started. Anything added in the four days previous

could be the culprit.


ASD son, RA self, SCD Nov. 2007



> Hi my name is . My son age 4.5 has been on

> the SCD diet for 4

> weeks now. I stopped giving him supplements to

> concentrate on the diet

> and I am slowly adding his supplements back in. We

> are concerned that

> his inability to sleep through the night has

> returned and his stimming

> behavior of dumping toys has also returned. He is

> waking up like

> clockwork at 2am and falling back to sleep at 6am.

> Is this still die

> off? What supplements does he need at this time ie I

> will be bringing

> back cod liver oil today. Also I was not going to

> put him back on the

> anti-fungals-but as I read some of the other

> entries-maybe I should

> start him back on diflucan. Can we get some advice?

> Thank you.


> in West Covina,Ca.





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