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Fecal impaction to

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Well if you are unble to move your bowells properly that can

definetly lead to nausea. Just the simple fact that it has no place

to go. Have you ever tried Miralax. it is a powder that is

tasteless, oderless, textureless and can be mixed with any beverage.

I have even had it with water when that was all I could tolerate.

You could probably even sprinkle it on ice cream or pudding I would

think. It is non addictive, which means when you stop taking it your

bowells can still funtion normally. It helps with both diahrrea as

well as constipation by balancing out the fluid content in the

intestinal tract. It is the best med I have ever had and I will

never ever run out. Lately with my new set of problems I have been

taking it 2-3 times a day.

Also you can get the generic form of colace at K-Mart for as little

as $3. Some will be be just the stool soften of the colace and some

will come with a laxative as well. I also have been taking a lot

more of these lately.

I dont understand how carbonated beverages can affect you after a

whipple. Did they remove your plyoric sphincter and part of your

duodenum? Are you on Protonix or other proton pump inhibitor?

I will take a deep breathe, I promise. I am not doing so hot today

for some reason. I am having a lot more nausea and pain today. I

had to run to the grocery store this morning to pick up a fe things

and it has just torn me up. I think I will go lay down in a little

while because I feel like total and complete crap. I got another

remail from the surgeon saying he will look at my films again and

give me a call. I probably wont hear from him till next week I'm


I tend to over think things a bit, so I am trying not to. A friend

has invited me ove tomorrow to see her new house and we always have

a very nice time together. We have been friends since teenagers. It

will be a little sad because the weekend of the 11th an APB was put

out for all our of girlfriends to meet up in Mrytle Beach. They had

rented a suite for the weekend and it was going to be a rock on party

weekend before we all got wrapped up in the Holidaze with our

families. I will have to miss that again this year.

Hope you feel better soon, and if anyting drink water water water,

that will hlep to get things flowing and no straws!!


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I haven't tried Miralax, but this is on my " list " . My surgeon wants

me to try one medicine at a time. The #1 priority is my nausea,

which my dad is going to get the Merinol script right now. I can't

wait to try it.

They did remove my pylorus and the duodenum. My surgeon does not

believe in doing the Pylorus preserving Whipple, he didn't explain

why, he just said it makes no difference. He removed the duodenum,

because he considers it to be part of the pancreas in some line of

thinking. He is a world renowned Pancreatic surgeon. I wasn't in

the position to debate the pros and cons of Pylorus preserving

Whipples vs. a " regular " Whipple. Anyhow, after the surgery I was

given specific eating instructions for those who undergo a Whipple.

One of the rules is no carbonated beverages (and no straws). I can

manage without them, my GI doc told me to stop drinking them too.

It's really too bad, because I could get some good calories from

them. Also, I am not any protonix or aciphex or anything of the

sort. My surgeon said one of the outcomes from having the surgery

was to get off of all the drugs, including an acid reducer and

enzymes. He wants me to live as normally as possible.

Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. I think you are partially

and understandably mentally drained, not to mention having to run to

school to pick your daughter up, going to the store, all after a

stressful day at the doc yesterday (from which you were feeling bad

from). I hope this weekend (after you go to your girlfriend's house)

you will lock yourself in your room, rest up, drink soda, sleep, not

get on the computer, and no running errands. Pure uninterrupted


Take care of yourself.

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