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Re: autism story and independently healthy minds

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yvw, Channa. Would like to add a little here. Maybe it would be helpful and boost our immune systems some to look at the times we live in as complex and full of wild opportunities, more than we ever dreamed. The world has always been crazy dangerous. To say that things will only get worse plays into the hands of whomever might consciously use fear as fuel to control people surprised and shocked by levels of stress they never expected and had never had training to surf through. I have seen a number of people actually manipulate vulnerable people in a calculated way for profit, and it was very damaging for my health and recovery. Millions of people have already mastered offgrid and green living and are happy to teach it,

and enlightened corporations, not bogus enlightened but really, are at work on making the transition to healthier futures for all of us. Much of the media, owned by about five? companies worldwide, would like us to think only what they feed us so we will not speak up and be more independent AND interdependent. We are in this together, getting well and learning together. There are more warrior mommies around, and free, non-cult uplifting stuff on the net and elsewhere, than you could ever imagine. I was doing all this stuff way before you were born, and there were people paving the way for me before that, and the numbers of good constructive people continues to grow, so despite what things look like, and I know what dire looks like having been born with lots of broken genetics, you are on the right path and just need to be hooked up to the right people who already have a place waiting for you to create something wonderful

that will in turn teach others, etc. You are on your way, and so are the people in this group.To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex >Sent: Fri, January 18, 2013 11:19:21 PMSubject: Re: autism story

Great job Channa!!Sent from my iPhone

thank you brooke! and jeanette! I hope we all can speak out, carefully and in the right place we must do our part to be a part of that greater good...changing peoples outlook on what they believe to be truth....I still get scared of my big mouth..these are dangerous times we live in and will get only worse...but what good is being alive if you cant speak what you believe in....

it really is sad that a clean diet is so expensive.....one of the things I am trying to do and hope to eventually promote on my blog is getting back to the land....trying to get a patch of land that you can grow some staples on...learn how to can your food/ferment them...and learn how to go foraging for wild food.....

one of my dreams is to start a living off the land school...for poor people...warrior mommys trying to live without all the harmful pollution.and wierdos who want to just go off grid :) .. my knowledge is not that great but im trying to study up on this kind of stuff....

love you guys....

To: "mb12valtrex " <mb12valtrex > Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 6:51 PMSubject: Re: autism story

Channa girl,your blog rocks! I didnt know you had one.I just read it.Were alot alike! Your story was great.Sad part is a clean diet is sooo expensive,but i have a garden which helps alot with fresh fruit/veggies.

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 5:57 PMSubject: Re: autism story

Please support Channa and in so doing support all dealing with this; it's so easy to do, and makes a big positive difference for all of us in our processes.

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I agree with what you say about fear damaging us....I have that issue (and am working on it)

however on the flip side my grandmother didnt have enough healthy fear back in europe when nazis were making door to door collections of all the jews....my grandmother was in the market buying tomatoes thinking peaceful thoughts (or not)when the mayor God bless his heart walked up to her and said" your family are next on the list you need to get them into safety now.

My point is.....we should not be driven by fear....but we should also have healthy fear.....I am not going to go into my whole conspiracy talk as im sure no one wants to hear it.....but if rich america goes into some kind of collapse....there may be no food in your grocery stores to buy from. you may be getting arrested for taking your familys medical needs into your own hands. I am sure you know all about this Jeanette....however...

most people I talk to dont have any fear at all when it comes to life as we know it in this country....

but yes..I do agree with you...the world is full of wild possibilitys......and that is what i am trying to focus on:)

To: mb12valtrex Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2013 1:39 AMSubject: Re: autism story and independently healthy minds

yvw, Channa. Would like to add a little here. Maybe it would be helpful and boost our immune systems some to look at the times we live in as complex and full of wild opportunities, more than we ever dreamed. The world has always been crazy dangerous. To say that things will only get worse plays into the hands of whomever might consciously use fear as fuel to control people surprised and shocked by levels of stress they never expected and had never had training to surf through. I have seen a number of people actually manipulate vulnerable people in a calculated way for profit, and it was very damaging for my health and recovery.

19:21 PMSubject: Re: autism story

Great job Channa!!Sent from my iPhone

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