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Re: meredith(Ali)

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Hopefully we will get our hormones in check soon

so the poor guys in our life can breath a sigh of

relief. Hopefully the whole 9 months won't be this

way! lol

I am so anxious to find out the sex of this baby. It

is just killing me! My next ob appt is oct 29, so

hopefully he will order an ultrasound at that time.


--- Ali wrote:

> I hope that you are right, I get so angry at my

> boyfriend for nothing. He is

> only home on weekends now and I just hope that he

> makes it through this

> pregnancy, too. I am just tired of my expanding

> bust! They do not hurt, but

> they seem to get in my way! HA HA! My dear boyfriend

> is trying to be so

> supportive and he calls me all the time, asks how I

> am doing, how I am

> feeling and tells me he loves me...and I still get

> nasty! It is ridiculous.

> I just want to feel this baby move and know what the

> sex is so then it will

> feel more real, too.


> Ali





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I hope that you are right! My dear boyfriend went away to truck driving

school and calls me all the time. He is also home on weekends, for now. I

just have so many hormones raging that I have started crying when I talk to

him. I miss him, but I think that so much of it is because I feel so alone

right now and that he is going to miss so much of this pregnancy. I know it

is just killing him to hear me cry and not be able to be home as well. I

just hope that this gets better. I just can't keep putting him through that,

it's killing him! I think that once I find out what we are having, I'll be

better or like I said before, when the baby starts moving then I will have

something else to focus on. =) How long until you have your u/s to see if

you can find out?


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Hey Ali,

I know exactly where you are coming from. My husband

drove a truck for years. He was gone most of the time

when I was pregnant with my son, and I know how hard

it can be. The last couple of trucking companies he

worked for he was able to be home on weekends, and

usually was able to be home one weeknight. Maybe once

your husband gets finished with school and gets a set

run, he can be home a little more. My husband works

in the oilfield service now. Sometimes he is home

more, but he works really long hours still. On

average anywhere from 65 to sometimes 85 hours a wk.

In the winter when work slows down here he will go on

loan outs to Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, and last year he

went to Canada. Usually the loan outs can be 2 wks to

a month gone at a time.

Hope I haven't bored ya, just letting you know that I

know how you are feeling, but I'm sure it will get


My Dr. said that he would schedule me for an u/s at 20

weeks, but my dr.s appt is on the 29th and I'm gonna

try to talk him into letting me have one a little

sooner. I'll let ya know!

Keep me posted on you, and hope that you feel better


Meredith :)

--- Ali wrote:

> Meredith,

> I hope that you are right! My dear boyfriend went

> away to truck driving

> school and calls me all the time. He is also home on

> weekends, for now. I

> just have so many hormones raging that I have

> started crying when I talk to

> him. I miss him, but I think that so much of it is

> because I feel so alone

> right now and that he is going to miss so much of

> this pregnancy. I know it

> is just killing him to hear me cry and not be able

> to be home as well. I

> just hope that this gets better. I just can't keep

> putting him through that,

> it's killing him! I think that once I find out what

> we are having, I'll be

> better or like I said before, when the baby starts

> moving then I will have

> something else to focus on. =) How long until you

> have your u/s to see if

> you can find out?


> Ali





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