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Salicylates, Aggression, Anxiety, OCD, and other stuff

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I thought I would share an update. I have been waiting until gains have lasted

a while before I shared.

My son has been doing so well and has conquered nearly all his remaining issues

in the last couple months.

Both my sons were completely intolerant of salicylates and can now eat them with

no problems.

My youngest (ASD) has come so far over the years, but still dealt with anxiety,

OCD behaviors, aggression, controlling behavior, and general trouble with mood.

Here's what we did to help with those remianing issues:

Yasko testing which helped us fine-tune his protocol. I HIGHLY recommend this

testing - it is worth every dime spent!

Ammonia support through limiting protein, yucca, and activated charcoal once or

twice per week.

Glutamate reduction (we were doing this already, but got even better about it.)

B6 - this ended up being magical for my son, but genetically he can have trouble

with it, so other factors had to be under control before we could supplement it.

Methylation. This one was the key for salicylate sensitivity. We had been

giving mb12 shots with folinic acid supplements to both my sons (one ASD, one NT

but has methylation issues) for years, but I felt that they had reached a point

where they weren't tolerating them as well as they should be. I removed the

shots and folinic, but then we had a slow decline. Instead of going back on

shots, we added hydroxy B12 drops and 5mthf drops. That was the ticket. We saw

great improvement without the negatives with this combo. That has allowed both

my sons to eat salicylates again. They have had apples, grapes, strawberries,

tomato-based products, strawberry jelly, etc. I started slowly with fear and

trepidation, but have been able to give them a fairly regular amount and have

not had a problem yet. What a blessing!! I know this is what helped because it

is the only change I made for my NT son.

Yesterday, my youngest went to the dentist!! Only those of you who have

children with severe medical anxiety can appreciate how awesome that is! He is

seven and has never been for a cleaning and check-up because I just couldn't

stomach the anxiety and tantrum and scene that would result. He went in just

fine, told the hygenist that he was scared, and cooperated with everything

beautifully! So much so, that I think the staff thought I was crazy for having

been so nervous. Haha.

He is not all the way there yet. He still has some anxiety about bugs or

whatever, but he is doing better about telling us something bothers him and

working through it rather than having an irrational meltdown. He is less

disagreeable and does things the first time we ask without arguing. He doesn't

have to be first at everything all the time anymore (a huge OCD thing for him

for years!)

Five or six weeks ago, his ATEC was a 22. Today it is a 7. Years ago, I can

only imagine what it was. He was basically non-functional socially and


We have done a lot of helpful biomed over the last 5 years, but I feel like we

are finally making progress on those last issues. Today is my birthday and I

feel like I have been given such an awesome birthday gift this year!

If you are having one of those really dark days today, I understand. I have had

more than I can count over the last 5 years. I hope this message will encourage

you to keep moving forward!



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