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HELP- Friend in OHIO needs advice about pain/pregancy and bypass

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Hi all....

I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine....who is from Ohio ( I am

from NY and a bypass person as well) She had GB feb 2003 and

now...she is 7 months pregnant....and she has been in pain for like a

week....here is the story..maybe you can read it and see...if u have

ever gone through this know anyone who has...anything info wise would

be appreciated.

Her bypass doc is no longer in ohio....and her new bypass doc she has

yet to meet and have a consultation with.....she has tried to contact

her bypass doc with no luck..no one is actually getting back to her.

She consulted with a gastroenterologist, urologist, a general surgeon

and her ob/gyn NONE of who are really that educated on someone with a

bypass WHO is also pregnant...

Her prob is that she has been in PAIN for the past week- so bad she

went to the ER and was admitted for days..only to be let go and sent

home without anyone knowing what the hell is wrong....

The gastro doc thought it might be Esophogeal acid reflux so he

prescribed her Protonix which is like Nexium or Prilosec I guess.

That did not help. The General surgeon said it might be a gallbladder

issue because there is sludge in her gall bladder ( through an ultra

sound found out) so there is nothing he can do- the only thing that

he said was that you can't prevent a gallbladder attack and they

could do surgery but not on someone who is 7 months pregnant. The

urologist was called because her uterus is sitting on the uteral

tract coming out of her kidneys BUT her pain is centralized in the

middle of her back and the kidneys are not tender, no stones, urine

is clear and the bloodwork is coming back fine. SO they don't think

it is anything to do with kidneys. One other thing that was mentioned

was that maybe there is some blockage that has to do with the

bypass..but the only way to find that out is of course through an

endoscopy which they can't do on her since she's pregnant.

Her pain initially started where her sternum would be and radiated to

the middle of her back and has remained there. Now there are times

where she does get pain where her stomach is a lil....where you would

assume your stomach to me....no pain inshoulder blades...none in

legs...shoots from either sternum to back or from stomach to

back.....the pain seems to happen more only after she eats ( not

drink) but it lasts HOURS...she drinks fine...and she has been having

normal bowel movements....so...that is a good thing. It is not soft

stools..it is a normal bowel movement like clockwork. Not too get too

graphic....but wanted to explain this is detail...

She is @ her wits end. I feel so bad for her...

so I am reaching out to you all..see what ya know..either post here

or u can email me bbw141@...

thank you soooooooooooooooooooo much!


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