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Re: Things boys should know

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> >

> > Which brings me on to the tricky subject of wet dreams. My poor DH

> wasn't told anything about these - and thought there was something

> seriously wrong with him

Hmmn, I definitely knew about these from early teens and so I was fantastically

disappointed not to have any. I never had one until around thirty by which time

the novelty had worn off. Still I never exactly 'stored it up' as a teenager

> I am pretty clued up about most things but I don't know when to

> expect these to happen to my son - does anyone else know when I

> should be warning him?

I was a slightly late developer (I had plenty of opportunities for comparison at

a boarding school). Pubic hair started around thirteen, thickening up over the

next year iirc (this was *just* early enough to save major embarrasment in the

showers). Downstairs didn't reach full working order until shortly before

sixteen (although this wasn't for lack of trying).

We were the firt year in the school to receive sex ed at age 12. I am a big fan

of plenty of information as early as possible.

I remember thinking it was rather sweet that my parent had left a book called

somthing like " Will I like it? " stuffed discreetly in a book caes at home. It

was more emotional than practical and I can't remember what ahe I was.

Still it was a *long* time before I put any of this into practice iykwim, which,

in retrospect, I am quite pleased about, but used to rankle at the time


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> We were the firt year in the school to receive sex ed at age 12. I

am a big fan of plenty of information as early as possible.


Me too but perhaps I am a bit *too* early then!

> I remember thinking it was rather sweet that my parent had left a

book called somthing like " Will I like it? " stuffed discreetly in a

book caes at home. It was more emotional than practical and I can't

remember what ahe I was.

My DH's parents did this too with a book called " He and She " , I think

thats really sad! My Mum was wonderful and told me almost everyting

from an early age - I was the only one who knew about periods for



> Still it was a *long* time before I put any of this into practice

iykwim, which, in retrospect, I am quite pleased about, but used to

rankle at the time


> james

- thanks so much I really appreciate your bravery!! I just

hope no-one will find this too distasteful and complain! I may need

more advice when DS is older (his Dad works away a lot) so watch this


Thanks again


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Thanks for that !

You've confirmed my decision not to send my children to boarding school! I went

to boarding school and *hated* shared showers etc. We had bathrooms with 3

baths in them so didn't even get privacy when taking a bath. Thankfully the

loos had locks on the doors!

Will tell DH to have the 'talk' with at about 11 or 12 then!


bin man wrote:

> I was a slightly late developer (I had plenty of opportunities for comparison

at a boarding school).

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- thanks so much I really appreciate your bravery!! I just

> hope no-one will find this too distasteful and complain! I may need

> more advice when DS is older (his Dad works away a lot) so watch


> space.


> Thanks again


> Ruth

Hear Hear. I will never be able to repay my mother (now a paralyzed

stroke victim) for the open honest way she prepared me for periods and

sex. I have done the same for my own kids. As a 14 yr old I found

myself giving facts of life instruction to my 13 yr old male cousin,

who had been told NOTHING by his parents. He went on to instruct his

younger siblings and now he's a Sex Counsellor lord help us!


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