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Re: Re: Hair Test Results--#167-- Please help

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Ca/P is low - fast oxidizer. Probably would do well on digestive enzymes,

high vitamin D, and a high fat diet.

Digestive Enzymes - HCL w/ Pepsin 650mg/capsule - how many w/ meals? Been taking


Triphala- 1,000 mg - have not started yet, recommends to take 2 2x/day

Vit D - taking 400iu/day - is that enough?

methylation enhancers (for arsenic)- take Jarrow " Homocysteine support " .

Chelate w/ DMSA 3 days/month for arsenic and Lead

Imagine mercury in the brain - add ALA after 3 months of DMSA?

I do not remember how many IV treatments I did, guess it was close to 20.

Have you tested thyroid?

No, which test do you recommend? Saliva from Canary?

Temp. before getting out of bed 97.5 range

Temp. taking throughout the day consistently below 98.6 - even after starting


Thank you for your help Dave,


Dave wrote:

Howdy, Jim.

Let's see ... You've got 8 high, none in the red, and 10 outside of the

green area. No counting rules met. Things are a bit on the low side,


Mercury is reasonably normal, so you are excreting. Arsenic is mildly


Lead is quite elevated.

Ca/P is low - fast oxidizer. Likely to show less toxicity in hair than

is present in the body. Probably would do well on digestive enzymes,

high vitamin D, and a high fat diet.

As far as the hair test goes, everything else looks pretty much normal.

There are no adrenal signs in the hair, nor are there thyroid signs.

So, you want some methylation enhancers for the arsenic and <<assuming

you have no present exposures, eg no amalgam fillings, no renovations on

an old house ...>> you need to chelate at 3 days per month for the

lead. At the beginning you can do a bit more, particularly as the DMSA

will also help with the arsenic; but after a couple of months (3 or 4)

then doing it more than 3 days/mo won't do a whole lot.

Methylation enhancers: TMG (.5-2g early in day), folic acid (.4-1.2mg,

4x/d) & B12 (several mg/d). Too much methyl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation. Jarrow has this combination in

something called " Homocysteine support " .

Also, since there is a generally depressed level of minerals, make sure

to take a good multi every day. Try to jam in as many nutrients as


Now, as for symptoms ...

Have you tested thyroid? Symptom-wise it sound like you might have

something going on.

How long ago were those fillings taken out? How many IV's did you

have? It is always possible that mercury is an issue, when the exposure

was long ago and even if it's not showing up in the hair. When that

happens, it's because what is left is in the brain. Still, the symptoms

you have described can, I believe, be ascribed to any of these three metals.

That's what I get! I'd suggest reading more in HTI on both arsenic and

lead. You will need to consider the issue of whether or not to do a

trial of ALA. That _may_ take some lead out of the brain. It may also

be useful to confirm or deny the presence of mercury in the brain, since

if you have symptoms while you chelate, it'll be due to moving the mercury.

Keep us updated, huh?


------------ -

Posted by: " jim ann carter " jakarma (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Thu May 15, 2008 8:52 am (PDT)

My Test result is #167 and I need help interpreting the results and

knowing what steps to take. I suspect adrenals need more than ACE,

should I take the saliva test to see if I need HC? Have not begun Andy's

protocol for chelating because I want to build up adrenals first.

Had reduced Candida, but antibiotics in December brought it back w/ a

vengeance - plan to quit sugar this week.

http://www.livingne twork.co. za/healingnetwor k/hairtest. html

<http://www.livingne twork.co. za/healingnetwor k/hairtest. html>

Background Info

Current Symptoms: Candida (systemic), still low temperature (200mg ACE

for month), Insomnia (life-long), pain left abdomen (irritable bowel?)

last 2 weeks, anxiety, brain fog, going through menopause but no longer

have hot flashes

Health History: mercury fillings removed, IV Chelation for Mercury 5

years ago (bad reaction), wisdom teeth removed @19, no root canals,

braces @ age 49 now off but wear a retainer

Supplements prior to test: Omega 3 fish oil (1600 EPA & 800mg DHA), Vit

C (500mg), Vit E (200mg), Zinc (60 mg), Multi Vitamin, Q10, progesterone


Supplements added after test: ACE (200-300mg), GABA (750mg), Pantothenic

Acid (1,00mg), HCL w/ Pepsin (1,300mg 2x day), Nature's Way

Primadophilus Bifidus (71mg), 5-HTP (50mg) & glutamine powder (5mg)

Location: Portland, Oregon (15 years) - Playa del Carmen, Mexico (3

years) - Austin, Texas (6 months)

Jim Ann

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In frequent-dose-chelation jim ann carter wrote:


Ca/P is low - fast oxidizer. Probably would do well on digestive enzymes,

high vitamin D, and a high fat diet.

Digestive Enzymes - HCL w/ Pepsin 650mg/capsule - how many w/ meals? Been

taking 1-2.

-----------I take 3-4. I was told that you keep adding one until it causes a

burning sensation in your stomach, then you know that's too much, and you back

off by one capsule. So try 3 a few times and see if you notice anything. If

not, then try 4, and so forth. I was told this is very important, otherwise

you're not digesting your food properly or absorbing all the supplements your

taking either.-----Jackie

Triphala- 1,000 mg - have not started yet, recommends to take 2 2x/day

Vit D - taking 400iu/day - is that enough?

-----------I take 5,000 IU/day, but that's under a doctor's supervision and

testing. But I think 400 is low, so probably 1000-2000 would be ok. They are

finding that many people are low in Vit D, and this may be something that you

might even get your regular doctor to test.-----------Jackie

methylation enhancers (for arsenic)- take Jarrow " Homocysteine support " .

Chelate w/ DMSA 3 days/month for arsenic and Lead

-----------My understanding is that DMSA chelates lead and mercury, not

arsenic. Andy says that DMPS and ALA are best for arsenic. But if you have

lead, then you need to use DMSA, for at least one round a month or so. And your

lead was elevated, so you should use DMSA for sure.--------Jackie

Imagine mercury in the brain - add ALA after 3 months of DMSA?

---------Not sure of the question here, but you're supposed to wait 3 months

after amalgam removal or last exposure before using ALA. ALA is what will get

the mercury out of your brain. You can use DMSA 4 days after amalgam removal,

and it will help to lower your body burden of mercury before starting


I do not remember how many IV treatments I did, guess it was close to 20.

Have you tested thyroid?

No, which test do you recommend? Saliva from Canary?

Temp. before getting out of bed 97.5 range

Temp. taking throughout the day consistently below 98.6 - even after starting


---------Saliva tests are usually for adrenals and other hormones. Blood

tests for thyroid are fine. You want to test free T3, free T4, thyroid

antibodies, and they will probably do TSH as well. You want your free T3 and T4

in the upper 1/3 - 1/4 of the range to feel best. I think Dean has some good

info at his website for adrenals and thyroid.---------Jackie

Thank you for your help Dave,


Dave wrote:

Howdy, Jim.

Let's see ... You've got 8 high, none in the red, and 10 outside of the

green area. No counting rules met. Things are a bit on the low side,


Mercury is reasonably normal, so you are excreting. Arsenic is mildly


Lead is quite elevated.

Ca/P is low - fast oxidizer. Likely to show less toxicity in hair than

is present in the body. Probably would do well on digestive enzymes,

high vitamin D, and a high fat diet.

As far as the hair test goes, everything else looks pretty much normal.

There are no adrenal signs in the hair, nor are there thyroid signs.

So, you want some methylation enhancers for the arsenic and <<assuming

you have no present exposures, eg no amalgam fillings, no renovations on

an old house ...>> you need to chelate at 3 days per month for the

lead. At the beginning you can do a bit more, particularly as the DMSA

will also help with the arsenic; but after a couple of months (3 or 4)

then doing it more than 3 days/mo won't do a whole lot.

Methylation enhancers: TMG (.5-2g early in day), folic acid (.4-1.2mg,

4x/d) & B12 (several mg/d). Too much methyl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation. Jarrow has this combination in

something called " Homocysteine support " .

Also, since there is a generally depressed level of minerals, make sure

to take a good multi every day. Try to jam in as many nutrients as


Now, as for symptoms ...

Have you tested thyroid? Symptom-wise it sound like you might have

something going on.

How long ago were those fillings taken out? How many IV's did you

have? It is always possible that mercury is an issue, when the exposure

was long ago and even if it's not showing up in the hair. When that

happens, it's because what is left is in the brain. Still, the symptoms

you have described can, I believe, be ascribed to any of these three metals.

That's what I get! I'd suggest reading more in HTI on both arsenic and

lead. You will need to consider the issue of whether or not to do a

trial of ALA. That _may_ take some lead out of the brain. It may also

be useful to confirm or deny the presence of mercury in the brain, since

if you have symptoms while you chelate, it'll be due to moving the mercury.

Keep us updated, huh?


------------ -

Posted by: " jim ann carter " jakarma (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Thu May 15, 2008 8:52 am (PDT)

My Test result is #167 and I need help interpreting the results and

knowing what steps to take. I suspect adrenals need more than ACE,

should I take the saliva test to see if I need HC? Have not begun Andy's

protocol for chelating because I want to build up adrenals first.

Had reduced Candida, but antibiotics in December brought it back w/ a

vengeance - plan to quit sugar this week.



Background Info

Current Symptoms: Candida (systemic), still low temperature (200mg ACE

for month), Insomnia (life-long), pain left abdomen (irritable bowel?)

last 2 weeks, anxiety, brain fog, going through menopause but no longer

have hot flashes

Health History: mercury fillings removed, IV Chelation for Mercury 5

years ago (bad reaction), wisdom teeth removed @19, no root canals,

braces @ age 49 now off but wear a retainer

Supplements prior to test: Omega 3 fish oil (1600 EPA & 800mg DHA), Vit

C (500mg), Vit E (200mg), Zinc (60 mg), Multi Vitamin, Q10, progesterone


Supplements added after test: ACE (200-300mg), GABA (750mg), Pantothenic

Acid (1,00mg), HCL w/ Pepsin (1,300mg 2x day), Nature's Way

Primadophilus Bifidus (71mg), 5-HTP (50mg) & glutamine powder (5mg)

Location: Portland, Oregon (15 years) - Playa del Carmen, Mexico (3

years) - Austin, Texas (6 months)

Jim Ann

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