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O/T Shoemakers mold protocol seems to be working better POST Cutler protocol

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A recent round of CSM (cholestyramine) csm initailly knocked my on my

butt for the first 8 hours..(sorry for long history, but I think the

long road I ened up taking to dealing with the mold, was necessary to

get my body to the point where it could deal with the mold, or maybe

mold was one of the last toxins left). This is a ritchie shoemaker

protocol (see www.chronicneurotoxins.com)


i am unfortunately a mercury toxic (8 fillings and 25 years or

allergy shots). I had tested positive as having the weak genotype for

both mold/lymes, as well as having low MSH and high leptin which are

apparently other internal markers for mold being a part of your


I had also received a clinical diagnosis for lymes 4 years ago and

grew up in an area infetsed with woodticks. Before I had gotten quite

sick 5 years ago.I had not only had 3 tick bites on the head almost 4

years ago, BUT had a spider bite which swelled up to the size of a

golf ball. I had lost hearing in one year about 4 months after these

tick bites and began to get realy sick after the spider bite

About 2.50 years ago, a dopey dr gave me CSM without actos and it

really set me off (had very bad head symptoms, shortness of breath,

constipation etc). I couldn't tolerate it. Anotehr interstig effect

was that it literally made my feel like my kidnets were going to

burst. I belive this kidney effect was due to mercury toxicity

putting increased burden on kidneys

The last 2.50 years have been progressively worse (could not get rid

of liver flukes), severe head fog, adrenal crashed, thyroid problems

and on and on. Gut was very bad messed up due to canadida, fungals,

mercury and parasites, Fatigue, brain fog, mult chem sensitivities

drove me to the point where I was suicidal

I decide to approach this from a different angle and go after the

mercury. I used the Huggins protocol for dental fillings removal in

November 2007,and had about 5 very bad and old fillings out

I had my fillings removed about 6 months ago and started in with

Cutlers protocol, which without a doubt saved my life. I have been

chelating with dmps (occasionally dmps) for the last 6 months and ALA

for the last 3 months. I have been starting to have more energy,

sleep better and less mental and physical fatigue. I have nen taking

buckets of other supplements such as fish oil, vitamin B's melatonin,

taurine, zinc (this is only partial list)

3 weeks ago, (after treating adrenals for almost 5 months with

Hydrocortisone, DHEA, pregnenolone and siberian ginseng); I began to

treat thyroids with 's temperatiure syndrome protocol (T3 to

raise temperature). It has reaised my temperature. MY NP Dr says that

raising the cellular temp to approx 98.6 is critical in throwing of

toxins and getting you bodies metabolism to the point where it can

help get rid of the " gunk " in your body. I began to feel better. many

experts say you have to treat adrenals first

Last night I went back and started in on a new round of csm which

was the first in 2.50 years (I had taken actos for 5 days prior to

starting). IT WAS like a train hit my head and central nervous

system..deep burning in my head, quite pronounced anxiety and head

fog, eyes and face burning like a sinus headache, legs and arms


I started the csm on an off round day so I could better monitor the

effect of it alone

I decided to throw some ALA and dmps at it and started a round last

night and it seems to have lessened the symptoms significantly. I am

going to go back and take another dose of the CSM this am, so it will

be interesting to see what happens

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