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Post of responses to Husband has kidney pain

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post of responses to husband has kidney pain

Dave wrote:

(((>And I want to know if its normal to feel like absolute crap the


after you stop chelating?

Yes. It shouldn't go on for more than a day though. If it does you


decrease dose and/or decrease the time between doses.

Are you saying the lower back pain comes on with the chelation? Have

you done

a hair test? Can we see it?)))))))))))))))))))))

I wanted to say that I have ordered a lower dose of dmsa yesterday

and Tim's next round should be 25mg q 4hrs. I understand now that we

are going to have to tweek it whether its less or more of a dose, and

q2hrs to 4hrs. As for the hair test. Sure you can see it. I went by

what the " files " said to do on posting a hair test and emailed it to


Jada wrote:


Did he have a lot of cadmium in his hair??

If he did try adding B1 (thiamine) taken with every dose of chelator.

I had to do this to protect my kidneys in the beginning of chelation

because they ached. We had discussed removing cadmium without damaging

the kidneys and this is now.))))))

Thank you for this Jada, we will try this. He does take many

supplements. I have them on a spread sheet on his computer and not

available to me right now.

Nanci wrote:

((((Heavy metals are hard on our kidneys and we can use extra

support for our kidneys. Mine used to really ache at their worst and

I would

always be getting kidney/bladder infections. After some trial and

error and

research I found some things that supported my


Thank you for your advice as well. I will research on the same and

see if I could learn more about herbs, teas, cleanses, etc..as well.

Dave wrote:

((((It seems

that there are a lot of people raving about how chelation causes

lower back

pain and that it _has_ to be kidney pain. Well, Andy's response (in

his own

inimitable fashion) is that this is idiotic. That toxin induced

kidney failure

(note, _failure_) is not painful and in any case, there is not enough


floating around in a non-acutely poisoned person's bloodstream to

cause kidney


(((( The cause of the back pain is the magnesium balance being

screwed up.))))

After his hair test is able to be seen by members, I'd love to know

how to interpret the magnesium.

I would have to agree with you that kidney failure does not have to

be painful. I am a nurse that works in hospice and I have quite a

few residents there that have chronic renal failure as their chief dx

and they do not complain of pain in the kidneys.

Never the less in talking with my husband he said that he knows the

difference between back pain and kidney pain. He has had chronic back

pain for years and has never taken a narcotic for it. He has every

back pain relieving gadget known to man it seems by which over the

years include regular chiropractic appts., EMS machines and even

magnets. Only when it was about 2 weeks or so after his cracked

amalgam was removed without protocol did his chronic back pain become

significant enough to start complaining about it. What he said to me

was that it was like the same upper, sometimes middle, sometimes

lower back pain he has always felt but now unable to tolerate it for

some reason. I suppose that and other symptoms led him to have to

use prescription pain pills to be able to function at work. About

the kidney pain- he has only experienced this pain when " on "

chelation and it does subside a day after his round is over. He

might be considered chronically poisoned but I feel he is too close

in being " acutely " poisoned as well. Maybe this is why his body is

reacting like this or the other reason you all have convinced me as

being, that he is taking too much chelator. That will all change on

his next round and I'll see how he is doing on a much lower dose.

and Dave wrote:

((((There are things that you husband can do for the various

symptoms. NUMERO UNO

is the sulfur exclusion diet. (Onibasu that on the AM and FDC


I will look into this as well...Isn't there a blood test involved

with this one??? I'll have to get back to you on this one if I have

any further questions.

I read all the different things in your post you said that he could

try. I do know that he is taking Taurine and probably some of the

other things too, I'll have to check.You just gave me a bunch of

homework. lol

Tim and I are looking forward to the delivery of a far infared sauna

in the next week. I sure hope I made the right decision in purchasing

it. I really want that particular therapy to help considering the

investment. I know I've seen them very expensive on the internet. I

think I got a good deal though. 2 person (he's 6'4 " so I thought it

would give him alittle more room) Hemlock wood, far infared by

ceramic heater (carbon was alittle more money than we wanted to spend)

It was $969.00 no tax plus free shipping. got it from

nationalpoolwholesalers.com in Florida. I didn't find it cheaper

anywhere else.

He did get his thyroid checked as well Dave, but the dr. only ordered

a TSH, total T4 and a T3 uptake. I don't have the numbers on me

right now (in his office-we lock it when he's out of town d/t the

kids) but what I remember was that his TSH was like 0.83 which is on

the lower side and his T4 and T3 was within normal limits. My nurses

training tells me that it is suspect of being hyperthyroid. But at

the same time what does low body temp, intolerance to cold and

fatigue, etc.. physical symptoms of what we would consider

hypothyroid doing expressing itself in the face of lab tests showing

more hyperthyroid numbers. Can the two exist together????


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--- Hi - you asked about the Thyroid. The answer to your

question below is an absolute YES!

The lab testing for hypothyroidism is almost worthless.Even the free

T3 and Free T4 tests may not necessarilly show anything and even when

in normal or even high normal levels a person can still be overtly


The reasons for this are many as there are contrary to popular belief

there are many reasons for someone being hypothyroid. One very common

problem, and particularly common in heavy metal poisoned folk, is T3

resistance. This means that even when someone has high levels of free

T3 in their blood their bodies are not able to use it correctly. There

are many reasons for this itself and they range from the simple to the

complicated but you only really need to understand that this can be a


Of course there are other possibilities such as the person not

converting T4 to T3 very well. this may a problem with not enough

selenium, too much cortisol and other reasons.

It's complex subject and one which most endocrinologists and other

medical practitioners have no idea about.

If you want to learn more (and it's advisable because the thyroid is

soooo important and sooo often compromised in chronic ill health)

there are many places. Here are a few suggestions:

1) www.stopthethyroidmadness.com

This site has a lot of basic info but is a little slanted to using

Armour which is a natural (bioidentical) form of T4 and T3.

Nevertheless, still s good place to start.

2) My favourite books on the subject that are easy reads are : Mark

Starr's Hypothyroidism type 2 and Broda Hypothyroidism, the

Unsuspected Illness.

3) www.drlowe.com Lots of info here particularly about T3 resistance.

4)There are also Yahoo groups such as " naturalthyroidhormones " and

" T3/RT3 " . These are also very useful.

Thyroid and adrenal disease often go hand in hand and are nearly

always (IMHO) a factor involved in chronic illness, heavy metal

poisoning etc. Andy talks about it a little in his book too.

PS) I was a nurse too!!! ;-)

In frequent-dose-chelation , " Carie " wrote:




> He did get his thyroid checked as well Dave, but the dr. only ordered

> a TSH, total T4 and a T3 uptake. I don't have the numbers on me

> right now (in his office-we lock it when he's out of town d/t the

> kids) but what I remember was that his TSH was like 0.83 which is on

> the lower side and his T4 and T3 was within normal limits. My nurses

> training tells me that it is suspect of being hyperthyroid. But at

> the same time what does low body temp, intolerance to cold and

> fatigue, etc.. physical symptoms of what we would consider

> hypothyroid doing expressing itself in the face of lab tests showing

> more hyperthyroid numbers. Can the two exist together????



> Carie


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I had odd pains in the lower back at times, what I call flank pain

because it's not my back and probably not my actual kidney. My first

few rounds my lower back ached like crazy. It went away after a few

rounds. I still don't know why or what it was. I figured I was on the

supplements Andy said to take, so it might just be some HG or whatever


I took B1 with doses because I am toxic in cadmium and as I read it,

this is a bit more tricky to chelate and B1 protects the kidney from

the cadmium. and I had a long discussion on this 2 years

back. It's probably on onibasu somewhere now.

At other times I have had aching in my " flanks " which seems like the

same place as the kidneys..but as Dave said, kidneys' aren't supposed

to hurt. But adrenals do, and my flank pain came on with too much

hydrocortisone. And I thought someone who told me that their adrenals

were aching was crazy, until I had it happen.

Kidney stones aren't a factor right?

Also can't a urine test rule out the kidneys?

Please search the posts on infared sauna's and be sure you can return

it if he reacts badly to it.


> Dave wrote:

> ((((It seems

> that there are a lot of people raving about how chelation causes

> lower back

> pain and that it _has_ to be kidney pain. Well, Andy's response (in

> his own

> inimitable fashion) is that this is idiotic. That toxin induced

> kidney failure

> (note, _failure_) is not painful and in any case, there is not enough

> mercury

> floating around in a non-acutely poisoned person's bloodstream to

> cause kidney

> failure.)))))

> (((( The cause of the back pain is the magnesium balance being

> screwed up.))))


> After his hair test is able to be seen by members, I'd love to know

> how to interpret the magnesium.


> I would have to agree with you that kidney failure does not have to

> be painful. I am a nurse that works in hospice and I have quite a

> few residents there that have chronic renal failure as their chief dx

> and they do not complain of pain in the kidneys.

> Never the less in talking with my husband he said that he knows the

> difference between back pain and kidney pain. He has had chronic back


> ((((There are things that you husband can do for the various

> symptoms. NUMERO UNO

> is the sulfur exclusion diet. (Onibasu that on the AM and FDC

> lists.))))



> Tim and I are looking forward to the delivery of a far infared sauna

> in the next week. I sure hope I made the right decision in purchasing

> it. I really want that particular therapy to help considering the

> investment. I know I've seen them very expensive on the internet. I

> think I got a good deal though. 2 person (he's 6'4 " so I thought it

> would give him alittle more room) Hemlock wood, far infared by

> ceramic heater (carbon was alittle more money than we wanted to spend)

> It was $969.00 no tax plus free shipping. got it from

> nationalpoolwholesalers.com in Florida. I didn't find it cheaper

> anywhere else.



> He did get his thyroid checked as well Dave, but the dr. only ordered

> a TSH, total T4 and a T3 uptake. I don't have the numbers on me

> right now (in his office-we lock it when he's out of town d/t the

> kids) but what I remember was that his TSH was like 0.83 which is on

> the lower side and his T4 and T3 was within normal limits. My nurses

> training tells me that it is suspect of being hyperthyroid. But at

> the same time what does low body temp, intolerance to cold and

> fatigue, etc.. physical symptoms of what we would consider

> hypothyroid doing expressing itself in the face of lab tests showing

> more hyperthyroid numbers. Can the two exist together????



> Carie


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Posted by: " Carie " carrosa51@... momw3gr8kids

Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT)

>post of responses to husband has kidney pain


>He did get his thyroid checked as well Dave, but the dr. only ordered

a TSH, total T4 and a T3 uptake. I don't have the numbers on me

right now (in his office-we lock it when he's out of town d/t the

kids) but what I remember was that his TSH was like 0.83 which is on

the lower side and his T4 and T3 was within normal limits. My nurses

training tells me that it is suspect of being hyperthyroid. But at

the same time what does low body temp, intolerance to cold and

fatigue, etc.. physical symptoms of what we would consider

hypothyroid doing expressing itself in the face of lab tests showing

more hyperthyroid numbers. Can the two exist together????

Carie - I'm not an expert on thyroid tests, but there are some on this list.

I'll just share what I've picked up - apparently the standard medical

interpretaition of thyroid results will not pick up the sub-acute but very real

thyroid problems that most of us have. To figure out if thyroid

supplementation is in order, testing has to be for _free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH

and antibodies. Then, you can compare with ranges that Andy has in the

appendix in AI. That should tell you something about what you might need in

the thyroid realm.

>Tim and I are looking forward to the delivery of a far infared sauna

in the next week. I sure hope I made the right decision in purchasing

it. I really want that particular therapy to help considering the

investment. I know I've seen them very expensive on the internet. I

think I got a good deal though. 2 person (he's 6'4 " so I thought it

would give him alittle more room) Hemlock wood, far infared by

ceramic heater (carbon was alittle more money than we wanted to spend)

It was $969.00 no tax plus free shipping. got it from

nationalpoolwholesalers.com in Florida. I didn't find it cheaper

anywhere else.

Oooh - I'm sorry to say, Carie, but Andy has warned about FIR sauna, not

because sweating is not a good idea, quite the contrary, but because these

saunas usually fail to heat the body uniformly. Apparently they have the

particular problem of getting the spine too hot (though there may be other

issues too). You can look on the Autism-Mercury list for long discussion on

this. He has suggested instead, regular sauna.


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> Posted by: " Carie " carrosa51@... momw3gr8kids

> Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT)




> >He did get his thyroid checked as well Dave, but the dr. only ordered

> a TSH, total T4 and a T3 uptake. I don't have the numbers on me

> right now (in his office-we lock it when he's out of town d/t the

> kids) but what I remember was that his TSH was like 0.83 which is on

> the lower side and his T4 and T3 was within normal limits. My nurses

> training tells me that it is suspect of being hyperthyroid.

A low TSH can be from secondary hypothyroidism (the problem is in the

brain). Keep track of his hypothyroid symptoms, early morning

temperatures, etc. When testing, test for free T3, free T4 (these

should be in the top 1/4 or 1/3 of the normal range), thyroid

antibodies (there are 3).

But at

> the same time what does low body temp, intolerance to cold and

> fatigue, etc.. physical symptoms of what we would consider

> hypothyroid doing expressing itself in the face of lab tests showing

> more hyperthyroid numbers. Can the two exist together????


Many of us had low TSH and hypothyroid symptoms. Most doctors,

including an endocrinologist, ignored my low TSH and hypothyroid

symptoms. It took a special doctor to see what was going on and give

me thyroid hormone based on symptoms.

Does your husband have any symptoms of poor adrenal function (fatigue,

aches and pains, stress intolerance, crashing with stress, frequent

infections and difficulty shaking infections, dizziness when standing,

low BP, hypoglycemia ). Were there adrenal signs on his hair test?

If so, the adrenals must be treated before the thyroid.


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--- I have a comment/question about the " kidney pain " thing.

I always thought that I was suffering from kidney pains. Many years

ago I used to suffer the occasional bout of an excruciating pain (I'll

describe it in a minute...). These attacks were completely random and

came on out of the blue. They would often come in clusters and then

dissapear for many months.

Then last year I noticed a correlation between these pains and having

amalgam fillings replaced! So I know that mercury was definitely

something to do with pains. I suspect that the past episodes related

to dental work too.

This is what the pains were like: It would start suddenly with an ache

around the belly button or to the side of that area and progress

quickly to the sides and back. It would quickly become nauseatingly

painful, like a tight band all the way around level or just below the

kidney area. It would take my breath away and all I could do was curl

up in a ball and breath through it until it passed. It would last a

minute or two. I would go very pale and the pain was on a par with

labour pains where you also have to stop what you are doing

completely.The pains then subside really quickly as if nothing has


I don't seem to get these full blown attacks anymore but I do get a

dull ache in the same area (kidney region) when I am having a bad

round of DMSA - lots of mercury on the move.

Now as these correspond to having amalgam work done I doubt they were

muscle spasms but the question is were they adrenal or kidney or

something else? I do have Addisons (adrenal weakness)so that is a

possibilty but I would love to have an explanation for these attacks.

Are they similar to what other people here have experienced?

In frequent-dose-chelation , " Jada " wrote:


> I had odd pains in the lower back at times, what I call flank pain

> because it's not my back and probably not my actual kidney. My first

> few rounds my lower back ached like crazy. It went away after a few

> rounds. I still don't know why or what it was. I figured I was on the

> supplements Andy said to take, so it might just be some HG or whatever

> moving.

> I took B1 with doses because I am toxic in cadmium and as I read it,

> this is a bit more tricky to chelate and B1 protects the kidney from

> the cadmium. and I had a long discussion on this 2 years

> back. It's probably on onibasu somewhere now.

> At other times I have had aching in my " flanks " which seems like the

> same place as the kidneys..but as Dave said, kidneys' aren't supposed

> to hurt. But adrenals do, and my flank pain came on with too much

> hydrocortisone. And I thought someone who told me that their adrenals

> were aching was crazy, until I had it happen.


> Kidney stones aren't a factor right?

> Also can't a urine test rule out the kidneys?



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