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Re: Re: hair test #194

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In frequent-dose-chelation dudley.smith89 wrote:

> You are hair test 194.

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> DeanSA


> ------------------------------

> hi jackie, i hope this is the correct way to reply to your message

> Hi Dudley,


> Your hair test does not meet the counting rules for deranged

mineral transport, which might mean that your body handles mercury

better than some of us do, and the supplements you were taking may

have helped to normalize your test. Also, did I read your history

right, and you've been amalgam-free since April '07 ? So possibly

your body burden is down, and your hair test wouldn't show mercury

that could still be in your brain. Sorry, but sometimes they aren't

clear-cut! But clearly you had symptoms from improper amalgam

removal, and may have been enough to push you over the edge.

Especially in combination with other things.



the only thing that i can think of that may have lowered my body

burden is that i was taking a product called Humet R which is

supposed to be a chelator of mercury otherwise how would my body

burden have gone down? so do you think that most of the mercury is

in my brain? or could the test be inacurate?

--------I don't have time to look right now, but Andy has probably commented

on that product in the past, and a search of the archives using onibasu would

probably find his response. I'm guessing he'd tell you it doesn't chelate.

And maybe it did help, but there are other possibilities. If I read your info

correctly, you have been amalgam free since April '07? That's over a year, and

if you were supplementing during this time, then that could have helped to

" normalize " your hair test. Also, since you don't show deranged mineral

transport, you may naturally be a better excretor of mercury than some of us, so

your body may have naturally gotten rid of some of your mercury on its own,

reducing your body burden. And as I said before, in this case, then you could

still have brain mercury, which comes out very slowly on its own, and this is

not showing up on your hair test, which Andy does say can happen in cases like

this. So in these cases, a trial of chelation is the best way to tell.

And, it's actually futile to go round and round about this, because even if

we're not sure about mercury, you definitely have a problem with other metals,

and need to chelate regardless, and the chelators, DMSA and ALA will take care

of all of these, including any mercury that is there.

And there is always the possibility of testing error, or them getting mixed up

with somebody elses. So if you don't think that your test accurately reflects

what's going on with you, such as possible exposures to these other metals, then

you might want to consider this, and possibly retest. But as far as I know,

people have been very happy with DDI.---------Jackie

> When mineral transport is orderly, as in your case, then Andy

says that what is in the toxic section on top usually accurately

reflects what is going on in your body. And you have a number of

elevated toxic metals, which are probably contributing to your health

problems. I would suggest you order his Hair Test Interpretation

book, so you can read up on each of these. And I would investigate

your possible sources of exposure, some of which may be job-related.



what does mineral transport orderly mean? Where do i order the book

from please.

-----------I gave you the link for ordering the book in another email.

Mineral transport is explained in the book, and is something that mercury can

mess up in toxic people, without their hair mercury levels being high, but

usually low instead. So this is what the counting rules are looking for, a

*derangement* of these essential minerals on a hair test, which is an indication

of mercury poisoning. Look at hair test #195, that is one example of deranged

mineral transport, because most of the minerals are low or go to the left. Also

having 4 or more bars in the red is another example.

On your hair test, the essential elements have a mixture of left and right,

and they all stay in the white, green, and yellow sections. So yours shows

" orderly " or " normal " mineral transport, so that is still working correctly, or

hasn't been severely affected by mercury in your body. And Andy says when this

happens, then what is shown in the toxic section is a true representation of

what is happening in your body. So according to this, you have high levels of

antimony, which ALA should take care of, and very elevated lead, which Andy says

to take very seriously, and which DMSA is the best chelator for. The tin should

come down on its own, as you chelate the other metals out. Your mercury is

rather low, so as I said before, your body burden may be lower, but you could

still have mercury in your brain.-----------Jackie

i have a metal pin in my toe which is made from stainless steel.

would this affect anything? In my work i wouldn't have any contact

with any other metals as stonemasonary is just stone and lime,theres

quite a lot of dust.

-------------I think the stainless steel would have chromium, nickel, and iron

in it, but you could check to make sure. It shouldn't have any of the metals

that you are high in. And I would think that a pin in your toe would be rather

small, so shouldn't be a significant source either. And how long have you had

it in?

Metals naturally occur in the earth, so I would investigate what could

possibly be in the stones you do work with. If you're breathing in that dust,

you're inhaling whatever is in them. And do you use some sort of wetting agent

or liquid while cutting them? What's in that? And does your skin come in

contact with all of this stuff? I definitely think you may be exposed to

something at work.

And here's another example for you. Me and my kids have very elevated levels

of arsenic in our hair, and our source of exposure is our well water. Arsenic

is naturally occurring in the ground in some areas, and it ends up in the water.

The book will give you more possible sources, and you could also google them

on the internet, and Dean also has a link at the very bottom of the hair test

page for some possible sources too. But the big one I know for antimony is that

it is used as a flame retardant in things like bedding, so if you've gotten a

new mattress and/or new bedding recently, then that is possibly the source of

that. And there are many sources of lead, one being old water pipes in your

house that may have had lead solder used on them. Or have you done any

refinishing, and possibly sanding of old lead paint?

Another way to check to see if exposure is at home or job related, would be to

test other family members. If lead is in your drinking water, then it should

show up in the rest of the family, or the same with bedding, etc. You could

also just have your water tested. But again, if I were you, I would spend some

time investigating your possible exposures to these metals.--------Jackie

> The highest is antimony, which is commonly used as a flame

retardant in bedding, etc., or almost anything flammable like

curtains, upholstery, and carpets. I would check to see if you had

any exposure from your job also.


> Some other things are elevated also, but the one I would be most

concerned with would be the lead. Andy says to be concerned with

lead in the yellow, and yours is. Again, I would look for sources of

exposure, and again, possibly job related. HTI lists possible

sources of exposure for each metal, so I do suggest you get the book.


> You have some other elevated metals, but they usually come down

when you chelate and lower your body burden of the other metals. So

I believe you have multiple metals contributing to your health

problems, of which mercury is probably only a part of this. But, you

can't safely chelate the other metals until the mercury was removed

from your mouth, so it was a necessary step anyway.


> So, if you're sure *all the amalgam* is out of your mouth, then I

would suggest you start chelating with DMSA, because it is the best

chelator for lead, and it works for mercury too. After 3 or more

months, then you can add in ALA, because this should help with the

antimony, which is similar to arsenic, so chelates the same, and Andy

says that ALA is the best chelator for that.


> Otherwise, your ratios look good, except your Ca/Mg is out of

range, which can point to blood sugar regulation problems, so you may

want to investigate that. And your test does not have the classic

adrenal stress pattern, so hopefully that's ok for you. But many of

us have adrenal and thyroid problems, so it's good to be aware of

that, and do some testing, if you do have any symptoms.



so my adrenals and thyroid seem ok so i can start chelating?

-----------There weren't any signs of problems on your hair test, but this is

just an indication. If you handle stress well, and don't have problems with

fatigue, and your body temps are normal, then these are probably ok. There are

alot of other symptoms, but those are some of the biggies.

DeanSA always warns people to treat adrenals and thyroid first, and you can

read about these on his website where the hairtests are too. But you can start

chelation, and see how you do, and if you're struggling alot, then investigate

other things like this. You'll have to decide what your status


i had my blood sugar levels checked at my Drs and it was ok but this

was a diabetes check so i don't know if thats the right one to check


----------Yes, blood sugar and diabetes tests would be the same or similar,

and if they checked out ok, then they're probably ok. Do you feel ok when you

eat sugar and or carbs? If not, trying eating more protein, with every meal and

frequently during the day, and you can also try taking chromium picolinate with

every meal. Most of us toxic folks feel better on a high protein/low carb



ca/mg is that calcium and magnesium? does out of range mean high or

low, and what testing would i do for adrenols and what would the

symptoms for that be?

---------At the bottom right of your hair test, they show some ratios, and

this is what I'm talking about, the Ca/Mg ratio of 35 is out of range. This can

be an indication of blood sugar regulation problems, so that is what I was

referring to. And yes, this is calcium and magnesium.

You don't show the classic adrenal stress pattern, of having your calcium and

magnesium going up together, and your sodium and potassium going down together,

in the opposite direction (or this could be reversed). This is the actual bars

on the hair test, in the essential elements section, the first four elements.

So your hair test doesn't show signs of adrenal stress/problems, but you could

always investigate this further, and do a saliva test, if you wanted to.

There are a number of symptoms, including being stress intolerant, having

frequent infections, low blood pressure, fatigue, especially in the morning, and

often a " crash " in the afternoon, dependent on coffee, etc. I think Dean has

some good info at his website, and there are books, and I think we have some

links if you go to the links and files sections of our group. Let me know if

you have trouble finding them, I just don't have time right now.---------Jackie


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