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Digestion symptom question

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I had my amalgam fillings replaced a few months ago and have been following the


dose chelation protocol, with good results. So, first of all, thanks so much to

Andy. There's

no way to fully express my gratitude for your help. Likewise, thanks to all the

others here

who have provided helpful information and encouragement during this process.

I was wondering if anyone here had experienced this particular digestive

symptom. For

several years, I've been experiencing what I can best (although not adequately)

describe as

" anxiety " that is centered in my abdomen. It is not painful, but it is

extremely uncomfortable,

in that it makes me feel that I want to jump out of my skin, so to speak. It

seems to occur

after I eat or drink, although I haven't been able to identify particular

offending foods.

Taking a couple of digestive enzyme capsules with meals seems to help somewhat,


they don't solve the problem completely. So, any ideas about what this could

be, or how to

help fix it?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi ,

I am sorry if this answer is somewhat off-topic, but what you are

describing seems very similar to what happened to me for many years. I

would described it as a sort of combination of

tightness-anxiety-pressure located in my abdomen. The sensation was

constant and produced (or maybe was caused by?) a sort of permanent

restlessness. Something quite miserable indeed.

In my case I think the problem had a psychological origin, since it

resolved about a year after I started to practice mindfulness

meditation and have not bothered me since then. I suppose that some

other techniques like yoga, relaxation techniques, etc. could probably

be of help as well.

I hope I am not misleading you! Maybe we are talking about very

different things!

Hope this may help,


> Hello,


> I had my amalgam fillings replaced a few months ago and have been

following the frequent

> dose chelation protocol, with good results. So, first of all,

thanks so much to Andy. There's

> no way to fully express my gratitude for your help. Likewise,

thanks to all the others here

> who have provided helpful information and encouragement during this



> I was wondering if anyone here had experienced this particular

digestive symptom. For

> several years, I've been experiencing what I can best (although not

adequately) describe as

> " anxiety " that is centered in my abdomen. It is not painful, but it

is extremely uncomfortable,

> in that it makes me feel that I want to jump out of my skin, so to

speak. It seems to occur

> after I eat or drink, although I haven't been able to identify

particular offending foods.

> Taking a couple of digestive enzyme capsules with meals seems to

help somewhat, although

> they don't solve the problem completely. So, any ideas about what

this could be, or how to

> help fix it?


> Thanks in advance!



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I have a similar experience, and it has been pretty much continuous and very

miserable. The feeling is like my intestine is clenched like a fist and won't

relax. It is a dull constant ache that is there when I wake until when I go to

sleep. It might get worse after a big meal and get slightly less worse when

hungry but it is always there. It feels like the stomach is twisted out of

shape, so it causes a dull, non-specific ache rather than a sharp pain. I am

normally not an anxious person, but it does feel as if the abdomen is responding

to some kind of anxiety, like what your gut would feel like seconds before an

impending auto accident or something. I would give anything to have it go away

since its been there now for a couple of years.


> Subject: Re: Digestion symptom question

> To: frequent-dose-chelation

> Date: Monday, July 28, 2008, 12:12 PM

> Hi ,


> I am sorry if this answer is somewhat off-topic, but what

> you are

> describing seems very similar to what happened to me for

> many years. I

> would described it as a sort of combination of

> tightness-anxiety-pressure located in my abdomen. The

> sensation was

> constant and produced (or maybe was caused by?) a sort of

> permanent

> restlessness. Something quite miserable indeed.


> In my case I think the problem had a psychological origin,

> since it

> resolved about a year after I started to practice

> mindfulness

> meditation and have not bothered me since then. I suppose

> that some

> other techniques like yoga, relaxation techniques, etc.

> could probably

> be of help as well.


> I hope I am not misleading you! Maybe we are talking about

> very

> different things!

> Hope this may help,






> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > I had my amalgam fillings replaced a few months ago

> and have been

> following the frequent

> > dose chelation protocol, with good results. So, first

> of all,

> thanks so much to Andy. There's

> > no way to fully express my gratitude for your help.

> Likewise,

> thanks to all the others here

> > who have provided helpful information and

> encouragement during this

> process.

> >

> > I was wondering if anyone here had experienced this

> particular

> digestive symptom. For

> > several years, I've been experiencing what I can

> best (although not

> adequately) describe as

> > " anxiety " that is centered in my abdomen.

> It is not painful, but it

> is extremely uncomfortable,

> > in that it makes me feel that I want to jump out of my

> skin, so to

> speak. It seems to occur

> > after I eat or drink, although I haven't been able

> to identify

> particular offending foods.

> > Taking a couple of digestive enzyme capsules with

> meals seems to

> help somewhat, although

> > they don't solve the problem completely. So, any

> ideas about what

> this could be, or how to

> > help fix it?

> >

> > Thanks in advance!

> >

> >




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It might have something to do with Potassium - I know that " anxiety felt in the

stomach " is one of the symptoms we use to prescribe the Potassium group of

remedies as homoeopathics.


To: frequent-dose-chelation@...: accs4@...: Mon, 28

Jul 2008 16:06:51 +0000Subject: Digestion symptom


Hello,I had my amalgam fillings replaced a few months ago and have been

following the frequent dose chelation protocol, with good results. So, first of

all, thanks so much to Andy. There's no way to fully express my gratitude for

your help. Likewise, thanks to all the others here who have provided helpful

information and encouragement during this process.I was wondering if anyone here

had experienced this particular digestive symptom. For several years, I've been

experiencing what I can best (although not adequately) describe as " anxiety "

that is centered in my abdomen. It is not painful, but it is extremely

uncomfortable, in that it makes me feel that I want to jump out of my skin, so

to speak. It seems to occur after I eat or drink, although I haven't been able

to identify particular offending foods. Taking a couple of digestive enzyme

capsules with meals seems to help somewhat, although they don't solve the

problem completely. So, any ideas about what this could be, or how to help fix

it? Thanks in advance!

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> I have a similar experience, and it has been pretty much continuous

and very miserable. The feeling is like my intestine is clenched like

a fist and won't relax. It

Try lecithin... I was nearly out of my mind with that symptom

of my many.. Lecithin helped o=== I may have talked

before.. do not have time to do the search now.. ... either here

on frequent dose or on mercury chelation group...

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Carrageenan turned out to be a huge contibuting cause of " belly

issues " for me...and, too often, it feels like carrageenan is

Everywhere, and in Everything....The usual biomed nutritional

answers - enzymes & amino acids for close to a year, was a biggish

one - helped with my belly issues immensely, but avoiding

carrageenan, specifically ( & related thickeners, in general) feels

like the best thing I Ever did for my belly. I have been " belly

issue " free for over a year or so now, and it still is a surreal

blessed thing to me, after over 20 yrs of " must be normal for me "

belly pain & discomfort...btw, the onset of the " serious belly pain " ,

which was diag. as ibd/psychological at that time, I can and do

connect to mercury toxicity - for me, catchup vacs & amalgam

placement/braces - and the rest, as they say, is history...

wishing you the best answers



> Hello,


> I had my amalgam fillings replaced a few months ago and have been

following the frequent

> dose chelation protocol, with good results. So, first of all,

thanks so much to Andy. There's

> no way to fully express my gratitude for your help. Likewise,

thanks to all the others here

> who have provided helpful information and encouragement during this



> I was wondering if anyone here had experienced this particular

digestive symptom. For

> several years, I've been experiencing what I can best (although not

adequately) describe as

> " anxiety " that is centered in my abdomen. It is not painful, but

it is extremely uncomfortable,

> in that it makes me feel that I want to jump out of my skin, so to

speak. It seems to occur

> after I eat or drink, although I haven't been able to identify

particular offending foods.

> Taking a couple of digestive enzyme capsules with meals seems to

help somewhat, although

> they don't solve the problem completely. So, any ideas about what

this could be, or how to

> help fix it?


> Thanks in advance!



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An add on... Any liver supplement support also helps with my

digstive anxiety--- a pain but not a bend over in agony pain,

so you can get through the day pain and everyone thinks you

are making it up pain..LOL... I agree it is heavy metal linked.

It feels like a burning pain to me that just sits there and

my doctor said alot of burning pain is heavy metal related.. The

upper pain in my gut went away after a few months of

chelation with the lower still there. But the upper did return

after another 5 chelation rounds.. so the metals coming out

got stuck there again I assume.

If you need more sulfur , maybe add some more to your diet.

Me NAC helps alot, milk thistle seed ground up, vitamin c

and magnesium to help keep the bowels moving, antioxidants like

quercitin come to mind.


> >

> > I have a similar experience, and it has been pretty much continuous

> and very miserable. The feeling is like my intestine is clenched


> a fist and won't relax. It



> Try lecithin... I was nearly out of my mind with that symptom

> of my many.. Lecithin helped o=== I may have talked

> before.. do not have time to do the search now.. ... either


> on frequent dose or on mercury chelation group...


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