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Re: Re: hair test #193 please help

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In frequent-dose-chelation dexterorpington wrote:

Hi Jackie-

Thanks for your response on my hair test. We've taken a couple of

trips to the North Shore in the last few years and really enjoy it


---------Hi Loren. Sorry it's taken a couple days to get back to you. Yes,

the North Shore is a beautiful area. I'm about 70 miles inland from Duluth. On

the Iron Range. Yes, I'm a ranger!-------Jackie

I had read the counting rules and was wondering with 6 out of 8

barely being in green if some would go ahead and count it anyway,

also wondering how low a low presentation would look.

----------This is where interpretation is not cut and dry, and the counting

rules are a guideline, or way of " quantifying " deranged mineral transport, but

there are grey areas, and then you have to consider symptoms and exposure, etc.

Your hair test certainly doesn't look normal, and does look " suspicious " , with

so few bars going to the right, and as you said, " barely " going to the right.

I would consider this an all low presentation, although some hair tests would

be more extreme, with more elements in the red and yellow low. There are lots

of examples in HTI, and at Dean's website. Look at #195.-----------Jackie

Am I

understanding correctly that not showing any mercury is suspicious

and that non mercury toxic people show mercury excretion?

----------Yes, showing none or very low mercury levels is suspicious, and can

be a sign of toxicity in itself, when you know there has been exposure. This

usually goes along with meeting the counting rules, which shows that mercury is

messing up your mineral transport, further not allowing you the ability to

excrete mercury on your own. And some people are genetically poor excretors of

mercury, and that's probably how it shows up, low or no hair mercury. Some call

it " retention toxicity " .

So yes, for you to show no mercury in your hair when you still have amalgams

in your mouth, is definitely a sign that you are a poor excretor. You should be

excreting " some " mercury into your hair.

And yes, non toxic people should show some mercury excretion in their hair,

because pretty much everybody has probably been exposed to some somewhere,

whether it be amalgams, vaccines, eating fish, pollution, etc.-------Jackie

I have AI. Do not yet have HTI but will probably order soon on

your recommendation concerning lead.

----------Yes, HTI is a valuable resource, and can help answer more thoroughly

some of your above questions.----------Jackie

I have had a consultation with a " mercury free " dentist who seems

competent and thorough and will be calling for my first removal

appointment soon.

-----------Good. That is the first step. And getting your supplements in

place and possibly addressing other things like diet, can help in the


I have started vitamin C E and B vitamins and was

waiting for my hair test results to see if I needed anything

specific to my condition.

------------This is also where HTI comes in handy, because hair levels don't

always represent body levels, and this can vary by mineral. But the low red

lithium is one that Andy says you can supplement based on the hair test.

Otherwise, I would basically follow the recommendations in AI. Andy's top four,

or the absolute bare minimum that he recommends is Vit C and E, and zinc and

magnesium, so you might want to add those next.--------Jackie

Regarding supplementation, I was wondering if I should take selenium

since I'm in the low yellow and selenium is said to be important

in heart function, however I see in AI Andy says to be careful

with. Any thoughts?

-----------Yes, selenium is important for a number of things, but as Andy

says, it is one to be careful with. I think many of us take it, and the

dosage/tolerance probably varies by person. I tolerate Andy's recommended

dosage range of I think it's 200-400 mcg day? The best advice with any

supplement is usually to start low and gradually build up dosage.

Besides being good for the heart, it also helps convert T4 to T3, so is

important for thyroid function also. And, it is supposed to help " immobilize "

mercury in the body or make it " inert " , but not actually chelate it, but it can

help protect you in that way, so would probably be helpful to be taking during

amalgam removal, so you may want to add this one soon.----------Jackie

My mother died at age 51 of aortic aneurysm and my father was in

good health into his late 70's but since has been worsening with

Alzheimers. He is 86 years old.

------------My mom died last year at 80 and had Parkinson's, and my dad is

doing ok for his age, 87, but with a number of complaints, but probably not

untypical for his age. Memory is worsening, but no diagnosis. It was really

hard watching my mom suffer/deal with the Parkinson's. Good luck with your dad,

and to you too!------Jackie





> Hi

> I am new to the group and have posted my DDI hair element test


> to the list and would appreciate interpretation. Thanks for your

> help--Loren


> -----------Hi Loren, and welcome! Nice to meet someone more

from my neck of the woods and with a similar background :) I grew

up on a dairy farm in northern Minnesota, and I still live up here.--





> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest.html


> -----------Well, your hair test doesn't flat out meet any of the

counting rules for deranged mineral transport and mercury toxicity,

but it doesn't look totally normal to me either. The one you are

closest to is rule #1, which states " 5 or less bars to the right " .

Technically, you have 8 bars to the right, but many of those

*barely* go to the right. So in my eyes, you are close to meeting

that rule. And many of us have this " all low pattern " with mercury

toxicity. I do. It is also a sign that you are probably having

poor absorption of your nutrients, and would benefit from some

digestive aids, such as enzymes and betaine hcl. This will help you

absorb any supplements you take better also.


> You don't show the classic adrenal pattern and your ratios are

all in range, so no problems jumping out there.


> Low red lithium and cobalt are common with mercury poisoning.


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