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Hair Test 199

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Thanking you in advance for any help in reading the hair test #199--


Health history and current symptoms—I have some skin problems,

almost daily I break out in hives in my forearms. They are very

itchy and swell up, then leave somewhat of a small sore there. At

other times I've had in my hands and feet terrible itching and

burning, that only rubbing my hands/ feet together will cause any

relief. They swell up during these times as well.

I have fibroid tumors and a lump in my breast. This has been since

at least March 2004. The Drs. say the lump is benign. These are

things that are being monitored. Infertility because of damaged

fallopian tubes, had surgery in 1991 to open tubes and remove scar

tissue from them.

I have mood swings where I am irritated with everything. There are

also times when I'm extremely quiet, introverted and withdrawn.

Lately I've noticed it takes me longer to think through problem

solving strategies at work, and longer to grasp new material.

I struggle maintaining a reasonable weight. It's not that I

overeat, it seems that I gain weight just by looking at food. I

have AI and see a lot of mention of mercury being a symptom of

weight loss. Can mercury related endocrine problems cause weight


Dental history—I can't remember when my first amalgams were put in.

It seems like I've always had some. I've had some of them " filled

again " or " added to " over the years because they needed repair. I

have a total of 10 amalgams. I had braces for 4 years from grade 4-

8. Before they started orthodontic work I had at least 2 permanent

teeth removed because my mouth was too small to hold my teeth if

they were going to be straight. My wisdom teeth were pulled when I

was 24 years old. I haven't started any dental clean up yet but

have found a dentist who will be able to do removal in an approved


I don't know exactly what dentistry my mom had before my birth- I

know she had a mouthful of fillings and dental problems as I was

growing up.

Vaccinations—1961(the year I was born) May-mumps, June –1st Polio,

July- 1st WDT(Whooping cough, Diptheria, Tetanus) Aug- 2nd WDT, Oct –


1962 Sept-3rd WDT 1963 Nov oral Sabin Polio Vaccine 1964 Dec

Oral Sabin Polio Vaccine 1966 Feb measles vaccine June WDT

Booster 1970 Rubella vaccine 1971 June smallpox booster, WDT

booster, Polio booster 1975 WDT booster 1977 Rubella

1981 WDT booster 1986 gamma globulin flu shots 2003 2004 2005

No supplements taken at time of, or before hair test.

I live in Grand Mound, Iowa and am the wife of person in hair


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Reposting with the link to the hair test. I'll make some comments below



In frequent-dose-chelation dexterorpington wrote:

Thanking you in advance for any help in reading the hair test #199--


----------Carol, your hair test doesn't meet the counting rules for deranged

mineral transport, but it doesn't look totally normal either. You miss counting

rule #4, 11 or fewer bars in the middle (green and white) by two, you had 13,

which is considered *unusual*. And a couple of those are close to going out.

And showing hardly any mercury in your hair when you have 10 amalgams in your

mouth, is suspicious also, you should be excreting some. So that can be a sign

that you are retaining it. So you may be on your way to meeting the counting

rules, but just not quite yet.

You don't show the classic adrenal pattern, and all your ratios look good,

except your Ca/P is high, which means you are a slow metabolizer. If you have

AI or HTI, you can look that up. I'm a fast metabolizer, so I'm the opposite,

and I can't remember off the top of my head what Andy says about your case. I

don't have time right now, but maybe someone else will, otherwise ask again.

According to HTI, hair sodium does not reflect dietary intake or body burden,

so I don't think that is anything to worry about.---------Jackie

Health history and current symptoms-I have some skin problems,

almost daily I break out in hives in my forearms. They are very

itchy and swell up, then leave somewhat of a small sore there. At

other times I've had in my hands and feet terrible itching and

burning, that only rubbing my hands/ feet together will cause any

relief. They swell up during these times as well.

------------Skin problems can be heavy metal related. Others have reported

itching and burning in hands and feet. Not sure about the hives. Sounds

allergic. Can you think of anything you've been exposed to? ---------Jackie

I have fibroid tumors and a lump in my breast. This has been since

at least March 2004. The Drs. say the lump is benign. These are

things that are being monitored. Infertility because of damaged

fallopian tubes, had surgery in 1991 to open tubes and remove scar

tissue from them.

------------I think I have heard of breast problems being linked to an iodine

deficiency? This isn't in AI or HTI, has anyone else heard this? You might

want to investigate this. ---------Jackie

----------Also, do you mean fibroid tumors in your uterus or breast? This

could also be a sign of hormonal imbalances, which I think some of your other

symptoms below could be.------------Jackie

I have mood swings where I am irritated with everything. There are

also times when I'm extremely quiet, introverted and withdrawn.

Lately I've noticed it takes me longer to think through problem

solving strategies at work, and longer to grasp new material.

-----------Some of this definitely sounds like mercury, and mercury can cause

alot of hormonal imbalance, which also causes lots of symptoms. Do some reading

about this, Dr. Lee's books are very good, and you can do a symptom

checklist at his website www.johnleemd.com and at www.zrtlabs.com. And I would

seriously consider doing a saliva hormone test, which you can order without a

doctor from www.canaryclub.org. ----------Jackie

I struggle maintaining a reasonable weight. It's not that I

overeat, it seems that I gain weight just by looking at food. I

have AI and see a lot of mention of mercury being a symptom of

weight loss. Can mercury related endocrine problems cause weight


-----------Yes, it can do both. Some of us are overweight too. This could be

thyroid related, so you should probably test that also, and do some reading

about symptoms. We have some links in the links section, might be under adrenal

info, but should be some thyroid stuff there too. Dean also has some good info

at his website, where your hair test is posted. You can also track your temps,

to see if you have a possible thyroid problem. If you get tests, you want Free

T3, Free T4, and antibodies, maybe Rt3 if they'll do it.---------Jackie

Dental history-I can't remember when my first amalgams were put in.

It seems like I've always had some. I've had some of them " filled

again " or " added to " over the years because they needed repair. I

have a total of 10 amalgams. I had braces for 4 years from grade 4-

8. Before they started orthodontic work I had at least 2 permanent

teeth removed because my mouth was too small to hold my teeth if

they were going to be straight. My wisdom teeth were pulled when I

was 24 years old. I haven't started any dental clean up yet but

have found a dentist who will be able to do removal in an approved


-----------Well, you have certainly had plenty of exposure.--------Jackie

I don't know exactly what dentistry my mom had before my birth- I

know she had a mouthful of fillings and dental problems as I was

growing up.

Vaccinations-1961(the year I was born) May-mumps, June -1st Polio,

July- 1st WDT(Whooping cough, Diptheria, Tetanus) Aug- 2nd WDT, Oct -


1962 Sept-3rd WDT 1963 Nov oral Sabin Polio Vaccine 1964 Dec

Oral Sabin Polio Vaccine 1966 Feb measles vaccine June WDT

Booster 1970 Rubella vaccine 1971 June smallpox booster, WDT

booster, Polio booster 1975 WDT booster 1977 Rubella

1981 WDT booster 1986 gamma globulin flu shots 2003 2004 2005

-----------The flu shots more than likely had mercury in them. Have you felt

worse since then? Others have found that a shot has put them over the edge.

And I'm impressed with your very accurate records!-------Jackie

No supplements taken at time of, or before hair test.

I live in Grand Mound, Iowa and am the wife of person in hair


---------I recall that your husband said he had been a farmer much of his

life, and exposed to pesticides and herbicides. I'm assuming this is the case

for you also? It's possible that these things are also affecting both of your's

health, and may be contributing to endocrine problems, and who knows what else.

So I would definitely pursue hormone testing, regardless of your mercury status.

And I wish I could give you a clearer answer on the mercury thing, and the

only other thing that comes to mind is, I remember reading that some kid's hair

tests didn't meet the counting rules, but the parents started chelation anyways,

and then they did meet the counting rules after some chelation. So maybe that

would be the case with you. So a trial of chelation would be the definitive

answer, but you can't do that until you remove your amalgams. But sounds like

you're thinking of doing that anyways.

Good luck. The only other thing I can think of is that some people do a urine

porphyrins test, which can show mercury, but it is very sensitive to proper

handling. There is supposed to be a lab in France that is good. I can't

remember if anybody here has done it. You could ask about that in another

post, and see if anybody responds.-----------Jackie

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