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Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3 - 5mg

and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my lower

back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I didn't scare


HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a



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I am Hg toxic,four months ago got 4 amalgams out tried few rounds of

DMSA but got exhausted from getting up in the night so stopped.My

blood work from last three years( from same lab)shows gradual decline

in pregnenolone. In 2005 it was 132 ng/dl and in

2007 it was 38 ng/dl. My doctor says this shows adrenal reserve a bit

low but does not really take it seriously. I suffer from enormous

fatigue and brain fog. PLEASE tell me what to do????

Thanks in advance!!!




> Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

> too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3 - 5mg

> and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my lower

> back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I didn't scare

> myself.


> HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

> did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

> pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a

> lift?


> Val


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> I am Hg toxic,four months ago got 4 amalgams out tried few rounds of

> DMSA but got exhausted from getting up in the night so stopped.My

> blood work from last three years( from same lab)shows gradual decline

> in pregnenolone. In 2005 it was 132 ng/dl and in

> 2007 it was 38 ng/dl. My doctor says this shows adrenal reserve a bit

> low but does not really take it seriously. I suffer from enormous

> fatigue and brain fog. PLEASE tell me what to do????


> Thanks in advance!!!

> Sunny



Oh, I hate these #$@#$ing doctors. When exactly was the US medical

profession destroyed? I read passages from old doctors who used to

treat by clinical symptoms and miracles of miracles - people got

well. Now everything is tests, tests, tests, and the average range is

so ridiculously large that an Olympic athlete and myself would be

categorized together. When did intelligent people abandon medicine?

Only fools would ignore a patient's symptoms in place of a piece of

paper. Rant over...

Anyway, I didn't know you could test for pregnenolone? But if you're

low, then take some. But just take a small amount -- like 3 or 5 mgs

to start. You can get it for $8 at a vitamin store. The first time I

took it I got a little buzz and then sat in the sun. For the first

time in over 20 years, I enjoyed the sun! It brought back memories

from being a teenager when I would love to lay in the sun. It wasn't

uncomfortable at all. My body actually absorbed the warmth. Then I

tried upping the dose to 15 mgs and was in the bathroom too much with

grey stools??? So I stopped it. I asked over at the Nat thyroid

forums and someone said to start very low and maybe stay there. Also,

it can help boost progesterone and I've been told by Dr. Rind that I

am estrogen dominant.

Try it and let us know how you do..


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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3 - 5mg

and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my lower

back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I didn't scare


------------This is great Val! I'm not sure why you're so sensitive to small

amounts, but whatever works! I take 50mg a day, and in AI, Andy says up to

100mg a day for women, and 300 for men. So it is ok to try higher doses, *if*

it makes you feel better.----------Jackie

HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a


------------I started a number of other things when I started pregnenolone,

and it is actually combined with my DHEA, so I'm not sure what *it* has done for

me. But I do recall hearing it being " the mother of all hormones " , and I

believe it is a precursor to many other hormones, so your body can make what it

needs from it, so that must be what is happening in you. Whatever it is that

you need, your body is making it from the pregnenolone.

Andy does say in AI that it can be converted into progesterone and cortisol,

and since it has a different effect for you than HC, then maybe it's the

progesterone? And that would fit in with you being estrogen dominant.

It would be interesting, and I think beneficial for you, if you would do the

saliva hormone test and find out what your levels are. The cheapest prices are

at the canaryclub.org, which is now in the Links section.----------Jackie


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In frequent-dose-chelation sfhsuperman wrote:

I am Hg toxic,four months ago got 4 amalgams out tried few rounds of

DMSA but got exhausted from getting up in the night so stopped.My

blood work from last three years( from same lab)shows gradual decline

in pregnenolone. In 2005 it was 132 ng/dl and in

2007 it was 38 ng/dl. My doctor says this shows adrenal reserve a bit

low but does not really take it seriously. I suffer from enormous

fatigue and brain fog. PLEASE tell me what to do????

----------Has your doctor tested any other hormones, especially if he mentions

low adrenal reserve? It doesn't seem like many really understand this hormone

business, unfortunately. And for many hormones, saliva testing is better, but

most doctors don't understand this either.

I would suggest you do a saliva hormone test, testing your cortisol levels

4X/day, plus your sex hormones, too. These tests are available through the

www.canaryclub.org, in the links section. You can also do some reading and do a

symptom checklist at some of the other links, such as www.johnleemd.com and

www.zrtlabs.com. You can order at those websites too, but it is cheaper through

the canaryclub for the same tests.

In the meantime, I believe pregnenolone is a fairly safe thing to try, and

since it is a precursor to other hormones, it may help whatever is low. But, it

would probably be best to do the testing first, to find out what your levels are

now, without any support. Good luck!--------Jackie

Thanks in advance!!!




> Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

> too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3 - 5mg

> and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my lower

> back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I didn't scare

> myself.


> HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

> did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

> pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a

> lift?


> Val


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> It would be interesting, and I think beneficial for you, if you

would do the saliva hormone test and find out what your levels are.

The cheapest prices are at the canaryclub.org, which is now in the

Links section.----------Jackie



I ordered the kit last week so I should be getting it pretty soon.

The only problem is staying off all things for 2 weeks. How

important is it to stay off everything for 2 weeks?

Come to think of it, Isocort did help with back pain after I took

it. But still, nothing has the total improvement that pregnenolone

does for me. Also, it wears out after a few hours. So I guess I

need another dose?

I know adrenals/thyroids are stressed alot here but I've been

reading about estrogen dominance and how it can suppress thyroid

functioning. So, wouldn't fixing the estrogen dominance be better

than going straight to thyroid supplements? Yeesh, this stuff is

complicated. Also, another doc thought my pituitary was messed up

which was effecting my thyroid. What a maze of confusion.


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Hello everybody.

I use preg also for adrenal fatigue. I take about

250-300 mg day. When I take it my body retains

water better, feel better overal

I have low cholesterol, aldosterone, low temp,


I have done 15 rounds ALA and 5 rounds DMSA 25 mg.

Does Andy write in his book how many rounds it takes before

bile production/flowing happens again?

I feel that the mercury/copper in my body makes my digestion

go to fast and weak digestion(low stomach acidity).

When I avoid electric fields, this improves somewhat.

Not trying to hijack the thread sorry.

Good luck to everybody.



Good luck to everybody



> Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

> too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3 - 5mg

> and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my lower

> back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I didn't


> myself.


> ------------This is great Val! I'm not sure why you're so

sensitive to small amounts, but whatever works! I take 50mg a day,

and in AI, Andy says up to 100mg a day for women, and 300 for men. So

it is ok to try higher doses, *if* it makes you feel





> HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

> did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

> pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a

> lift?


> ------------I started a number of other things when I started

pregnenolone, and it is actually combined with my DHEA, so I'm not

sure what *it* has done for me. But I do recall hearing it being " the

mother of all hormones " , and I believe it is a precursor to many other

hormones, so your body can make what it needs from it, so that must be

what is happening in you. Whatever it is that you need, your body is

making it from the pregnenolone.


> Andy does say in AI that it can be converted into progesterone and

cortisol, and since it has a different effect for you than HC, then

maybe it's the progesterone? And that would fit in with you being

estrogen dominant.


> It would be interesting, and I think beneficial for you, if you

would do the saliva hormone test and find out what your levels are.

The cheapest prices are at the canaryclub.org, which is now in the

Links section.----------Jackie




> Val







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I believe pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA

There has a lot been written about how DHEA is a key component in the

health hormone mix and been a key anti aging/anti inflation etc

component of health

I think it (7 keto DHEA) has really helped my adrenals...along with

pregnenlone/siberian ginseng


> Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I take

> too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3- 5mg

> and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my

> lower back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I

> didn't scare myself.


> HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this, nor

> did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

> pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such a

> lift?


> Val


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This is very interesting. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who

*needs* these hormones. I have to have 200 mg. of 7-keto or I come

apart at the seams. I forgot it for two days this weekend and think

it's part of why I crashed and burned.

A few ?s:

What advantages would there be to pregnenalone over dhea if any?

What does it cascade into? (other hormones)

I remember taking pregnenalone many years ago and didn't notice much

of a difference. I took 25 mg of DHEA and knew the next day this is

what my body needed. I raise the dose every few days until more

didn't help, then went back to that max dose. Why would DHEA help me

so much when preg. didn't?

Maybe I should add in a little preg. too to see if I notice any

difference. I could not function without the DHEA. That, and iron,

and bovine adrenal were the three things that took me to a new

plateau of health during the last decade.

How much preg.(or DHEA) are you all taking?


> >

> > Pregnenolone. I've been playing around with the dose and if I


> > too much it has negative effects. But just a little - maybe 3-


> > and wow. Just tried it again today - my temp rose to normal, my

> > lower back pain has diminished, and when I look in the mirror I

> > didn't scare myself.

> >

> > HC didn't have this immediate effect, Isocort didn't do this,


> > did any of the herbs that Dr Rind gave me. So, what is it about

> > pregnenolone? I know Nanci swears by it - anybody else have such


> > lift?

> >

> > Val

> >


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A few more comments about preg:

I was sensitive to small amounts of 7-keto at first. Just 25 mg.

breathed new life into me, but if I took just that much now, I'd be a

wreck. As I said in my prev. post, I had to escalate the dose

initially and have been on 200 mg for several years now. I might add

another 50 a day to see if I notice any difference. I know it's a lot

but I also know my body needs it.

Also, I get back pain when low in DHEA the way someone else mentioned

they get with low preg. I suspect it's a low progesterone symptom that

is just helped when I get more of the mother hormone. It frees my body

up to use what resources it has to make the progesterone I need. Might

be even more efficient to use preg. but I don't know why I don't

remember that helping years ago. Maybe I didn't take enough.


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also if you can only handle 7 Keto Dhea ( and not regular DHEA), I

believe it indicates a sulfate problem and you may have problems with

other sulfates ie glucosamine sulfate, epsom salts. ACE seemed to cause

me similiar symptoms

-- In frequent-dose-chelation , " Jen "



> A few more comments about preg:


> I was sensitive to small amounts of 7-keto at first. Just 25 mg.

> breathed new life into me, but if I took just that much now, I'd be

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In my case my DHEA has been already high for many years now

in medical tests .. And the pregnenolone relieved my

exhaustion/emotional and mental fatigue overnight //



> Val

> I believe pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA


> There has a lot been written about how DHEA is a key component in the

> health hormone mix and been a key anti aging/anti inflation etc

> component of health


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My doc gave me 50mg daily.. I find 25 mg does the same thing..

Medical tests showed high-ie above normal DHEA, litle

progesterone, estrogen { menopausal} and no testoseterone.

I had tried them all with herbal compatible and did find

some releif. PRogesterone helped my body temperature rise and

I started sweating again. Estrogen taken later on helped with

hot flashes { in my case hot 24 hours a day} testosterone with

more strength..

I went off them all with the pregnenolone and did very well. I

tried the testosterone a few times with not changes I could

immediatley feel. I just added in the progesterone last night

and did notice an energy boost.

My endometriosis pain did come back which apparently does do

better with dong quai which is what I was taking for estrogen

and have not taken for 2 months now. .. But the pain also goes

away with more sulfates so I have added in glucosamine

sulfate with great results taking away the pain totally.


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-----Responses to both nanci and mercurybeater below-------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation nanciwell wrote:

In my case my DHEA has been already high for many years now

in medical tests .. And the pregnenolone relieved my

exhaustion/emotional and mental fatigue overnight //

----------Read what Andy says about pregnenolone on pages 161-162 of AI. He

says it helps the brain to work better, and may improve depression, memory, and

concentration. I don't have time to read them all now, but a number of

different pages are listed in the index under pregnenolone.-----------Jackie



> Val

> I believe pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA

-----------Yes, that's what Andy says on page 161 of AI. " It is the metabolic

precursor to DHEA. It can also be converted to progesterone and cortisol, which

DHEA can't. Taking pregnenolone makes it easier for your body to make the

hormones it needs. " ------------Jackie


> There has a lot been written about how DHEA is a key component in the

> health hormone mix and been a key anti aging/anti inflation etc

> component of health


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In frequent-dose-chelation Jen wrote:

This is very interesting. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who

*needs* these hormones.

----------Mercury and other heavy metals are known to mess with your hormones.

Many of us have messed up hormones and need to supplement them, so no, you are

not alone!--------Jackie

I have to have 200 mg. of 7-keto or I come

apart at the seams. I forgot it for two days this weekend and think

it's part of why I crashed and burned.

A few ?s:

What advantages would there be to pregnenalone over dhea if any?

What does it cascade into? (other hormones)

---------I think I answered this in another post. Pregnenolone is the

metabolic precursor to DHEA, but it can also be converted into progesterone and

cortisol, which DHEA can not. In general, it makes it easier for your body to

make the hormones it needs. (page 161 of AI).----------Jackie

I remember taking pregnenalone many years ago and didn't notice much

of a difference. I took 25 mg of DHEA and knew the next day this is

what my body needed. I raise the dose every few days until more

didn't help, then went back to that max dose. Why would DHEA help me

so much when preg. didn't?

-----------Not sure. Maybe you hadn't taken enough of it? Maybe you were

very low in DHEA, so supplementing it had a more direct effect?---------Jackie

Maybe I should add in a little preg. too to see if I notice any

difference. I could not function without the DHEA. That, and iron,

and bovine adrenal were the three things that took me to a new

plateau of health during the last decade.

How much preg.(or DHEA) are you all taking?

----------I have never had my pregnenolone levels checked, but my DHEA was low

on saliva testing, so started me out on 25mg each of DHEA and preg. When

we retested, I was still low, so we raised it to 50mg each/day. I need to

retest and see where I am now.----------Jackie



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In frequent-dose-chelation Jen wrote:

A few more comments about preg:

I was sensitive to small amounts of 7-keto at first. Just 25 mg.

breathed new life into me, but if I took just that much now, I'd be a

wreck. As I said in my prev. post, I had to escalate the dose

initially and have been on 200 mg for several years now. I might add

another 50 a day to see if I notice any difference. I know it's a lot

but I also know my body needs it.

Also, I get back pain when low in DHEA the way someone else mentioned

they get with low preg. I suspect it's a low progesterone symptom that

is just helped when I get more of the mother hormone. It frees my body

up to use what resources it has to make the progesterone I need. Might

be even more efficient to use preg. but I don't know why I don't

remember that helping years ago. Maybe I didn't take enough.

----------Yes, maybe you didn't take enough. Also, if you suspect low

progesterone, you can also use a progesterone cream to help raise that. Through

saliva hormone testing, I found out that I was *severely deficient* in

progesterone, and the cream has helped to raise it.

Dr. Lee is a big proponent of progesterone cream and balancing hormones,

and he has written very good books on the subject, and Andy even sells them now

at his website, so he recommends them also, so they must be good :) He also has

a website, www.johnleemd.com.

It would be best to do saliva hormone testing first, before playing too much

with all of these hormones, to see where you are really at and to help guide

you, if you don't have a doctor that can help. The cheapest prices are at

www.canaryclub.org. -------------Jackie


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The body has to be able to convert preg to DHEA. It's my understanding that

the substances (catalysts=enzymes) decline in the body with aging,

especially the one that enables the conversion to DHEA. Mercury probably

inhibits these enzymes too. So you not only need the " raw " material

(pregnenolone) but you need the chemical means to make the conversion.


In frequent-dose- <mailto:frequent-dose-chelation%40yahoogroups.com>

chelation Jen wrote:

Why would DHEA help me so much when preg. didn't?

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> A few more comments about preg:


> I was sensitive to small amounts of 7-keto at first. Just 25 mg.

> breathed new life into me, but if I took just that much now, I'd

be a

> wreck. As I said in my prev. post, I had to escalate the dose

> initially and have been on 200 mg for several years now. I might


> another 50 a day to see if I notice any difference. I know it's a


> but I also know my body needs it.


> Also, I get back pain when low in DHEA the way someone else


> they get with low preg. I suspect it's a low progesterone symptom


> is just helped when I get more of the mother hormone. It frees my


> up to use what resources it has to make the progesterone I need.


> be even more efficient to use preg. but I don't know why I don't

> remember that helping years ago. Maybe I didn't take enough.


> ----------Yes, maybe you didn't take enough. Also, if you

suspect low progesterone, you can also use a progesterone cream to

help raise that. Through saliva hormone testing, I found out that I

was *severely deficient* in progesterone, and the cream has helped to

raise it.


> The cheapest prices are at www.canaryclub.org.

Great, thanks for the link I have done progesterone cream over the

years. I've always been estrogen dominant. I'm just not crazy about

this type of delivery system as I feel worse if I shower and forget

to reapply. Just more ups and downs than I get with the DHEA. I

suppose I should get on a low dose and stay on it. Just add it to

the routine.

Thanks for the reminder.


> Dr. Lee is a big proponent of progesterone cream and

balancing hormones, and he has written very good books on the

subject, and Andy even sells them now at his website, so he

recommends them also, so they must be good :) He also has a website,



> It would be best to do saliva hormone testing first, before

playing too much with all of these hormones, to see where you are

really at and to help guide you, if you don't have a doctor that can

help. The cheapest prices are at www.canaryclub.org. -------------







> Jen







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Hmm...I've never taken reg. DHEA because I'm female and was told to

take the 7-keto version. I don't feel any different when I eat eggs

or garlic. Doesn't cause fatigue or any other symtoms that I know

of. During the best 8 months I had, I was taking

glucosamine/chondroitin on a daily basis and I feel great when I

scrub down with, or soak in, epsom salts. Wouldn't have some sort of

symptoms if I have sulfur issues? Did you before you crashed?

Selenium seems the be the only thing that makes me feel bad.


> >

> > A few more comments about preg:

> >

> > I was sensitive to small amounts of 7-keto at first. Just 25 mg.

> > breathed new life into me, but if I took just that much now, I'd



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