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Robin - Interpretation of hair test.

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Hey Robin!


1 red

12 outside of the red zone + 1 borderline

9 low.

That's one counting rule, so we know mercury is likely elevated in the body,

even if it's only moderately elevated in the hair.

Tin is read high - that may well be real, since mercury can causes the

accumulation of tin (among other things).

As for the silver, we can't tell. With the disordered mineral transport, it

may just be an artifact. Ie, it may be elevated in the cell, but it may not be

elevated in the body.

So, mercury is a problem and we have to read everything else on the test with

advisement - but, the ratios are still good.

Ca/Mg is low ==> You have poor regulation of blood suger.

Try a low glycemic index diet.

Chromium picolinate (200mcg adult),


Vanadium & Bilberry.

Ca/P low ==> you may be a fast metabolizer.

You may show less toxicity than is present.

You can try Lots of vit D

(2000IU/d scaled to weight for child)

Digestive enzymes.

A high fat diet.

Na/K is fine

K/Ca is .55. This is high.

You should get your thyroid checked.

If you use a doctor, then test

_free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH & Antibodies (AIp115-8)

and interpret using Andy's AI/appendix.

You can also try CanaryClub.Org for thyroid testing.

Na/Mg = 1.4. That's the low end of normal.

You don't need to do anything specific here,

but red meat (mammals) will help keep you towards

the normal.

Other than that, I don't see any clear adrenal sign.

You are in the enviable position of all the dietary indications moving in the

same direction! Good for you!

Now, I think you already know all the standard supps, right?


Basic Supps


A good multi-vitamin/mineral _without_ iron and _without_ copper.

B50 or B100 once or twice /d

Buffered C, 4g/d or as much as you can take without causing loose stools. For

child, scale to weight, but also go to bowel tolerance.

Mag, 100mg 4x/d & increase to 200 in a few weeks

Take with each meal and possibly at bedtime.

Adjust to the max level that is not laxative.

If it's working but you can't get enough in, try Taurine, 0.5-1g with meals

(Adult doses, scale to weight for child)

Avoid oxide form, take citrate, malate, aspartate, or amino acid chelate.

Ca should also be given so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake

from all sources (food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 & 2:1.

Vit E, 1600IU/d (adult, scale to weight.)

CoQ10, 75-200mg/d (adult, scale to weight.)

Zinc Picollinate, 20mg + 1mg/lb-bodyweight

Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO (1/2 - 1 tbsp)

Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal (adult, scale to weight.)

Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d (adult, scale to weight.)

Make sure any selenium is in selenomethionine, s-selenocysteine or selenium

yeast forms. No selenite or selenium citrate. Take 50-400mcg a day total

(adult, scale to weight.)

Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.

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Robin and Dave,

Do you have the link to Robin's hair test? What number is it? I

can't find the hair test page since Dean changed his web pages.

(We want to put at least put the test number in the subject lines so

that we can find corresponding posts in archives)


> Hey Robin!


> Ok,


> 1 red

> 12 outside of the red zone + 1 borderline

> 9 low.

> That's one counting rule, so we know mercury is likely elevated in

the body,

> even if it's only moderately elevated in the hair.


> Tin is read high - that may well be real, since mercury can causes the

> accumulation of tin (among other things).


> As for the silver, we can't tell. With the disordered mineral

transport, it

> may just be an artifact. Ie, it may be elevated in the cell, but it

may not be

> elevated in the body.


> So, mercury is a problem and we have to read everything else on the

test with

> advisement - but, the ratios are still good.


> Ca/Mg is low ==> You have poor regulation of blood suger.

> Try a low glycemic index diet.

> Chromium picolinate (200mcg adult),

> Zinc

> Vanadium & Bilberry.


> Ca/P low ==> you may be a fast metabolizer.

> You may show less toxicity than is present.

> You can try Lots of vit D

> (2000IU/d scaled to weight for child)

> Digestive enzymes.

> A high fat diet.


> Na/K is fine

> K/Ca is .55. This is high.

> You should get your thyroid checked.

> If you use a doctor, then test

> _free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH & Antibodies (AIp115-8)

> and interpret using Andy's AI/appendix.

> You can also try CanaryClub.Org for thyroid testing.


> Na/Mg = 1.4. That's the low end of normal.

> You don't need to do anything specific here,

> but red meat (mammals) will help keep you towards

> the normal.


> Other than that, I don't see any clear adrenal sign.


> You are in the enviable position of all the dietary indications

moving in the

> same direction! Good for you!



> Now, I think you already know all the standard supps, right?


> -----------------

> Basic Supps

> -----------------


> A good multi-vitamin/mineral _without_ iron and _without_ copper.


> B50 or B100 once or twice /d


> Buffered C, 4g/d or as much as you can take without causing loose

stools. For

> child, scale to weight, but also go to bowel tolerance.


> Mag, 100mg 4x/d & increase to 200 in a few weeks

> Take with each meal and possibly at bedtime.

> Adjust to the max level that is not laxative.

> If it's working but you can't get enough in, try Taurine, 0.5-1g

with meals

> (Adult doses, scale to weight for child)

> Avoid oxide form, take citrate, malate, aspartate, or amino acid


> Ca should also be given so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake

> from all sources (food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 & 2:1.

> Vit E, 1600IU/d (adult, scale to weight.)

> CoQ10, 75-200mg/d (adult, scale to weight.)

> Zinc Picollinate, 20mg + 1mg/lb-bodyweight

> Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO (1/2 - 1 tbsp)

> Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

> Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal (adult, scale to weight.)

> Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d (adult, scale to weight.)


> Make sure any selenium is in selenomethionine, s-selenocysteine or


> yeast forms. No selenite or selenium citrate. Take 50-400mcg a day


> (adult, scale to weight.)


> Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.


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> Robin and Dave,


> Do you have the link to Robin's hair test? What number is it? I

> can't find the hair test page since Dean changed his web pages.



> (We want to put at least put the test number in the subject lines so

> that we can find corresponding posts in archives)

Hi ,

Robin sent me her hair test, but it was the from DirectLabs and I needed a

password to access the file. So it has not been put up yet.

I did reply to Robin, but it seems one of my email addresses lands in SPAM

filters sometimes.

So Robin, if you are listening please send me the password to access your

file and I'll put it up.

The hair test URL is


I'm sorry, but I forgot to put the link on the new Dental Network home page,

but it is there now: http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/dentalnetwork/

We have amassed 200 hair tests now and I'll have to make a new page for


I will let you know when I have done that.



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> Robin sent me her hair test, but it was the from DirectLabs and I

> needed a password to access the file. So it has not been put up yet.

> I did reply to Robin, but it seems one of my email addresses lands

> in SPAM filters sometimes.

> So Robin, if you are listening please send me the password to

> access your file and I'll put it up.

thanks dean. just back from arduous trip. will write tomorrow (it's

1am here and been flying 10 hours.

if you get this post before i reply, please let me know where i might

find this password you need?

what i'm seeing in my paperwork is the same as what you're seeing

unless i'm missing something?

and thanks for the interpretation. i'll have to read it tomorrow...

thanks all!!!!


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>> Robin sent me her hair test, but it was the from DirectLabs and I

>> needed a password to access the file. So it has not been put up yet.

>> I did reply to Robin, but it seems one of my email addresses lands

>> in SPAM filters sometimes.

>> So Robin, if you are listening please send me the password to

>> access your file and I'll put it up.


> thanks dean. just back from arduous trip. will write tomorrow (it's

> 1am here and been flying 10 hours.


> if you get this post before i reply, please let me know where i might

> find this password you need?

Perhaps I'm confused (and I can't blame it on mercury anymore, 'cos I think

it is all out :-).

I got a hair test from an email of w. long.

It included an email sent from Direct Labs with a link to the hair test (as

this is how they send it out now), and I had to enter a password to download

the hair test.

But the password was not in the email I was sent, so I could not access the

hair test and post it.

I did reply to the w.long email, but received no response.

I assumed it was you when you said you were having trouble getting it


Then I see that Dave commented on your hair test, but I could not figure out

how he saw it?

Anyway, I've been posting so many hair tests I have lost track of what is

going on :-)

So if I have missed anyone's please resend, and also Robin if you need yours

posted, please resend.



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ok thanks dean. i just forwarded my test to

hairtest@... and it looked like it went through. that

was the address that WAS returning a terminal failure so it looks to be

back up and running okay. thanks. and i have a couple questions i'll

write later when i have my head screwed back on. ~robin

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> 1 red

> 12 outside of the red zone + 1 borderline

> 9 low.

> That's one counting rule, so we know mercury is likely elevated in

the body,

> even if it's only moderately elevated in the hair.

thanks dave! but since that one (#4) counting rule is so borderline

couldn't we also try looking at the results as close to normal

transport and read the metals as stated? that would mean i have

elevated mercury, silver and tin. uranium is borderline...

> Ca/Mg is low ==> You have poor regulation of blood suger.

> Try a low glycemic index diet.

> Chromium picolinate (200mcg adult),

> Zinc

> Vanadium & Bilberry.

yes i do. i eat a VERY low carb hunetr gather diet, take chromium and

zinc. i'll add vanadium and bilberry: how much?

> Ca/P low ==> you may be a fast metabolizer.

> You may show less toxicity than is present.

> You can try Lots of vit D

> (2000IU/d scaled to weight for child)

> Digestive enzymes.

> A high fat diet.

yes. fast everything. that's me -- except slow phase II liver pathway

hence the terrible MCS <sigh>

i increased my d 2 weeks ago to 3000IU/d. i've always taken digestive

enzymes and HCl. my diet is sooo high fat, old WAPF'er :-)

so can't change or add anything there....? what else??

> Na/K is fine

this was an issue a year ago but i drink sea salt in water and also

take some general electrolyte mixtures with my water. glad to see it

worked out. my sodium used to always be low on tests..

> K/Ca is .55. This is high.

> You should get your thyroid checked.

> If you use a doctor, then test

> _free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH & Antibodies (AIp115-8)

> and interpret using Andy's AI/appendix.

> You can also try CanaryClub.Org for thyroid testing.

i just received the canary club complete thyroid/hormone test in the

mail. now i just have to phase out some things and then i'll take it.

this is why i've been taking a little break from our group: it became

apparent to me that my adrenal/thyroid was a predominate issue and

made it impossible to chelate. i'm still doing the dr. rind

temperature graph to determine the proper amount of adrenal support.

then will add back in thyroid hormone

> Na/Mg = 1.4. That's the low end of normal.

> You don't need to do anything specific here,

> but red meat (mammals) will help keep you towards

> the normal.

i eat a diet that is extremely high in meat but will keep my bow and

arrow at my side... just shows how much a double gene celiac needs

hunter-gatherer type food, no? (i'm HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8)

> Other than that, I don't see any clear adrenal sign.

well the test is also showing you how i;ve been working at it. the

test also shows about 6 months of chelation and epsom salt baths

every night, saunas. i mean i have been working hard to clear my body

of toxic material.

> You are in the enviable position of all the dietary indications

moving in the

> same direction! Good for you!

as i said, this is a testament to how good andy's protocol works. i

feel about 95% better than when i discovered this site. so thanks!!!!

> Now, I think you already know all the standard supps, right?

yes. been taking all those except the lecithin. wasn't sure about

it.. is it the same as phosphatydil choline? would that be good to

take? i AM taking copious amounts of phosphatydil serine to help

control cortisol spikes.

i also wonder if my test indicates i'm taking too much of some

supplements; i mean, why is selenium so high?

i upped my calcium intake becasue it was low. i take soo much vitamin

c that it blocks calcium absorption. also i've been focusing maybe

too much on magnesium so i'll try to get a bit more calcium


i'm taking 15mg hydrocortisone/day and that may affect some of the

readings too.

thanks again!!


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