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Hair test number 201 - comments please

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I would be grateful for any comments on hair test 201 please shown on

the following link:


I have worked out I do not follow any of the counting rules if I am

correct? and looks like my magnesium and calcium levels are high. My

mercury is very low and Uranium high from what I can see?

Should I continue with chelation with DMSA? If the mercury is very

low and might show that I don't excrete mercury well then would it be

better to start the ALA sooner? - does this mean I have a low body

burden of mercury?

I have so far done 5 rounds DMSA at 12.5mg for 3 days on, 3 days off.

Thank you


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> Hi,


> I would be grateful for any comments on hair test 201 please shown on

> the following link:


> http://livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest2.html


> I have worked out I do not follow any of the counting rules if I am

> correct?

Right, no counting rules met. That does not rule out mercury

toxicity. The very low mercury is suspicious. It could be that your

body is having difficulty eliminating mercury - something that is

common with mercury poisoning because the presence of mercury

interferes with the enzymes and processes of detoxification.

> and looks like my magnesium and calcium levels are high.

Yes, and sodium and potassium are relatively low in comparison. It

could be that there are adrenal problems. It would be good to check

your symptoms against symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. Considering

your age, you may be in the early stages. A saliva cortisol test may

be helpful as well. Read the adrenal section of " Amalgam Illness " .

There are many things that you can consider to support your adrenals,

starting with diet, supplement, and lifestyle modification.


> mercury is very low and Uranium high from what I can see?


The low mercury actually makes one suspicious that mercury may be the

underlying cause of health problems. The high uranium often occurs

because of foods grown in local soils. It is not a great concern, but

you can read more about it in Andy's " Hair Test Interpretation " book

or by searching archives using www.onibasu.com

> Should I continue with chelation with DMSA?

I assume that you have removed all amalgams? Chelators should not be

taken until all amalgam has been safely removed and sources of

exposure stopped.

What have you tried so far with DMSA. Any side effects or

improvements with chelation confirm toxicity - this is really the

ultimate test.

I would like to know more about your history and what happens when you

chelate, but off the top of my head I would say continue chelation.

If the mercury is very

> low and might show that I don't excrete mercury well then would it be

> better to start the ALA sooner?

ALA can be started 3 months after amalgam removal. The reason to

start ALA as soon as possible is because ALA is what takes the mercury

out of organs and the brain, and is what will ultimately cure the person.

- does this mean I have a low body

> burden of mercury?


No, not at all. In fact it may indicate the opposite.

> I have so far done 5 rounds DMSA at 12.5mg for 3 days on, 3 days off.


It would help if you tell us details of your health history, and what

you experienced with chelation.

If you are not experiencing any side effects with chelation or after

you stop rounds, you could consider increasing the doses (increase one

at a time).


> Thank you


> Josie


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>> Hi,


>> I would be grateful for any comments on hair test 201 please shown on

>> the following link:


>> http://livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest2.html


>> I have worked out I do not follow any of the counting rules if I am

>> correct?



> Right, no counting rules met. That does not rule out mercury

> toxicity. The very low mercury is suspicious.

Hi Josie,

The very low mercury is a huge red flag and suggestive of retention


We should all be getting some mercury out whether we have amalgams or not.

If you have a response with chelation (any response) that can be

confirmatory of a mercury problem.

> Yes, and sodium and potassium are relatively low in comparison. It

> could be that there are adrenal problems. It would be good to check

> your symptoms against symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. Considering

> your age, you may be in the early stages. A saliva cortisol test may

> be helpful as well. Read the adrenal section of " Amalgam Illness " .

> There are many things that you can consider to support your adrenals,

> starting with diet, supplement, and lifestyle modification.

Your adrenal ratio is far, far too low. Indicating a near complete lack of

adrenaline production.

You'll need to take your temperatures and do a cortisol saliva test.

Your thyroid ratio is also way, way out.

You'll need to do blood tests properly for thyroid.

>> Should I continue with chelation with DMSA?

Just keep the doses low so you feel good while you chelate and make it your

priority to get proper hormone testing, as you need strong/supported

adrenals and thyroid for chelation to go smoothly.


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Hi Dean,

Thanks for the comments.

> The very low mercury is a huge red flag and suggestive of retention

> toxicity.

> We should all be getting some mercury out whether we have amalgams

or not.

> If you have a response with chelation (any response) that can be

> confirmatory of a mercury problem.

> >

> Your adrenal ratio is far, far too low. Indicating a near complete

lack of

> adrenaline production.

> You'll need to take your temperatures and do a cortisol saliva test.

> Your thyroid ratio is also way, way out.

> You'll need to do blood tests properly for thyroid.

Can you tell me what factors indicate the adrenal and thyroid ratio?

My thyroid blood test in May this year showed:

TSH 3.29

Free T4 15.6

My antibodies were also in normal range. I do believe the TSH should

not be classified as normal though from what I have read.

Unfortunately my doctors say there is absolutely nothing wrong with

my thyroid and adrenals and will not do further tests despite me

asking for them, I have tried all the doctors in the area all with

fail. If my cortisol blood tests and thyroid come back within

their 'normal range' they say there is nothing physically wrong with

me and refer me to a psychologist and just put it down to

fibromyalgia. I have been referred to specialist and I always then

end up being referred to a psychologist or put on anti-depressants

even though I'm not currently depressed.

> Just keep the doses low so you feel good while you chelate and make

it your

> priority to get proper hormone testing, as you need


> adrenals and thyroid for chelation to go smoothly.

> DeanSA

I think I will wait to increase my dose and remain at 12.5mg for the

moment as I don't have any symptoms now on that dose until I can get

a saliva cortisol test and the right treatment.

Thank you so much!


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> Can you tell me what factors indicate the adrenal and thyroid ratio?

Hi Josie,

Adrenal = Na/Mg (1-5)

Thyroid K/Ca (0.030 - 0.350) and to a lessor extent Na/K (see report)

> My thyroid blood test in May this year showed:

> TSH 3.29

> Free T4 15.6

Without the free T3 also these tests really don't tell you much.

TSH for optimal health should be quite low in the range. The lower 5th even.

T3 in the top quarter and T4 in the top third.

> My antibodies were also in normal range.

You are luck about that as it is much harder to treat a thyroid that has


>I do believe the TSH should

> not be classified as normal though from what I have read.

Yes, yours is too high. Might not be out of normal range, but too high.

Especially for CFS, almost all CFS/Fibro patients need thyroid hormone (and

taurine and magnesium).

Teitlebaum's book is fantastic for all this info.

> Unfortunately my doctors say there is absolutely nothing wrong with

> my thyroid and adrenals and will not do further tests despite me

> asking for them, I have tried all the doctors in the area all with

> fail. If my cortisol blood tests and thyroid come back within

> their 'normal range' they say there is nothing physically wrong with

> me and refer me to a psychologist and just put it down to

> fibromyalgia. I have been referred to specialist and I always then

> end up being referred to a psychologist or put on anti-depressants

> even though I'm not currently depressed.

I'm sorry to say but this is typical. The only way is to use this group and

do it on your own, and then find doctors that you don't have to convince

about anything to help with scripts. (even if it means flying over the


> I think I will wait to increase my dose and remain at 12.5mg for the

> moment as I don't have any symptoms now on that dose until I can get

> a saliva cortisol test and the right treatment.

> Thank you so much!

Yes, and your temperatures and signs and symptoms are just as important as

lab tests.


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