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Re: TSH , fT4 ,fT3

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> They are as follows:


> TSH 0.7 mU/L (0.40 - 4.00)

> fT4 13 pmol/L (10 - 20)

> fT3 6.9pmol/L (2.8 - 6.8)


> His hair tests are No. 181


> ---------Have you done any chelation with him yet? If not, it

looks like the supplementing is helping him excrete stuff, by the

higher toxic metals in the second hair test. Is he doing/feeling

better? Does he show any signs of adrenal fatigue/stress? His hair

test might somewhat point to that. You might want to consider some

adrenal support, and maybe that has something to do with the thyroid

numbers also. I think the higher thyroid numbers could be stressing

his adrenals. (Does that make sense to others?)


> Otherwise, do you have HTI, the hair test book? You might want

to get that to read about all the other metals he is excreting and

look for possible sources of exposure, if you haven't done so yet.


> Good luck, and I hope I made some sense!---------Jackie

In answer to the above we had done 1-2 rounds of DMSA and about 5

months of supps between the 2 tests but what I'm not sure about due

to my lack of knowledge is: Even though his 1st test does'nt meet the

counting rules to my inexperienced eye they do seem suspicious

especially as aluminium, antimony and tin are quite raised so

therefore if he is mercury toxic does this mean that the toxic levels

and essential elements are fairly irrelevant due to deranged mineral

transportation or are the supps making a difference?

His Na/mg was 42:1 (ref range 1-5) and he does fit the profile for

high adrenaline (p112 HTI).

His behaviours can be very on and off, days of screaming and tantrums

and days of not too bad at all which makes me wonder about yeast but

( I'm probably wrong) if he had yeast would'nt he be tantrumming non-


I am truly grateful for any replies




> Thanks

> Kenny







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