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Re: Hair test number 201 - comments please - very long post!

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Hi ,

Thanks for the reply. I thought most of the info was posted in the

hair test questions that I had my amalgams removed etc.

I am already supporting my adrenals with:

Vitamin C 3g divided in 3 doses

Vitamin B5 200,g morning and lunch (was taking 3 x day but think it

was keeping me awake)

B complex high potency morning and lunch

I have just started Bio Adrenal Boost x 1 a day, will increase dose

soon(containing Amla extract 150mg, Sutherlandia extract 60mg,

Astragalus 60mg, Piper Nigrum 30mg, African ginger 30mg, Rooibos

extract 30mg)

Vitamin E 330mg twice a day

Other supplements I currently take are:

Thyroboost x 1 a day (containing L-tyrosine 250mg, Kelp 100mg,

Gentian 50mg, garcinia cambogia 20mg). I haven't increased the dose

as I wanted to check my adrenals are stable first.

Milk thistle 650mg divided into 3 doses

Flax seed oil 3g per day

Viridian Digestive Aid (containing Betaine hydrochloride 100mg,

Ginger root 75mg, peppermint leaf powder 75mg, Lipase 50mg, amylase

40mg, protease 15mg, amylglucosidase 10mg)

Viridian L-glutamine 100g powder tice a day

Viridian Probiotic blend powder twice a day

Viridian Balanced zinc complex 15mg 3 x day (also contains copper

1mg, Vitamin A 500iu)The day I increased this to 100mg divided, I

seemed to get migraines until I lowered the dose again.

Calcium 800mg, magnesium 350mg, boron 2mg, malic acid 1180mg powder 3

x day

Folic acid 800mcg & B12 sublingual 25mcg twice a day

Viridian Co-enzyme Q 10 230mg divided into 3 doses

Tramahexadol 50mg twice a day - as a painkiller daily

I really want to avoid hydrocortisone unless I absolutely need it and

have ordered some licorice extract and astragalus too.

I will hopefully get a saliva cortisol test done as soon as I find

somewhere that will do it without a doctor.

I don't work and spend my days trying to get better. Before having my

amalgams out on 18th July 2008, I started exercising gradually(which

I haven't been able to do for 18 months due to CFS). My volunteer

work was too stressful so I know it had an impact.

I eat as much organic food a possible, am vegetarian and have been

all my life and am very health conscious when it comes to nutrition

as I used to work in animal nutrition. I don't have any caffeine,

sweeteners, msg, hardly any processed foods or sugar and eat lots of

things such as flax seed cereal with plain yoghurt etc, etc. I steam

all my veggies or have them lightly stir fryed in olive oil and I

only use himalyan crystal salt. I drink fresh ginger root tea every

morning, a glass of vegetable juice and a teaspoon of himalayan brine


I started DMSA with 12.5mg for 3 days and nights, I was much better

on round than off round as my adrenals seemed to crash off round in

between the first 3 rounds as I had depressive episodes such as

crying for an hour then I would be ok later in the day. The last 2

rounds I haven't had any esxtra symptoms or felt any different on or

off round so I was thinking of extending the round or increasing my

dose to 18.5mg?

My health history - is very long! I have generally been well in

childhood with no major illnesses. At the age of 23 in 2003, I used

to work in an office on a helpline and developed a neck strain on the

left side whilst trying to use the phone and type at the same time.

This never went away despite trying many alternative treatments,

seeing doctors etc. Eventually it got worse and spread to other

muscles around my shoulder area, back and migraines over a course of

a year. Probably around 2004 I developed insomnia and couldn't sleep

for approx 6 months with only a couple of hours sleep a night but I

wasn't fatigued the next day. I found an osteopath to prevent me from

getting worse once a week.

The problem deteriorated much worse in 2006 after diagnoses with

fibromyalgia in July 2006. I developed the urge to urinate frequently

and started drinking lots of water (I believe mild diabetes

insipidus), I also became very tired and started to have to go to bed

very early around 9pm. Since October 2006 when I had 4 of my amalgams

removed unsafely I had rapid deterioration since the day after and

had periods of depression, emotional problems such as high anxiety,

loss of confidence, abdominal pain, rib pain, stiffness, nausea every

morning, unable to walk very far, unable to drive and believe I also

developed CFS on top of the fibro.

In June this year - I gave up my full time volunteer work as I also

lost a lot of weight (10kgs in one yr) I only weigh 45kgs now and am

5'7. Since giving up work, I developed a whole routine, complete

lifestyle change, plotting temp graphs, reseraching, exercise

gradually on an exercise machine and lift 1kg weights amongst many

other things.

Thank you for taking the time to read this - I know it's long but my

health history seems to be!


> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I would be grateful for any comments on hair test 201 please

shown on

> > the following link:

> >

> > http://livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/hairtest2.html

> >

> > I have worked out I do not follow any of the counting rules if I


> > correct?



> Right, no counting rules met. That does not rule out mercury

> toxicity. The very low mercury is suspicious. It could be that


> body is having difficulty eliminating mercury - something that is

> common with mercury poisoning because the presence of mercury

> interferes with the enzymes and processes of detoxification.



> > and looks like my magnesium and calcium levels are high.



> Yes, and sodium and potassium are relatively low in comparison. It

> could be that there are adrenal problems. It would be good to check

> your symptoms against symptoms of adrenal insufficiency.


> your age, you may be in the early stages. A saliva cortisol test


> be helpful as well. Read the adrenal section of " Amalgam Illness " .

> There are many things that you can consider to support your


> starting with diet, supplement, and lifestyle modification.



> My

> > mercury is very low and Uranium high from what I can see?

> >



> The low mercury actually makes one suspicious that mercury may be


> underlying cause of health problems. The high uranium often occurs

> because of foods grown in local soils. It is not a great concern,


> you can read more about it in Andy's " Hair Test Interpretation " book

> or by searching archives using www.onibasu.com




> > Should I continue with chelation with DMSA?



> I assume that you have removed all amalgams? Chelators should not


> taken until all amalgam has been safely removed and sources of

> exposure stopped.


> What have you tried so far with DMSA. Any side effects or

> improvements with chelation confirm toxicity - this is really the

> ultimate test.


> I would like to know more about your history and what happens when


> chelate, but off the top of my head I would say continue chelation.



> If the mercury is very

> > low and might show that I don't excrete mercury well then would

it be

> > better to start the ALA sooner?



> ALA can be started 3 months after amalgam removal. The reason to

> start ALA as soon as possible is because ALA is what takes the


> out of organs and the brain, and is what will ultimately cure the




> - does this mean I have a low body

> > burden of mercury?

> >



> No, not at all. In fact it may indicate the opposite.




> > I have so far done 5 rounds DMSA at 12.5mg for 3 days on, 3 days


> >



> It would help if you tell us details of your health history, and


> you experienced with chelation.


> If you are not experiencing any side effects with chelation or after

> you stop rounds, you could consider increasing the doses (increase


> at a time).


> J




> > Thank you

> >

> > Josie

> >


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