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Reducing round after-effects through last dose hydration

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Hi Everyone,

I have been trying something which really seems to

help with side effects after rounds of DMSA. I would

really be interested to hear if it works for other


I have always had pretty noticeable after-effects two

days after finishing rounds of DMSA. Cutler's

argument that these side-effects are a result of

redistribution after the chelator wears off makes

sense to me. I am on my 21st round and am at 25mg,

and I have always had side-effects.

I figured if I could increase the percentage of the

last dose of DMSA which was excreted, I might be able

to reduce after-round effects. Since excretion is

urinary, drinking lots of water during and just after

the last dose could be expected to increase excretion

of whatever DMSA was in my system. If more was

excreted, then there would be less in my system to

wear off and cause redistribution.

So I started hydrating intensively from the time I

took my last dose until about 6 hours afterwards. I

would drink as much as 4 or 5 liters of water in this

period. I have tried this twice and both times I had

no after-round effects at all. Last round I tried not

hydrating and had after-round effects again. I'm

convinced this works for me, so I am going to hydrate

intensively from now on.

I will be interested to hear if this helps anyone else

or if anyone tries it. If this does what I think it

might, it could help to reduce redistribution effects.

Good luck,


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Having to do with the same theory that the kidneys need to be

addressed , I take extra nettle tea, and D-mannose . My

kidneys were very bad , prechelation with aching and many

infections. In my case the bacteria out of wack was e-coli . I

had to go to the bathroom alot.. often getting cystitis , then

taking antibiotics , but it returning in a short time.

I used to take chrysanthemum tea you can get very cheap

at a chinese store, was not too bad, Better are d-mannose and

nettle tea for me.

Nettle tea is a nice subtle tasting herb. D-mannose is specific

for e-coli ,

I have seen an improvement with every chelation/ I am having

to take less and less supports. and not having the same



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