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Bad reaction to Anti-Viral meds?

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I started taking Acyclovir as an anti-viral 4 days ago and I have been

downhill since the first dose. Has this happened to anyone?

My doc () suggested I have a chronic viral infection, which makes

sense for me and seems to happen to mercury people. She suggested I

take an anti-viral for a month and see if it helps me any.

I have been on it for 4 days and feel terrible. Each day has seen me

go worse and worse into full regression of all my mercury symptoms,

some that haven't been bad for months. I am suffering.

Has anyone else had something like this happen?

I don't know if I can expect to bounce back, or if I will continue to

regress. I also can't seem to figure out why an anti-viral would make

a lot of my symptoms worse. I would understand if inflammation and

fatigue got worse, but my vision and brain symptoms have gotten

exacerbated too.

I have actually started my next chelation round tonight (a day early),

in hopes that will help me feel better - I tend to feel better on rounds.

Any suggested folks?


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I seem to lose muscle every time I try anything antiviral but haven't

noticed mercury symptoms getting worse, besides yeast.

My impression from reading the mb12valtrex list is that people who

have tried both acyclovir and valtrex find that valtrex works better.

Andy's previous comments on antivirals suggests trying different OTC

antivirals before trying rx antivirals due to potential side effects.






> Hi-


> I started taking Acyclovir as an anti-viral 4 days ago and I have


> downhill since the first dose. Has this happened to anyone?


> My doc () suggested I have a chronic viral infection, which


> sense for me and seems to happen to mercury people. She suggested I

> take an anti-viral for a month and see if it helps me any.


> I have been on it for 4 days and feel terrible. Each day has seen me

> go worse and worse into full regression of all my mercury symptoms,

> some that haven't been bad for months. I am suffering.


> Has anyone else had something like this happen?


> I don't know if I can expect to bounce back, or if I will continue


> regress. I also can't seem to figure out why an anti-viral would


> a lot of my symptoms worse. I would understand if inflammation and

> fatigue got worse, but my vision and brain symptoms have gotten

> exacerbated too.


> I have actually started my next chelation round tonight (a day


> in hopes that will help me feel better - I tend to feel better on



> Any suggested folks?

> -Ed


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In frequent-dose-chelation Ed wrote:


I started taking Acyclovir as an anti-viral 4 days ago and I have been

downhill since the first dose. Has this happened to anyone?

----------I have not used this myself, but since you were affected by the

first dose, have you contacted about this? I certainly


My doc () suggested I have a chronic viral infection, which makes

sense for me and seems to happen to mercury people. She suggested I

take an anti-viral for a month and see if it helps me any.

-----------Yes, I also believe this theory that the mercury compromises our

immune systems and doesn't allow us to get rid of viruses, so they just hang

around in our bodies. It has definitely been part of my problem. I take *lots*

of immune boosting things now, and it seems to help. I'm not sure why she

recommended the above, and not other natural agents, but each case is

individual. Have you tried other anti-virals or immune boosters?---------Jackie

I have been on it for 4 days and feel terrible. Each day has seen me

go worse and worse into full regression of all my mercury symptoms,

some that haven't been bad for months. I am suffering.

Has anyone else had something like this happen?

---------I really hope you have talked to about this. It sounds like

maybe you should stop taking it. And I know exactly how it feels to have a

bad/full regression of mercury symptoms, especially after feeling better for

awhile. This happened to me two years ago, after my appendix ruptured and I had

lots of antibiotics. What seemed to do me in was the second course of Levaquin.

I spiraled downhill after that, with what felt like a huge redistribution and

return of many mercury symptoms. So I really feel for you Ed. Now I have no

idea what for sure actually happened to me, because I did have really bad yeast

too, but it's hard for me to believe that that caused all of my symptoms.

Anyway, I have no idea if what you took is similar at all, but it seems that at

least *some* of these antibiotics/medicines aren't good for us toxic


I don't know if I can expect to bounce back, or if I will continue to

regress. I also can't seem to figure out why an anti-viral would make

a lot of my symptoms worse. I would understand if inflammation and

fatigue got worse, but my vision and brain symptoms have gotten

exacerbated too.

----------Couple of things come to mind. I believe there is a viral file at

A-M, and it says that doing the anti-viral thing can be tougher than chelating,

that you will feel worse while you push these viruses out of your body. So

maybe it's working, maybe too good, and you're having alot of die-off? Also, I

think it was that has had alot of die-off symptoms from taking

Berberis (I think?), I believe it was anti-parasitic though, but had quite a

reaction to that. I think she was taking ASG up to four times a day to help

with this. So you could try that.--------Jackie

I have actually started my next chelation round tonight (a day early),

in hopes that will help me feel better - I tend to feel better on rounds.

----------Worth a try. How do you feel today? Any better?--------Jackie

Any suggested folks?

----------I strongly suggest you talk to about this, and whether or not

you should continue taking it. Otherwise, I think there are alot of other

anti-viral and immune boosting options you could try, that might be gentler. It

just scares me that you seem to be reacting how I did to the Levaquin, and it's

not a good feeling, I know. So I hope you are doing better, and keep us posted.

Good luck------Jackie


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thanks for the reply Jackie :)

A quick update:

1) I contacted and am waiting for her to get back to me

regarding whether my reaction was expected or I should try something

else. I was hoping other might have ideas...its seems like the A-M

group is a better resource on virals.

2) I feel much better today, from the chelation round I started last

night. I woke up much better this morning - almost as well as before I

started the Acyclovir.

My thoughts so far:

I was going to stop the Acyclovir until I read some of the viral info

on A-M. It seems like my reaction is ok.

From how I interpret a few posts I read, during and after anti-viral

therapy, the body can excrete more mercury. Definitely happening to

me...its almost like a super dumping phase! I know its mercury because

the chelation I started is improving thing.

Secondly I read that anti-virals can cause the body to absorb more

cysteine from foods. I have issues with sulfur foods and NAC, and if I

was getting even more cysteine from eating, I think it could cause

more mercury to wriggle around.

I will see how I do when not on round and what comes back with

as to whether I continue.

I am also going to start taking Epicor. I was thinking about taking

Olive Leaf too, but I'm afraid too much will make me feel super super

bad :)

Thanks guys,


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In frequent-dose-chelation Ed wrote:

thanks for the reply Jackie :)

---------You're welcome. Not sure if I was much help :) --------Jackie

A quick update:

1) I contacted and am waiting for her to get back to me

regarding whether my reaction was expected or I should try something

else. I was hoping other might have ideas...its seems like the A-M

group is a better resource on virals.

----------I'm glad you contacted . She is the one to ask. But it is

good to ask here also, to see if anyone has had a similar experience. And I

agree, A-M and posts by Andy is where I learned about virals.---------Jackie

2) I feel much better today, from the chelation round I started last

night. I woke up much better this morning - almost as well as before I

started the Acyclovir.

----------I'm very glad to hear this. I really didn't know if this anti-viral

would be anything like the antibiotics I had trouble with, but just wanted to

share my experience, in case it was. And I have had other antibiotics, and

didn't have a bad reaction, beyond the normal increase in yeast.----------Jackie

My thoughts so far:

I was going to stop the Acyclovir until I read some of the viral info

on A-M. It seems like my reaction is ok.

From how I interpret a few posts I read, during and after anti-viral

therapy, the body can excrete more mercury. Definitely happening to

me...its almost like a super dumping phase! I know its mercury because

the chelation I started is improving things.

Secondly I read that anti-virals can cause the body to absorb more

cysteine from foods. I have issues with sulfur foods and NAC, and if I

was getting even more cysteine from eating, I think it could cause

more mercury to wriggle around.

I will see how I do when not on round and what comes back with

as to whether I continue.

------------Thanks for posting this info, maybe some links to certain posts

would be nice, or was this in the links to onibasu/wiki that Jay gave (thanks

Jay!)? I don't remember reading about the cysteine connection, that is

interesting., but I have always believed there is some strong connection between

viruses and mercury and our immunity.

And yes, keep us posted, because I am interested in what has to say, and

also how you do when off round, and how you do if you continue the anti-viral


I am also going to start taking Epicor. I was thinking about taking

Olive Leaf too, but I'm afraid too much will make me feel super super

bad :)

-----------Well, probably just try one thing at a time. has me on

Epicor and Del Immune V, and I have taken OLE at different times also, amongst a

host of other things :) Someone asked me about this in another post, so I

need to find that and answer it.----------Jackie

Thanks guys,


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> Any suggested folks?

> -Ed

Have you stopped the Acyclovir, and if so, any improvement since dropping it?

I'm wary of Acyclovir's safety, and might try OTC anti-virals first, and/or

immune system


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